시험 Flashcards
우리 하교에 기숙사가 있다
Our school has a boarding house
Boarding expenses
That way, like that, yes that’s right
Straight forward, precisely, exactly
바로 그렇다
Be just like that
내가 아는 바로는
As for as I know
Is that so? Really?
Certainly, for certain, to be sure, definitely, no doubt
너는 확실히 그렇다고 생각해
I feel certain about it
당신은 부산을 잘 압니까?
Do you know busan well?
세븐 그리고 박효신 아십니까?
Do you know se7en and park hyoshin well?
But however though, yet
나는 가고싶있다. 그러나 갈 수 없었다
I wanted to go. But I couldn’t go
Anyway anyhow, at any rate
Dormitory l, hostel, dorm, boarding house
어느 학교에 다녀요 ?
Which school do you go to? (Regularly ) meaning regular basis
어느 병원에 다녀요?
Which hospital do yo go to? (Regularly) meaning on regular basis
어느 병원에 가요?
Which hospital to you go to?
리포트 마저해?
Did you do the rest of the report?
If ㄹ and ㄴ come together the ㄹ wins (don’t say ㄴ at all). It means the ㄴ becomes an l sound
If ㄹ comes before “ i or y” sound than ㄹ doubled
진리 sounds like 질리
곤란 sounds like 골란
려고 = with the intention of doing
지금 하려고 = i’m doing it now
지금 가려고. I’m about going now
지금 먹으려고 i’m about to eat now
잘 지내지
I’ve been well
피자 좋아해? 어. 좋아해
Do you like pizza? Yes I like it
배고파? 별로 배 안 고파
Are you hungry? Not really. I’m not hungry
풀은 샌드위치 좋아해. 하지만 수는 안 좋아해.
Paul likes sandwiches. However sue don’t
이번 토요일에 뭐해?
What are you doing this Saturday?
아직 계획 없어
Still no plans
식당에서 서빙
Waiting tables at a restaurant
Listen carefully
Answe please
잘 지내지
I’ve been well
Ship up