King of England who punished the colonists
George III
Refusal of the colonists to buy British goods
Prime Minister under George who set up the tax acts
George Greenville
Most wanted colonist who led the Sons of Liberty
Sam Adams
Fiery speaker who said give me liberty or give me death
Patrick Henry
President of the Continental Congress and the first president of the United States
George Washington
He set up the second group of tax acts
Charles Townsend
Group of colonists who harassed tax collectors and soldiers
Sons of liberty
Colonist who are prepared to fight in an instant
Group of colonists who wrote to other colonies about news
Committees of correspondence
First meeting of all colonies to discuss British tax acts
Stamp act congress
Said colonist couldn’t go over the Appalachian Mountains to settle
Proclamation of 1763
Colonies existed for the benefit of England
Mercantile Theory
Indian who attacked the colonist and the colonist didn’t ask England for help
Smuggled Tea
John Hancock