문법과 표현 Flashcards
Describe an outfit or appearance in detail
(A(으)ㄴ/V는) N에 (A(으)ㄴ/V는) N
Expressing disappointment
“At least expected…”
N(까지)는 못 돼도/아니더라도 N은/는 A/V(으)ㄹ 줄 알았다
Doing something incompletely/haphazardly
V는 둥 마는 둥 (하다)
Expressing something heard/heard often by others
“Heard that…”
A/V 다는 소리를/말을 듣다
N (이)라는 소리를/말을 듣다
“Give/receive the impression that…”
A/V 다는 인상을 주다/받다
N (이)라는 인상을 주다/받다
“Even if I would have to…”
“Even if I end up…”
“Even if that means I have to…”
V 는 한이 있어도/있더라도
To show/display one’s aptitude/talent (at N) through/by means of
V 는 등 (N에) 재능(능력)을 발휘하다
N에 재능(능력)을 발휘하다
재능 = a talent one’s born with
Used to describe professional course or journey; describing career path (3 steps)
N을/를 시작으로 N을/를 거쳐 N을/를 맡다/하다
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ N에서 일하고 있다
Expressing past experience/truth
Like (으)ㄴ 적이 있다/없다 but used in formal settings and writing
V(으)ㄴ 바(가) 있다/없다
Used to pose a question in the form of a statement
Expressing conjecture or wondering
N 인지, A (으)ㄴ지, V 는지
N 일까, A/V (으)ㄹ까,
A/V 았/었는지
“무엇, 누구, 어디”과 사용함
“As you know/see/heard”, “as i said”
Something both speaker and audience knows
V 다시피
“보다, 듣다, 말하다, 알다”과 보통 사용함
Expressing that everyone, without exception
너나없이 (모두)
“Although it is”, “though it may be”
Expressing modesty, insufficiency, second choice ex
N(이)나마, A(으)나마, A게나마
“Want to, ready to, willing to; intending to/going to”
Similar to V(으)려고
“To/at the point of…”,”almost”,”nearly”
Negative situations
A/V(으)ㄹ 지경이다
“Unable to think any longer…”; no matter how much one think there’s no special solution/only one (obvious) solution
생각다 못해
Strongly express that “all, everyone”
N(이)란 N은/는 모두 (전부,다)
Comparison between two things
A(으)ㄴ/V 는 데(에) 비해
N인 데 비해
과거; V(으)ㄴ 데 비해, (A 았/었던 데 비해)
Express strong/ weak points, problems, particularities of something
N의 특징은 (문제는) A/V다는 데(에) 있다
“One one hand… on the other”; firstly, secondly
Expressing opposite
(A/V기도 하고 A/V기도 하다)
A(으)ㄴ가/V는가 하면
N인가 하면
그런가 하면
“On the other hand”; “contrary to”
는 반면에
A(으)ㄴ/V는 데(에) 반해
N에 반해
“In accordance with N/V-ing”
V(으)ㅁ에 따라(서)
N에 따라(서)
“On the other hand…”,”but”; expressing exception
In beginning of the sentence; in writing
단지, 다만,
“And”; the first noun more important then second one
Used in public/official announcements, notices, advertisements
N 및 N
Expressing that survey results came out/reached/amounted to [high number]
Vㄴ/는다는 응답이(응답자가) N에 달하다
A다는 =||=
N이라는 =||=
Describing a low result; “no more than”
N은/는 N에 그치다/불과하다
Expressing a trend in recent times/nowadays
V 는 경향을 보이다, V 는 경향이 있다
“As a (representative) example of N¹, there is N²”, “N² is a (representative) example of N¹”
N¹의 (대표적인) 예로 N²을/를 들다
~ N²이/가 있다
“Except for N”, “apart from N”, “aside from/other than N”
N 외 (N이외)
“While/where as N¹ is A/V/N, N² is something else/different”
(N¹이/가) A다면 (N²은/는)
“As stated above/below”, “like aforementioned/hereafter”
Formal; presentation and writing
아래와 (위와, 다음과) 같이
Expressing reason; similar to “그러니까”
Usually followed by “-기 바랍니다” or other expressions of desire
Formal; presentation, writing and official announcements
V (으)오니
“To be limited to N”,”only N is possible”; similar to “N만”
N에 한하여
N plays/has an important/big role, N’s role is big/important
N이/가 중요한(큰) 역할을 하다, N의 역할이 중요하다(크다)
N² is of great (big, small) importance in N¹,
N²’s relative importance in N¹ is…
N1에서 N²의 비중이 높다(크다, 작다, 낮다),
N¹에서 N²이/가 차지하는 비중이 높다(크다, 작다, 낮다)
To be caused by, arise from, result from, be due to N
N(으)로 인해
“Because this happened… that happened”; 1st clause is a reason or cause for 2nd, negative, clause
A(으)ㄴ/V 는 탓
N(의) 탓
과거; V (으)ㄴ 탓
“All that matters is A/V”; “if A/V, that’s it/the end of it”
A/V(으)면 그만이다
Same as “(으)ㄹ 뿐만 아니라”; “not only A/V, but also…”
“Doing that/this, how will you…?/you won’t be able to…”
이래 (그래, 저래) 가지고(서)(야)
“Of/by V-ing”, “on account of/by V”; expressing method/means by which something is achieved
= V는 것을 통해서
“By way of/through N”; expressing means/method by which something is achieved/learned
N을/를 통해(서)
“There is a A/V side to…”; describing an aspect of something (in addition to something else)
A(으)ㄴ/V는 면(일면)이 있다
과거; V(으)ㄴ
“N² is a good example that shows N¹”, “N² is a good example of N¹”
N¹은/는 N²을/를 보여 주는 좋은(대표적인) 예이다
= N¹은/는 N²을/를 나타내는 좋은 보기이다
“Has no limit to its A”, “incredibly/unbelievably A”
Positive or negative meaning ok
Similar to “아주 A다”
A기 그지없다
같은 뜻; A기가 이를 데 없다
부정적인 뜻만; A기가 짝이 없다, A기가 한이 없다
“Because of, due to, owing to…”; reason
Mainly written language
Similar to “-아/어서”
같은 뜻; A/V(으)므로
말할때도 사용; A/V길래
“Won’t it be A/V/N”; soft guess
Similar to “것 같다”
A/V지 않을까 하다(싶다), A/V이/가 아닐까 하다(싶다)
Strong guess; “must be, can’t be wrong that, without a doubt”
A/V(으)ㅁ에 틀림없다
N임에 틀림없다
과거; 았/었음에 틀림없다
“In short, to be brief, to sum up”
한마디로 말하자면 (말해서)
“A/V is a characteristic/ representative feature of”
A(으)ㄴ/V는(다는) 점이 특징(적)이다
Pointing out rank; “n¹ as n”
N을/를 N(으)로 꼽다,
N이/가 N(으)로 꼽히다