01 _Unsorted Common Nouns Flashcards
The House
-s Haus
The Industry
-e Industrie
The dressing room
-s Ankleidezimmer
The garden shed
-e Gartenhütte
The behind (ass)
-r Hintern
The video recorder
-r Videorekorder
The bedroom
-s Schlafzimmer
The bed
-s Bett
The pillow
-s Kopfkissen
The garden
-r Garten
The towel
-s Handtuch
The writing desk
-r Schreibtisch, -e
The sink
-r Abfluss
The armchair
-r Armsessel
The hall
-r Flur oder -r Korridor
The bedside table
-r Nachttisch
The attic
-r Dachboden
The hairbrush
-e Haarbürste
The cd player
-r CD-Player
The learning poster
-s Lernplakat
The stair
-e Trappe
The earring
-r Ohrring, -er
The hoodie
-e Kapuzenpullover
The blouse
-e Bluse, -n
The sock
-e Socke, -n
The tie
-e Krawatte, -n
The shoe
-r Schuh, -e
The cap
-e Mütze, -n
The pants
-e Hose, -n
The green bean
-e grüne Bohne, -n
The keyboard
-e Tastatur
The runner beans
-e Strangenbohne, -n
The whipped cream
-e Schlagsahne
The orange
-e Orange, -n oder -e Apfelsine, -n
The salad
-r Salat
The dress
-s Kleid, -er
The study (room)
-s Arbeitzimmer
The photograph
-s Photo/Foto
The broom cupboard
-e Besenkammer
The wardrobe
-e Garderobe
The soap
-e Seife
The shower
-e Brause
The mug/cup
-e Tasse
The (red) pepper
-e Paprika
The cheesecake
-e Käsekuchen
The mouse
-e Maus
The coffee
-r Kaffee
The milk
-e Milch
The vinegar
-r Essig
The pasta
-e Nudeln
The sponge
-r Schwamm
The blackboard
-e Tafel
The fountain pen
-r Fuller
The ballpoint pen
-r Kuli
The seasoning
-s Gewürz, -e
The turkey
-r Truthahn oder -s Putenfleisch
The stocking
-r Stumpf, Stümpfe
The bracelet
-s Armband
The overhead projector
-r Overhead-projektor
The table
-r Tisch
The computer
-r Computer
The undershirt/string vest
-s Unterhemd, -en
The slip/underskirt
-r Unterrock, -ö -e
The shorts
-e Shorts
The cordoroy pants
-e Cordhose
The boot
-r Stiefel, -
The glove
-r Handschuh, -e
The costume/suit
-s Kostüm, -e
The hat
-r Hut
The slipper
-r Hausschuh, -e
The sarong
-r Sarong
The tea
-r Tee
The onion
-e Zweibel, -n
The fried egg
-s Spiegelei
The scrambled egg
-s Rührei
The poached egg
-s pochierte Ei oder -s verlorene Ei
The strawberry
-e Erdberre, -n
The pate
-e Leberwurst
The biscuit
-r Keks, -e
The zuccini/courgette
-e Zucchini
The table spoon
-s Esslöffel, -
The eraser
-r Radiergummi
The white wine vinegar
-r Weißweinessig
The flour
-s Mehl
The beef
-s Rindfleish
The bag of crisps
-e Tüte Chips
The pot of yogurt
-e Becher Jogurt
The piece
-s Stück
The ham
-r Schinken
The lemon
-e Zitrone, -n
The fruit
-s Obst
The cold
-e Kälte
The snow
-r Schnee
The wind
-r Wind
The rain
-r Regen
The cloud
-e Wolke, -n
The cheese
-r Käse
The apple
-r Apfel, -ä -
The (ladys) trouser suit
-r Hosenanzug