01-06 Hyperlipoproteinemia Flashcards
—particles: HDL
—biochemistry: activates LCAT which converts HDL to HDL2 by esterifying cholesterol in the HDL molecule
—particles: chylomicrons
—biochemistry: interacts with a B receptor
—clinical utility
—particles: VLDL, ILDL, LDL
—biochemistry: interacts with LDLR
—particles: VLDL
—biochemistry: activates LPL
—particles: HDL, VLDL, chylomicrons
—biochemistry: required for receptor binding
—clinical utility
—particles: lipoprotein (a)
—biochemistry: links to B100
—site of synth
—synth’d in liver
—catalyzes the hydrolysis of TG’s into phospholipids and glycerol, for entry into cells.
—insulin and contact w/ ApoCII
—acts on which particles?
—located where?
It acts on LDL and HDL borne triglycerides.
1) on the endothelium within the liver
2) functions much like LPL – but for liver cells only
—Converts HDL 2 to HDL 3
lecithin cholesterol acyl transferase
—transfers acyl groups from lecithin to cholesterol
to create cholesterol esters.
1) made in the liver
2) Interacts with with apoAI on HDL.
3) converts HDL1 to HDL 2 and HDL 2 to HDL 3
—site of action
cholesterol ester transferase protein
—converts cholesterol esters back to cholesterol for delivery to the liver
—Acts within the HDL particle
SREBP Cleavage Activating Protein
1) Acts as a sensor for intracellular sterols
2) With low intracellular steroids, it binds to SREB-2 to allow S1 and S2 to cleave of SREBP-2’s N terminal segment, which is then activated
3) SCAP is therefore activated by low cholesterol diets cholesterol binding resins niacin statins
sterol responsive element binding protein
1) transcription activating factor
2) on the ER
3) released by protein cleavage
4) acts at the nucleus.
controls genes for de novo cholesterol synthesis, such as (HMGCoA reductase) ;
activated when cytoplasmic levels of cholesterol are low
(as occurs due to treatment for high cholesterol)
Steps in responding to low intracellular [sterol] w/ SREPB
1) SCAP is Modified in Golgi & binds to SREBP
2) SREPB, bound to SCAP relocates to ER; acted on by S1P and S2P (scissors) to release N terminal
3) N terminal of SREBP-2 acts as a transcription actor, increases LDLR
4) increased # of LDLRs on cell surfaces leads to incr uptake of LDL
ATP binding casette protein 1 transfers cholesterol and phospholipids to the cell membrane for pickup by HDL particles
—In the absence of ABC1, cholesterol does not move from the cytoplasm to the outer leaflet of the cell membrane and is therefore unable to interact with the Apo1 of HDL
LDLreceptor interacts with the B100 apoplipoprotein to recognize LDL particles
Paraprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin 9
- secreted protein Binds to LDL R
- Targets LDLR for degradation
- if you mutate/inhibit or decr the [PCSK-9] you ↑ number of LDLR on cell surface
- *novel drug target
PPAR System
PPAR = peroxisome proliferation activating receptor-α
—involved in energy homeostasis
—system of PPAR-α, -∆, (catabolic) and -γ (anabolic)
PPAR-α Specifically:
—target of fibrates (e.g. gemfibrizol)
—together w/ RXR it attracts coactivators
—key determinant of VLDL synthesis: induces transcription of genes that facilitate lipid metab
Equation for total cholesterol?
Total* = LDL* + VLDL + HDL*
- measured
- VLDL = TG/5
- ** calculated from these other numbers
What is “non-HDL” cholesterol and how do we calculate it?
“non-HDL” = total - HDL
—includes: LDL, IDL (known atherogens), VLDL (possible atherogen), ApoB and lipoproteins
—no need to fast before blood draw
—maybe be better at predicting risk in DM2 or FCH
Why do you need to fast before lipid panel?
