그러면 Flashcards
한국 오세요. 그러면 밥 사줄게요
Come to Korea! Then I’ll buy you a meal
시간 없어요? 그러면 괜찮아요
You don’t have time? Then It’s okay.
그러면 다음에 만날까요
In that case, shall we meet next time?
next = 다음
아파요? 그럼 다음에 만나요!
You’re sick? In that case, let’s meet next time!
나를 도와주면 5000원 줄게
If you help me, I will give you 5000 KRW
나를 도와줘. 그러면 5000원 줄게.
If you help me, I will give you 5000 KRW
물이 끓으면 감자를 넣어요
When the water boils, put the potato.
(끓다 to boil 넣다 to insert, put inside)
도착하면 연락 주세요
Contact me when you arrive.
달콤한 것은(건) 좋아하지만,
아이스크림은 싫어해요
I like sweet things, but I don’t like ice cream
매운 음식은 좋아하지만, 이것은(이건) 너무 매워요
이것 (이것은=이건;이것이=이게)
I like spicy food, but this is too spicy
열심히 했지만, 실패했어요
I worked hard but I failed
어려웠지만, 너무 많이 배웠어요
It was difficult, but I learned a lot
to treat someone
to help
to insert, put inside