难过😫 Flashcards
阿姨 āyí
maternal aunt
办公室 bàngōngshì
1 office 2 business premises 3 bureau
鼻子 bízi
比赛 bǐsài
1 competition (sports etc) 2 match
宾馆 bīnguǎn
1 guesthouse 2 lodge 3 hotel
层 céng
1 to pile on top of one another 2 layer,stratum 3 floor (of a building),story 4 (math.) sheaf 5 classifier for layers
衬衫 chènshān
1 shirt 2 blouse
成绩 chéngjì
1 achievement 2 performance records 3 grades
词语 cíyǔ
1 word (general term including monosyllables through to short phrases) 2 term (e.g. technical term) 3 expression
邮件 yóujiàn
1 mail 2 post 3 email
多么 duōme
1 how (wonderful etc) 2 what (a great idea etc) 3 however (difficult it may be etc) 4 (in interrogative sentences) how (much etc) 5 to what extent
发烧 fāshāo
1 to have a high temperature (from illness) 2 to have a fever
根据 gēnjù
1 according to 2 based on 3 basis 4 foundation
刮风 guāfēng
to be windy
护照 hùzhào
黄 huáng
1 yellow 2 pornographic 3 to fall through
会议 huìyì
1 meeting 2 conference
季节 jìjié
1 time 2 season 3 period
角 jiǎo
1 angle 2 corner 3 horn 4 horn-shaped 5 unit of money equal to 0.1 yuan, or 10 cents (a dime)
街道 jiēdào
1 street
解决 jiějué
1 to solve,to resolve,to settle (a problem) 2 to eliminate,to wipe out (an enemy, bandits etc)
借 jiè
to borrow
旧 jiù
1 old 2 worn out
举行 jǔxíng
to hold (a meeting, ceremony etc)
决定 juédìng
1 to decide (to do something) 2 to resolve 3 decision
鸟 niǎo
1 bird
刻 kè
1 quarter (hour) 2 moment 3 to carve 4 to engrave 5 to cut 6 oppressive 7 classifier for short time intervals
爬山 páshān
1 to climb a mountain 2 to mountaineer 3 hiking 4 mountaineering
瘦 shòu
1 thin 2 to lose weight 3 (of clothing) tight 4 (of meat) lean 5 (of land) unproductive
叔叔 shūshu
1 father’s younger brother 2 uncle
刷牙 shuāyá
to brush one’s teeth
辆 liàng
classifier for vehicles
满意 mǎnyì
1 satisfied 2 pleased 3 to one’s satisfaction
绿 lǜ
体育 tǐyù
1 sports 2 physical education
香蕉 xiāngjiāo
新鲜 xīnxiān
1 fresh (experience, food etc) 2 freshness 3 novel 4 uncommon
行李箱 xínglixiāng
1 suitcase 2 baggage compartment 3 overhead bin 4 (car) trunk 5 boot
熊猫 xióngmāo
铅笔 qiānbǐ
(lead) pencil
葡萄 pútao
云 yún
着急 zháojí
1 to worry,to feel anxious 2 to feel a sense of urgency
注意 zhùyì
to take note of,to pay attention to
字典 zìdiǎn
Chinese character dictionary
作用 zuòyòng
1 to act on,to affect 2 action,function,activity 3 impact,result,effect
腿 tuǐ