003 Meninges, Ventricular System, and Cerebrospinal Fluid Flashcards
dura mater
Outermost layer
Thickest layer
Composed of dense irregular connective tissue (collagenous)
o Arachnoid mater
Delicate middle layer
Loose connective tissue
Contacts inner surface of dura mater
Arachnoid villi (AKA granulations or pacchionian villi) are specialization of the arachnoid that recycle CSF into the blood
Attached to the pia mater by trabeculae that span the true subarachnoid space which is filled with CSF
Has subarachnoid cisterns which are extended regions of the subarachnoid space that serves as reservoirs of CSF
Pia mater
Very thin layer
Inner layer that is adherent to the CNS
Highly vascular
Denticulate ligaments
• Folds of extra thick pia mater located on the lateral aspects of the spinal cord
• Span the subarachnoid space and attach to the arachnoid
• Help anchor the spinal cord
Filum terminale (AKA filum terminale internum)
• Single midline continuation of the pia mater that attaches the conus medullaris to the inferior aspect of the dural sac
• Anchors end of spinal cord to the vertebral column
Tela choroidea
• Found in specific regions in each of the ventricles of the brain
• Folds of pia mater that support the choroid plexus, which is modified ependymal cells that produce CSF
o Subarachnoid space
Between the arachnoid and the pia mater
Filled with CSF
Denticulate ligaments
- Folds of extra thick pia mater located on the lateral aspects of the spinal cord
- Span the subarachnoid space and attach to the arachnoid
- Help anchor the spinal cord
Filum terminale
(AKA filum terminale internum)
• Single midline continuation of the pia mater that attaches the conus medullaris to the inferior aspect of the dural sac
• Anchors end of spinal cord to the vertebral column
Tela choroidea
- Found in specific regions in each of the ventricles of the brain
- Folds of pia mater that support the choroid plexus, which is modified ependymal cells that produce CSF
Subarachnoid space
Between the arachnoid and the pia mater
Filled with CSF
• define the leptomeninges and pachymeninx
o Leptomeninges
Arachnoid and pia mater
o Pachymeninx
Dura mater
• list the general functions of the meninges
o Protection of CNS
o Keeps the brain and the spinal cord from collapsing under its own weight because CSF keeps them floating
o Involved in the blood supply of the CNS
• compare and contrast the cranial and spinal dura mater
o dura mater is made of two layers that are fused together except at the dural venous sinuses
o Cranial
Periosteal (AKA endosteal)
• Outer layer that forms the periosteum on the inner side of the inner table of the skull bones that form the cranial vault
• Fused to the inside of compact bone of the parts of the skullthat form the cranial cavity
• Inner layer surrounding the brain
• Thinner than periosteal layer
• Inner surface is lined with simple squamous epithelium
• Forms tubular sheaths for cranial nerves as the exit the skull
o Sheaths transition into the epineurium of these nerves once they exit the skull
o The dural sheath of the optic nerve is continuous with the sclera
o Spinal Column
Dura mater only has one layer that corresponds to the meningeal layer in the skull
Ends inferiorly at the level of the 2nd sacral segment
Anchored to the coccyx by the coccygeal ligament
Does NOT attach to the surrounding bone so there is a true epidural space in this region
• Filled with fat and internal vertebral venous plexus
Still forms tubular sheaths like in the cranium
Dural Root sleeves transition into the epineurium of spinal nerves
• explain the epidural and subdural spaces and their clinical significance
o Epidural space
Only exists abnormally when the periosteal layer of the dura mater is torn and fluid is forced between the dura mater and the surrounding bone
o Subdural space
Potential space that exists between the inner surface of the meningeal layer of the dura mater and the arachnoid
Fluid can gather in this space (i.e. hematoma)
• Usually result from damage to external cerebral veins or dural venous sinuses
Falx Cerebri
o Falx Cerebri
Vertical partition that lies in the longitudinal fissure, so it is a single midline structure
• Anteriorly – crista galli of the ethmoid
• Superiorly – midline of cranial vault
• Posteriorly – internal occipital protruberance
• Inferiorly
o Posterior ¼ the midline portion of the tentorium cerebelli
o Anterior ¾ - free edge that does not attach to anything but lies along the corpus callosum
Sinuses associated with falx cerebri
Sinuses • Superior sagittal sinus • Inferior sagittal sinus • Straight sinus • Confluence of sinuses
Falx Cerebelli
Lies between the cerebellar hemispheres
• Anterior – free edge
• Posterior – midline of the skull in the region of the cerebellum
• Superior – falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli
Tentorium Cerebelli
Between the occipital lobes and cerebellum
Tent shaped, with highest portion in the midline, which attaches to the posterior inferior portion of the falx cerebri
Tentorial Notch
• Between the free margin and the dorsum sellae
