看图轻松学:汉语成语 Flashcards
bàn tú ér fèi - You use this to say that someone abandons a job they are doing half way; wasted (成语: 动)同义词: 功亏一篑 - gōng kuī yī kuì; 前功尽弃 - qiángōng jìn qì反义词: 贯彻始终 - guànchè shǐzhōng; 持之以恒 - chí zhī yǐ héng
bēigōng shéyǐng - is often used to describe someone who is nervous and suspects that something bad may happen (成语: 形)同义词: 疑神疑鬼 - yíshén-yíguǐ; 风声鹤唳 - fēngshēnghèlì; 草木皆兵 - cǎo mù jiē bīng反义词: 处之泰然 - chǔ zhī tàirán
bùkě jiùyào - incurable, incorrigible, hopeless (成语: 形)同义词: 病入膏肓 - bìng rù gāo huāng反义词: 药到病除 - yào dào bìng chú
bù láo ér huò - to reap without sowing; to profit by or reap the fruits of other people’s toil (成语: 动)同义词: 坐享其成 - zuò xiǎng qí chéng反义词: 自食其力 - zì shí qí lì
bú wù zhèngyè - to not do honest work, to not live by honest labor; to ignore one’s proper occupation, to not attend to one’s duties (成语: 动)
bú wù zhèngyè - to not do honest work, to not live by honest labor; to ignore one’s proper occupation, to not attend to one’s duties (成语: 动)
chángnián lěiyuè - year in year out, over the years (成语: 名)
dǎ cǎo jīng shé - act rashly and alert the enemy; to inadvertently alert an enemy (成语) Often used with 不要, 别, 免得 to caution people that they have to execute an action discreetly, so as not to rouse others, especially their opponents.同义词:操之过急 - cāo zhī guò jí反义词:不动声色 - bù dòng shēngsè
dāng rén bù ràng - means if you notice that something is not right and needs to be corrected, then you should do it (成语)同义词:义不容辞 - yì bù róng cí;责无旁贷 - zé wú páng dài;不动声色 - bú dòng shēng sè
dé guò qiě guò - If you describe a person as this, you mean that they lack ambition and just want to muddle along in life (成语)同义词:苟且偷安 - gǒuqiě tōuān反义词:精益求精 - jīng yì qiú jīng;努力不懈 - nǔlì búxiè
dōngchuāng shì fā - Means that the bad things done by someone in the past have now come to light; the chickens come home to roost (成语)
Dōngshān zài qǐ - to make a comeback (成语)同义词:卷土重来 - juǎn tǔ chóng lái; 重整旗鼓 - chóng zhěng qígǔ反义词:一蹶不振 - yì jué bú zhèn
fāyáng guāngdà - to improve on the conventional ways or skills of doing something and to popularize it further (成语)
fāyáng guāngdà - to improve on the conventional ways or skills of doing something and to popularize it further (成语: 动)
fù shuǐ nán shōu - what’s done is done and can’t be reversed (成语)同义词:木已成舟 - mù yǐ chéng zhōu反义词:破镜重圆 - pòjìng chóng yuán
fènggōng shǒufǎ - to be law-abiding [is often used to refer to public servants who observe the rules and regulations when they carry out their duties] (成语: 形;动)反义词:胡作非为 - hú zuò fēi wèi
guāngmíng zhèngdà - just and honourable; open and aboveboard; upright and selfless (成语: 形)同义词:堂堂正正 - táng táng zhèng zhèng;光明磊落 - guāngmíng lěiluò反义词:鬼鬼祟祟 - guǐ guǐ suì suì;偷偷摸摸 - tōu tōu mō mō
huāyán-qiǎoyǔ - sweet talk, flowery speech, elegant but insincere words (成语: 名)
huà bǐng chōngjī - to feed on illusions (成语)同义词:无济于事 - wú jì yú shì; 望梅止渴 - wàng méi zhǐkě反义词:名副其实 - míng fù qí shí;实事求是 - shíshì qiú shì
jiāyù hùxiǎo - known to every household, widely known, known to all (成语: 形)同义词:众所周知 - zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī反义词:默默无闻 - mòmò wú wén
