0 Times Elementary My Dear Watson In Original NovelS Flashcards
Wyoming county known for its cattle war of 1892
Johnson county
Inspired by the 5 Olympic Rings the fountain of rings is in centennial Olympic park in this city
The alpine gardens named for this former First Lady are located in
Vail Colorado
Betty Ford
On the Arabian peninsula: capita city of Sanaa
Asian country wedged between 2 giants: capital city of Ulaanbataar
This equestrian event has 2-4 player teams with long handled mallets
Known as national hunt racing in the UK this type of race has horses jumping obstacles on a track
The equestrian program as we know it began in 1912 Olympics with jumping, the 3 day event, & this a French term
Ride em equestrian boy! This stately horse is the only breed capable of naturally overstriding
The Tennessee walker
Led this movement in French literature that is also called naturalism
In Chaucer the Canterburytales this bawdy wife tells of her 5 husbands and her desire for a 6
Wife of bath
What trench has the lowest point in the Atlantic
The Puerto Rico trench
What is the term for brain damage caused by repeated blunt trauma and is rampant in the NFL
Chronic traumatic ensepholophopy
What 2014 movie perpetuated the myth the we only use 10% of our brains
Blood spun in this device separates into three layers
Also what are those layers
1st layer red blood cells
2nd layer white blood cells and platelets
3rd layer plasma
What tv show was sookie stackhouse in
True blood
Played by Anna paquin
The blood of ehat kind of animal is Carrie drenched with in the novels and movies
Pig blood
Stephen king
In the Middle Ages what profession would also double as surgeons and perform blood letting and leaching
what is the name of the sac that surrounds the heart
Para card e um
Unbreak my heart was a huge hit in 96 for ehat singer
Toni Braxton
What shorty story is narrated by someone who commits a murder but eventually confesses after a bout of paranoia
The tell tale heart
What are the 2 types of photo receptors in the eyes
Rods and cones
Eyes open is a song written by who for what 2012 movie
Bonus subtitle of soundtrack
Taylor swift
The hunger games
Soundtrack album Subtitled songs from district 12 and beyond
Eyes wide shut is the last movie to be directed by
Stanley Kubrick
Died before it was released
What long time La laker wire goggles after having his cornea scratched in 85 game against the jazz
James worthy (big game?)
Wore for the rest of his career?
The captain and center Kareem Abdul jabar also wore googles but not the answer
How many bones are in the typical human foot
3 types of muscle tissue humans have
Skeletal or striated
Handheld percussion instrument that consists of a frame and zills
Light radiation from the sun that causes suntan and sun burns
LSD pcp and new cah lean are all
Hallucinogens huh lou sah kna gins