• Midbrain is in this notch
Peripheral attachments (anterior to posterior)
• Posterior clinoid processes
• Petrous portions of the temporal bones
• Grooves for the transverse sinus
• Internal occipital protruberance
• Transverse sinuses
• Superior petrosal sinus
• Straight sinus
• Confluence of sinuses
Divides the cranial cavity into two
• Supratentorial compartment – contains the forebrain
• Infratentorial compartment – contains the hindbrain
Diaphragm Sellae
Round horizontal sheet that forms a roof over the sella turcica/pituitary fossa
Has a hole in the middle for the infundibulum (pituitary stalk)
• describe blood and nerve supply of the dura mater
o Blood Supply – meningeal arteries Anterior meningeal arteries • Arises from the ophthalmic artery Middle meningeal arteries • Largest • Arises from the maxillary arteries • Enters cranium through foramen spinosum Posterior meningeal arteries • Arise from occipital and/or vertebral arteries o Nerve supply Trigeminal Nerve – ophthalmic division • Anterior cranial fossa • Tentorium cerebelli • Lining of superior aspect of cranial cavity • Falx cerebri Trigeminal nerve – maxillary division • Middle cranial fossa Trigeminal nerve – mandibular division • Middle cranial fossa Vagus nerve • Posterior cranial fossa C1-3 spinal nerves • Posterior cranial fossa Spinal nerves (segmentally) • Spinal dura ***irritation of the dura mater leads to headaches and migraines
• describe the subarachnoid space, including the subarachnoid cisterns
o Cisterna magna o Superior cistern o Mesencephalic cisterns o Interpeduncular cisterns o Chiasmatic cistern o Pontine cistern o Cisterns of the lateral cerebral fissure o Lumbar cistern
Cisterna magna
(AKA cerebellomedullary cistern
Largest cistern
Located posterior to the medulla and inferior to the cerebellum
Just above the foramen magnum
Single midline structure
CSF can be sampled from here but this is rarely done
Superior cistern
(AKA cisterna vena magna cerebri)
Deep in the space between the cerebral hemispheres and the cerebellum
Posterior to the midbrain and superior to the cerebellum
Single midline structure
Contains the great cerebral brain
Mesencephalic cistern
(AKA cisternae ambiens)
NOT midline structures
Located on the lateral sides of the midbrain, so have right and left
Connect superior cisterns and the interpeduncular cisterns
Interpeduncular cisterns
(AKA cisterna basalis) Located between cerebral peduncles Anterior to the midbrain Single midline structure Oculomotor nerve runs through here
Chiasmic cistern
Small dilation of the subarachnoid space located just above the optic chiasm
Single midline structure
Pontine cistern
Anterior to the pons
Contains basilar artery
Single midline structure
Cisterns of the lateral cerebral fissure
NOT midline structures, have right and left
Located in the anterior aspects of the Sylvian fissures
Between the frontal and temporal lobes of the cerebral hemispheres
Lumbar cistern
Only subarachnoid cistern NOT located in the head
In the lower lumbar region of the spine
Contains the cauda equine
Usual place where CSF samples are taken via a lumbar puncture
Single midline structure
• describe the ventricular system of the brain
o The remnants of the neural tube cavity in the region of the brain expand to form the ventricles of the brain lined with ependymal filled with CSF o 4 ventricles in the brain 2 lateral ventricles 3rd ventricle 4th ventricle
Lateral ventricles
(right and left)
Largest of the ventricles
Horseshoe shaped (C-shaped)
Remnants of the neural tube cavity in the region of the telencephalon
Located in the cerebral hemispheres
• Body (AKA pars centralis) – located in the parietal lobe
o Floor is formed by the thalamus
• Anterior horn (AKA anterior cornu) – located in the frontal lobe
o Left and right separated by septum pellucidum
Double glial membrane
Located in the midline
• Posterior horn (AKA posterior cornu) – located in the occipital lobe
• Inferior horn (AKA inferior cornu) – located in the temporal lobe
Other C-shaped structures in relation to lateral ventricles
• Corpus Callosum
• Caudate nucleus
• Hippocampus
Third ventricles
Single structure in the midline
Narrow cleft between the right and left halves of the thalamus
Remnants of the neural tube cavity in the diencephalon
In about 50% of people, the right and left halves of the thalamus form a solid bridge across the 3rd ventricle and meet in the midline
• Called interthalamic adhesion
CSF leaves through the cerebral aqueduct
• Located on the posteroinferior aspect of the 3rd ventricle
• Represents the remnants of the neural tube cavity in the region of the mesencephalon
4th ventricles
Rhombus shaped
Located in the region of the pons and medulla
Represents the remnants of the neural tube in the rhombencephalon (both metencephalon and myelencephalon)
The floor is considered the ventral side (anterior)
• AKA rhomboid fossa
• Consists of the posterior aspect of the pons and upper medulla
The roof is its dorsal side (posterior)
• Made of 2 parts
o Superior medullary vellum (upper ½)
Thin layer of neural tissue that separates the CSF of the 4th ventricle from the cerebellum