Triglycerides —> VLDL estimate & LDL_calc
Interpreting the chilled tube test
White on top = chylos —should be absent w/ fasting sample —otherwise = excess chylos Fluid in middle = serum —should be translucent —if cloudy = excess VLDL GEL RBCs
1° Causes of chylomicron excess + presentation
LPL deficiency & apoCII deficiency
—both very rare, recessive conditions
—both cause: TGs 1000-2000mg/dL, pancreatitis, eruptive xanthomas
1° Causes of VLDL excess + presentation
Familial hypertriglyceridemia
—common (1%) dominant inheritance
—TGs 250-1000 & pancreatitis
FCH: see separate card
Causes both VLDL & LDL excess
—dom. inher
—thought to be due to excessive VLDL synth
—↑ chol, TGs, VLDL and LDL
—variable presentation: eruptive and tuberous xanthomas, ASCVD,
1° Causes of ILDL excess + presentation
remnant removal dz (familial dysbetalipoproteinemia, Hyperbetalipoproteinemia)
—super rare, recessive condition
—must have ApoE2
—cholesterol is = to TG which is abnl (usu TGs < chol when fasting)
—palmar and tuberous xanthomas; ASCVD
1° Causes of LDL excess + presentation
1. Familial Hypercholesterolemia —defect in LDL-R —0.2% and dominant inher —homozygotes die before 20 —heteros: chol = 350-550; ASCVD; tendon xanthomas
- Familial Defective Apo B100
—0.2% also, but recessive (vs. FH)
—same presentation as hetero FH: chol = 350-550; ASCVD; tendon xanthomas - FCH (see card)
- Polygenic Hypercholesterolemia
—diet induced?
Tendon xanthomas occur on which tendons?
—don’t know why
periorbital lipid deposits
Tangier’s Dz
1° cause of HYPERlipidemia —very rare —mutation in ACB1 (bring chol outer leaflet of cell) —low HDL —ASCVD
Lp(a) Excess
LDL w/ a side chain
—High Lp(a), ASCVD
2° Causes of Chylomicron Excess
—Lipid Panel Results?
—↑ TGs
—CRF (chronic renal failure?)
2° Causes of VLDL Excess
—Lipid Panel Results?
—Labs: ↑ TGs and Chol —DDx: Alcohol Carbohydrate inducible CRF Uncontrolled DM HAART Nephrotic syndrome (highest chol you'll see!) Estrogens
2° Causes of LDL Excess
—Lipid Panel Results?
—Labs ↑ Chol —DDx: Hypothyroidism Nephrotic syndrome Obstructive liver disease (chol = 2000-4000!)
Health hazard of ↑ chylos?
—diet restriction of sat fat & EtOH
—fish oil
Health hazard of ↑ VLDL?
pancreatitis and fatty liver —restrict sat fat, carbs, EtOH —PPARα agonists (fibrates) —Niacin —These drugs slow release of VLDL from liver
Health hazard of ↑ ILDL?
atherosclerosis and fatty liver TREAT LIKE ↑ VLDL: —restrict sat fat, carbs, EtOH —PPARα agonists (fibrates) —Niacin
Health hazard of ↑ LDL?
—Diet: ↓chol & sat fat (↓7-15%)
—Bile acid sequestrants: cholestyramine, Welchol
—HMG CoA reductase inhib: statins (↓30-65%)
—Chol transport inhib: eztemibe (↓20%)
—Red Rice Yeast (↓10-25%)
Health hazard of ↓ HDL?
Case 03
A 28 year old woman presents because she is ‘worried about my heart”. Her brother had a heart attack at 36 and her sister had a heart attack at 40. There is a family history of heart attacks before the age of 50 going back at least 2 generations, and nobody on her fathers side seems to live past 60. Her blood pressure is 110/60 and she does not smoke. She is eating a lowfat diet and exercises regularly. She is using an oral contraceptive. On exam, she has thickened achilles tendons
Fasting lipids: Chol 360 TG 85 HDL 40 LDL 303
** the lab calls – the tube was chilled in transit . There was no layering and the serum was clear
- What particle, if any, is in abnormal amounts?
- What is DDx?
- What is health risk?
- What are tx options?
- What particle, if any, is in excess?
Normal TG, markedly elevated cholesterol, normal HDL Excess LDL - What is the differential diagnosis
If primary: FCH, familial hypercholesterolemia
If secondary: high cholesterol diet, hypothyroidism nephrosis, biliary disease - What is the health risk?