huà bǐng chōngjī - to feed on illusions (成语: 动)同义词:无济于事 - wú jì yú shì; 望梅止渴 - wàng méi zhǐkě反义词:名副其实 - míng fù qí shí;实事求是 - shíshì qiú shì
jiàn yì yǒng wéi - will not hesitate to help those in need; a Good Samaritan (成语: 形)同义词:义不容辞 - yì bùróng cí反义词:见死不救 - jiàn sǐ bù jiù; 袖手旁观 - xiùshǒu pángguān; 趁火打劫 - chèn huǒ dǎjié
jīng gōng zhī niǎo - [fig.] sb who frightens easily, due to past experiences; [lit.] a bird startled by the mere twang of a bow (成语: 名)同义词:心有余悸 - xīn yǒu yújì
jǐngjǐng yǒu tiáo - in perfect order; shipshape (成语: 形)例句:你把书排得井井有条做什么?同义词:条理分明 - tiáolǐ fēnmíng反义词:杂乱无章 - záluàn wú zhāng
kǔkǒu-póxīn - Used to refer to a person who is very kindhearted and who will spare no effort persuading others to be good (成语: 形)反义词:口蜜腹剑 - kǒumì-fùjiàn
kǒushì xīnfēi - to say one thing but do another; insincere (成语: 动)同义词:言不由衷 - yán bù yóuzhōng反义词:言行一致 - yán-xíng yízhì
lǎomǎ shí tú - an old hand is a good guide (成语: 名;副)例句:李领队老马识途地带领大家逛热闹的商店街。同义词:驾轻就熟 - jiàqīng-jiùshú反义词:暗中摸索 - ànzhōng mōsuo
liángyào kǔ kǒu - [fig.] frank criticism is hard to swallow; [lit.] good medicine tastes bitter (成语: 动)同义词:忠言逆耳 - zhōngyán nì ěr
lǐzhí qìzhuàng - with justice on one’s side one is bold and assured (成语: 形)反义词:理屈词穷 - lǐqū cíqióng
lù bù shí yí - honesty prevails throughout society; often describes a highly disciplined society in which no one pockets anything valuable that he/she picks up somewhere (成语: 动)
míng luò Sūn Shān - [fig.] to fail a competitive exam; [lit.] fall behind Sun Shan [who was last on the list of successful candidates] (成语: 动)同义词:榜上无名 - bǎng shàng wú míng反义词:名列前茅 - míng liè qiánmáo;独占鳌头 - dúzhàn áotóu
mù kōng yíqiè - consider everybody and everything beneath one’s notice; be supercilious; arrogant (成语: 形)同义词:目中无人 - mù zhōng wú rén; 夜郎自大 - Yèláng zìdà反义词:自惭形秽 - zìcán xínghuì
pāozhuān yǐnyù - to offer a few commonplace remarks by way of introduction so that others may come up with valuable opinions (成语: 动)例句:我的点子只是抛砖引玉,希望大家踊跃提出更好的看法。
[不分] 青红皂白
[bù fēn] qīng-hóng-zào-bái - to make no distinction between right and wrong; indiscriminately (成语: 副)例句:做人要讲道理,不要不分青红皂白地冤枉人。
qíng tóng shǒuzú - to love one another as brothers (成语: 动)
rén yún yì yún - to merely repeat what others say without finding out if something is true (成语: 动)同义词:拾人牙慧 - shí rén yáhuì; 随声附和 - suí shēng fùhè反义词:独树一帜 - dú shù yīzhì; 自成一家 - zì chéng yì jiā
sàiwēng shī mǎ - [fig.] a blessing in disguise; [lit.] the old man lost his horse, but it all turned out for the best (成语: 名)同义词:因祸得福 - yīn huò dé fú反义词:乐极生悲 - lè jí shēng bēi
sānsī ér xíng - look before you leap (成语: 动)反义词:草率行事 - cǎoshuài xíng shì
shāngtiān hàilǐ - refers to a villain who does all sorts of evil or outrageous acts (成语: 形)例句:他做尽伤天害理的事,最后被法官判了重刑。
shě jǐ wèi rén - to sacrifice one’s own interests for the sake of others (成语: 动;形;名)
shìbàn gōngbèi - get twice the result with half the effort, the right approach saves effort and leads to better results (成语: 动;形)同义词:一举两得 - yìjǔ liǎngdé; 一箭双雕 - yījiàn shuāngdiāo反义词:事倍功半 - shìbèi gōngbàn