o Inferior medullary velum (lower ½ of the roof)
Glial membrane that separates the CSF of the 4th ventricle from the cerebellum
• Cerebral aqueduct – drains the 3rd ventricle into the 4th
• Central canal (of the spinal cord)
o Inferior opening
o represents the continuation of the neural tube cavity into the region of the spinal cord
o The ependyma here produces some serous fluid (that is not true CSF) that mixes with the 4th ventricle at the superior end of the central canal
• Foramen of Magendie (AKA median aperture)
o Single midline opening
o In the posterior aspect of the roof of the 4th ventricle
In the region of the inferior medullary velum
o CSF can leave through this foramen to enter the cisterna magna
• Foramina of (von) Luschka
o Pair of openings (right and left)
o In lateral aspects of 4th ventricle
o CSF can leave through these to enter the pontine cistern of the subarachnoid space
• describe the cerebrospinal fluid
o Produced by the choroid plexus
o A fluid that fills the ventricles of the brain and subarachnoid space
o There is a total of about 150 mL of CSF in the body
o 500 mL is produced daily
o Has a fairly rapid flow rate
o Much gets reabsorbed; it gets totally replaced 3x a day
o Similar in composition to blood plasma, with a few differences in ion concentrations
o Produced by
Active transport of Na from the blood into the ventricles
Water follows Na
• describe the choroid plexus and how it works
o Made of
fenestrated with diaphragms capillaries
pia mater
modified ependymal cells
o Supported by tela choroidea
o Some choroid plexus is in each of the ventricles
• describe the pattern of flow of the cerebrospinal fluid
o Lateral ventricle
o Through Interventricular foramen of Monroe
o Into 3rd ventricle
o Through cerebral aqueduct
AKA inter aqueduct; Sylvian aqueduct
o Into 4th ventricle
o Through foramen of magendie
Into cisterna magna
o Through foramina of (von) Luschka
Into pontine cistern (of the subarachnoid space)
o Flow in the suparachnoid space (sluggish flow rate)
Mostly flows superiorly in the head to the sites of reabsorption
Some flows into the spinal portion of subarachnoid space
• Travels inferiorly to the lumbar cistern
• Then travels back superiorly
• What are arachnoid villi
o AKA granulations; pacchionian villi
o Envaginations of arachnoid that protrude mainly into the superior sagittal sinus
o Act as one-way valves that allow CSF to flow into the blood of the dural venous sinuses (recycling CSF back into the blood)
o why the brain has to “float”
Floating provides mechanical support
Prevents the structures of the brain from being damaged under their own weight
Floating caused by the buoyancy of the brain in CSF
o epidural and subdural hematomas
Epidural hematoma
• Caused by damage to the meningeal blood vessels
• Can causes detachment of the periosteal layer of the dura mater from the bone
• Blood is forced into the region between dura mater and the surrounding bone (this will create an epidural space)
Subdural hematoma
• Blood gathers in the space between the inner surface of the meningeal layer of the dura mater and the arachnoid
• Usually result from damage to the external cerebral veins or dural venous sinuses
o supratentorial and infratentorial regions of subarachnoid space
connected by the narrow gap between the midbrain and the border of the tentorial incisures
this region can get obstructed leading to ventricular dilation
o tentorial incisura
AKA tentorial notch
U shaped hole in the tentorium cerebelli
Expansion of the cerebelli can cause the medial portion of the temporal lobes to herniate through the tentorial notch
• The midbrain can get displaced laterally and get injured by the firm edge of the tentorium cerebelli
o nerve supply of the dura mater and headaches/referral patterns
the dura mater has a rich nerve supply and is sensitive to paint
Headaches result from stimulation of the dura mater nerve supply
Referral patterns
• Problems in the anterior cranial fossa refers to :
o Structures innervated by ophthalmic division of CN V:
• Problems in the middle cranial fossa refers to:
o Structures innervated by the maxillary and mandibular division of CN V:
• Problems in the posterior cranial fossa refer to:
o Structures innervated by the vagus and cervical nerves:
Region behind the ear
o Hydrocephalus
AKA water on the brain
Occurs with the obstruction of CSF pathways
CSF cannot be recycled back into the blood properly so it builds up in the ventricular system
• Ventricular dilation
• Results in pressure on and often damage to brain tissues
In children where the skull has not completely developed, the skull can expand
Communicating hydrocephalus
• Occurs when the flow of CSF is NOT obstructed
• CSF is either
o over-produced (papilloma)
o cannot reenter the blood (i.e. blockage of arachnoid villi)
Noncommunicating hydrocephalus
• Occurs when there is a blockage of CSF flow either
o within the ventricular system where the ventricles communicate with the subarachnoid space
o within the subarachnoid space (i.e. at the tentorial notch)