Early atherosclerotic disease: MI, CVA, PVD - What are the treatment options?
Medications: diet + statins +/- ezetimbe
Trigs and athero?
some epidemological associations but Weak to no correlation w/ multi-variate analysis
Atherosclorotic lipids?
LDL (esp oxidized) ILDL Small Dense VLDL Lipoprotein B particles NOT: chylos, usual VLDL or ?TGs
Case 01
40 year old man presents with abdominal pain, sometimes severe and disabling, over the last 6 months. It is occasionally associated with vomitting. There is a family history of pancreatitis. He is on no medications
He eats three meals a day and usually purchases lunch out- typically a burger and fries or a pizza. He drinks 2-4 beers in the evening.
Fasting lipids: Chol 190 TG 3500 HDL 20 LDL (not calc)
** the lab calls – the tube was chilled in transit and showed up with a thick white layer occupying the top; the serum was clear
- What particle, if any, is in abnormal amounts?
- What is DDx?
- What is health risk?
- What are tx options?
No LDL calc b/c chylos so high
- What particle, if any, is in abnormal amounts?
Markedly elevated TG, relatively normal cholesterol Excess Chylomicrons, low HDL - What is the differential diagnosis
If 1°: LPL or C-II deficiency If 2°: ? Renal failure - What is the health risk ?
Pancreatitis - What are the treatment options?
Dietary: low fat diet, alcohol avoidance
Case 02
A 35 year old woman presents to your office. She has been referred because she has very high serum lipids. Her grandmother died of a heart attack at 95 years of age. She is in otherwise good health. She eats three meals a day and is following a very lowfat diet because “it is healthier”. She is 10 lbs over ideal body weight. She takes a multivitamin each day and a birth control pill.
Fasting lipids: Chol 240 TG 800 HDL 30 LDL (not calc)
** the lab calls – the tube was chilled in transit . There was no layering but the serum was cloudy
- What particle, if any, is in abnormal amounts?
- What is DDx?
- What is health risk?
- What are tx options?
- What particle, if any, is in excess?
Markedly elevated TG, elevated cholesterol, low HDL Excess VLDL , low HDL - What is the differential diagnosis?
If 1°: FCH, familial hyperTG, If 2°: high carb diet (from her low fat diet!), estrogens - What is the health risk?
Pancreatitis, possibly increased atherosclerosis - What are the treatment options?
Stop estrogens, balance diet, consider niacin or fibrates
Case 03
A 28 year old woman presents because she is ‘worried about my heart”. Her brother had a heart attack at 36 and her sister had a heart attack at 40. There is a family history of heart attacks before the age of 50 going back at least 2 generations, and nobody on her fathers side seems to live past 60. Her blood pressure is 110/60 and she does not smoke. She is eating a lowfat diet and exercises regularly. She is using an oral contraceptive. On exam, she has thickened achilles tendons
Fasting lipids: Chol 360 TG 85 HDL 40 LDL 303
** the lab calls – the tube was chilled in transit . There was no layering and the serum was clear
- What particle, if any, is in abnormal amounts?
- What is DDx?
- What is health risk?
- What are tx options?
- What particle, if any, is in excess?
Normal TG, markedly elevated cholesterol, normal HDL Excess LDL - What is the differential diagnosis
If primary: FCH, familial hypercholesterolemia
If secondary: high cholesterol diet, hypothyroidism nephrosis, biliary disease - What is the health risk?
Early atherosclerotic disease: MI, CVA, PVD - What are the treatment options?
Medications: diet + statins +/- ezetimbe
Health hazard of ↑ chylos?
—diet restriction of sat fat & EtOH
—fish oil
Health hazard of ↑ VLDL?
pancreatitis and fatty liver —restrict sat fat, carbs, EtOH —PPARα agonists (fibrates) —Niacin —These drugs slow release of VLDL from liver
Health hazard of ↑ ILDL?
atherosclerosis and fatty liver TREAT LIKE ↑ VLDL: —restrict sat fat, carbs, EtOH —PPARα agonists (fibrates) —Niacin
Health hazard of ↑ LDL?