shǒuwàng xiāng zhù - [of neighbouring villages, etc.] to keep watch and help defend each other; to give mutual help and protection (成语: 动)同义词:同舟共济 - tóng zhōu gòng jì反义词:不相为谋 - bù xiāng wéi móu
shǒu zhū dài tù - [fig.] to trust to chance rather than show initiative; [lit.] to guard a tree-stump, waiting for rabbits (成语: 动)
shuǐ luò shí chū - [fig.] the whole incident is now clear; [lit.] when the water subsides the rocks emerge (成语: 动)。。。查个水落石出:To get into the bottom of something to find out the reasons or causes.同义词:真相大白 - zhēnxiàng dàbái
sīkōng jiàn guàn - a common sight, a common occurrence (成语: 名)同义词:不足为奇 - bù zú wéi qí; 习以为常 - xí yǐ wéi cháng反义词:少见多怪 - shǎojiàn duōguài
tónggān gòngkǔ - to stick together whatever the situation; to share life’s joys and sorrows; for better or for worse (成语: 动)同义词:同舟共济 - tóng zhōu gòng jì反义词:同床异梦 - tóngchuáng yìmèng
wàng’ēn fùyì - devoid of gratitude, ungrateful, bites the hand that feeds sb., ingratitude to a friend (成语: 动;形)同义词:过河拆桥 - guò hé chāi qiáo; 恩将仇报 - ēn jiāng chóu bào反义词:感恩图报 - gǎn’ēn tú bào; 饮水思源 - yǐn shuǐ sī yuán
wéifēi zuòdǎi - to do evil, to commit crimes, to perpetrate outrages (成语: 动)搭配:奉公守法 - fènggōng shǒufǎ; 循规蹈矩 - xúnguī dǎojǔ; 安分守己 - ānfèn shǒujǐ
wēngù zhīxīn - gain new knowledge by reviewing old; understand the present by reviewing the past (成语: 动)
wú wēi bù zhì - Often used to describe sb. who looks after people caringly while paying attention to every detail; meticulously; in every possible way (成语: 形)例句:李护士对病人照顾得无微不至。同义词:关怀备至 - guānhuái bèizhì反义词:漠不关心 - mò bù guānxīn
xìngzāi lèhuò - to take pleasure in [or gloat over] other people’s misfortune (成语: 动)
xiùshǒu pángguān - to standby without lending a helping hand (成语: 动)同义词:漠不关心 - mò bù guānxīn; 隔岸观火 - gé àn guān huǒ; 置身事外 - zhìshēn shì wài反义词:拔刀相助 - bá dāo xiāng zhù
yí nuò qiānjīn - to keep a promise; a promise that must be kept (成语: 动;名)同义词:言而有信 - yán ér yǒu xìn反义词:出尔反尔 - chū ěr fǎn ěr; 轻诺寡信 - qīngnuò guǎxìn
yí shì tóngrén - to treat equally without discrimination (成语: 动)反义词:另眼相看 - lìng yǎn xiāng kàn; 厚此薄彼 - hòu cǐ bó bǐ
yǐ shēn zuò zé - to set an example for others to follow; to set a good example with one’s own conduct (成语: 动)
yǐn shuǐ sī yuán - [fig.] to refer to people who are grateful to others who have helped them to succeed; [lit.] when you drink water, think of its source (成语: 动;形)反义词:恩将仇报 - ēn jiāng chóu bào; 忘恩负义 - wàng’ēn-fùyì
zàijiē zàilì - to refer to people who never say die, they always persevere with a task even though they may have failed several times already (成语: 动)同义词:不屈不挠 - bùqū bùnáo; 勇往直前 - yǒng wǎng zhí qián反义词:得过且过 - dé guò qiě guò; 每况愈下 - měi kuàng yù xià
zhí mí bù wù - to obstinately persist in going about things the wrong way (成语: 动)同义词:顽固不化 - wángù bù huà反义词:迷途知返 - mítú zhī fǎn; 回头是岸 - huítóu shì àn; 悬崖勒马 - xuányá lè mǎ
zhìtóng dàohé - to cherish the same ideals and follow the same path; to have a common goal; like-minded (成语: 动;形)同义词:同舟共济 - tóng zhōu gòng jì; 情投意合 - qíngtóu yìhé反义词:不相为谋 - bù xiāng wéi móu;同床异梦 - tóngchuáng yìmèng
zhuānglóng zuòyǎ - pretend to be deaf and dumb, feign ignorance (成语: 动)