—Diet: ↓chol & sat fat (↓7-15%)
—Bile acid sequestrants: cholestyramine, Welchol
—HMG CoA reductase inhib: statins (↓30-65%)
—Chol transport inhib: eztemibe (↓20%)
—Red Rice Yeast (↓10-25%)
Health hazard of ↓ HDL?
Health hazard of ↑ Lipo(a)?
Trigs and athero?
some epidemological associations but Weak to no correlation w/ multi-variate analysis
Atherosclorotic lipids?
LDL (esp oxidized) ILDL Small Dense VLDL Lipoprotein B particles NOT: chylos, usual VLDL or ?TGs
Case 01
40 year old man presents with abdominal pain, sometimes severe and disabling, over the last 6 months. It is occasionally associated with vomitting. There is a family history of pancreatitis. He is on no medications
He eats three meals a day and usually purchases lunch out- typically a burger and fries or a pizza. He drinks 2-4 beers in the evening.
Fasting lipids: Chol 190 TG 3500 HDL 20 LDL (not calc)
** the lab calls – the tube was chilled in transit and showed up with a thick white layer occupying the top; the serum was clear
- What particle, if any, is in abnormal amounts?
- What is DDx?
- What is health risk?
- What are tx options?
No LDL calc b/c chylos so high
- What particle, if any, is in abnormal amounts?
Markedly elevated TG, relatively normal cholesterol Excess Chylomicrons, low HDL - What is the differential diagnosis
If 1°: LPL or C-II deficiency If 2°: ? Renal failure - What is the health risk ?
Pancreatitis - What are the treatment options?
Dietary: low fat diet, alcohol avoidance
Case 02
A 35 year old woman presents to your office. She has been referred because she has very high serum lipids. Her grandmother died of a heart attack at 95 years of age. She is in otherwise good health. She eats three meals a day and is following a very lowfat diet because “it is healthier”. She is 10 lbs over ideal body weight. She takes a multivitamin each day and a birth control pill.
Fasting lipids: Chol 240 TG 800 HDL 30 LDL (not calc)
** the lab calls – the tube was chilled in transit . There was no layering but the serum was cloudy
- What particle, if any, is in abnormal amounts?
- What is DDx?
- What is health risk?
- What are tx options?
- What particle, if any, is in excess?
Markedly elevated TG, elevated cholesterol, low HDL Excess VLDL , low HDL - What is the differential diagnosis?
If 1°: FCH, familial hyperTG, If 2°: high carb diet (from her low fat diet!), estrogens - What is the health risk?
Pancreatitis, possibly increased atherosclerosis - What are the treatment options?
Stop estrogens, balance diet, consider niacin or fibrates
Case 03
A 28 year old woman presents because she is ‘worried about my heart”. Her brother had a heart attack at 36 and her sister had a heart attack at 40. There is a family history of heart attacks before the age of 50 going back at least 2 generations, and nobody on her fathers side seems to live past 60. Her blood pressure is 110/60 and she does not smoke. She is eating a lowfat diet and exercises regularly. She is using an oral contraceptive. On exam, she has thickened achilles tendons
Fasting lipids: Chol 360 TG 85 HDL 40 LDL 303
** the lab calls – the tube was chilled in transit . There was no layering and the serum was clear
- What particle, if any, is in abnormal amounts?
- What is DDx?
- What is health risk?
- What are tx options?
- What particle, if any, is in excess?
Normal TG, markedly elevated cholesterol, normal HDL Excess LDL - What is the differential diagnosis
If primary: FCH, familial hypercholesterolemia
If secondary: high cholesterol diet, hypothyroidism nephrosis, biliary disease - What is the health risk?
Early atherosclerotic disease: MI, CVA, PVD - What are the treatment options?
Medications: diet + statins +/- ezetimbe
Health hazard of ↑ chylos?
—diet restriction of sat fat & EtOH
—fish oil
Case 03
A 28 year old woman presents because she is ‘worried about my heart”. Her brother had a heart attack at 36 and her sister had a heart attack at 40. There is a family history of heart attacks before the age of 50 going back at least 2 generations, and nobody on her fathers side seems to live past 60. Her blood pressure is 110/60 and she does not smoke. She is eating a lowfat diet and exercises regularly. She is using an oral contraceptive. On exam, she has thickened achilles tendons
Fasting lipids: Chol 360 TG 85 HDL 40 LDL 303
** the lab calls – the tube was chilled in transit . There was no layering and the serum was clear
- What particle, if any, is in abnormal amounts?
- What is DDx?
- What is health risk?
- What are tx options?
- What particle, if any, is in excess?
Normal TG, markedly elevated cholesterol, normal HDL Excess LDL - What is the differential diagnosis
If primary: FCH, familial hypercholesterolemia
If secondary: high cholesterol diet, hypothyroidism nephrosis, biliary disease - What is the health risk?
Early atherosclerotic disease: MI, CVA, PVD - What are the treatment options?
Medications: diet + statins +/- ezetimbe
Health hazard of ↑ VLDL?
pancreatitis and fatty liver —restrict sat fat, carbs, EtOH —PPARα agonists (fibrates) —Niacin —These drugs slow release of VLDL from liver
Health hazard of ↑ ILDL?
atherosclerosis and fatty liver TREAT LIKE ↑ VLDL: —restrict sat fat, carbs, EtOH —PPARα agonists (fibrates) —Niacin
Health hazard of ↑ LDL?
—Diet: ↓chol & sat fat (↓7-15%)
—Bile acid sequestrants: cholestyramine, Welchol
—HMG CoA reductase inhib: statins (↓30-65%)
—Chol transport inhib: eztemibe (↓20%)
—Red Rice Yeast (↓10-25%)
Health hazard of ↓ HDL?
Health hazard of ↑ Lipo(a)?
Trigs and athero?
some epidemological associations but Weak to no correlation w/ multi-variate analysis
Atherosclorotic lipids?
LDL (esp oxidized) ILDL Small Dense VLDL Lipoprotein B particles NOT: chylos, usual VLDL or ?TGs
Case 01
40 year old man presents with abdominal pain, sometimes severe and disabling, over the last 6 months. It is occasionally associated with vomitting. There is a family history of pancreatitis. He is on no medications
He eats three meals a day and usually purchases lunch out- typically a burger and fries or a pizza. He drinks 2-4 beers in the evening.
Fasting lipids: Chol 190 TG 3500 HDL 20 LDL (not calc)
** the lab calls – the tube was chilled in transit and showed up with a thick white layer occupying the top; the serum was clear
- What particle, if any, is in abnormal amounts?
- What is DDx?
- What is health risk?
- What are tx options?
No LDL calc b/c chylos so high
- What particle, if any, is in abnormal amounts?
Markedly elevated TG, relatively normal cholesterol Excess Chylomicrons, low HDL - What is the differential diagnosis
If 1°: LPL or C-II deficiency If 2°: ? Renal failure - What is the health risk ?
Pancreatitis - What are the treatment options?
Dietary: low fat diet, alcohol avoidance
Case 02
A 35 year old woman presents to your office. She has been referred because she has very high serum lipids. Her grandmother died of a heart attack at 95 years of age. She is in otherwise good health. She eats three meals a day and is following a very lowfat diet because “it is healthier”. She is 10 lbs over ideal body weight. She takes a multivitamin each day and a birth control pill.
Fasting lipids: Chol 240 TG 800 HDL 30 LDL (not calc)
** the lab calls – the tube was chilled in transit . There was no layering but the serum was cloudy
- What particle, if any, is in abnormal amounts?
- What is DDx?
- What is health risk?
- What are tx options?
- What particle, if any, is in excess?
Markedly elevated TG, elevated cholesterol, low HDL Excess VLDL , low HDL - What is the differential diagnosis?
If 1°: FCH, familial hyperTG, If 2°: high carb diet (from her low fat diet!), estrogens - What is the health risk?
Pancreatitis, possibly increased atherosclerosis - What are the treatment options?
Stop estrogens, balance diet, consider niacin or fibrates