天女のはごろも Flashcards
angel’s raiment, robe of feathers
羽衣 [はごろも (hagoromo)]
near, close, beside, vicinity, proximity, besides, while
側 [そば (soba)]
to descend
降りる [おりる (oriru)]
bathing (swimming) in cold water
水浴び [みずあび (mizuabi)]
after a short time, in a short while, a short time later
暫くすると [しばらくすると (shibarakusuruto)]
nonexistent, not being (there)
無い [ない (nai)]
zurückgehen, zurückkehren, zurückkommen, heimkehren, umkehren, kehrtmachen, den Weg zurückgehen, wieder zum Vorschein kommen, wieder zurückbekommen, wiedererstattet bekommen
戻る [もどる (modoru)]
どうか (douka)
嫁, 娵, 婦, 媳 [よめ (yome)]
married couple, husband and wife, man and wife
夫婦 [ふうふ (fuufu)]
before long, soon
軈て [やがて (yagate)]
to give birth, to bear (child), to lay (eggs)
生む [うむ (umu)]
to grumble, to be unsettled, to grizzle
愚図る [ぐずる (guzuru)]
子守唄 [こもりうた (komoriuta)]
to cry, to weep, to sob, to howl
泣く [なく (naku)]
attic, loft
屋根裏 [やねうら (yaneura)]
to ascend, to be raised to rise, to go up, to come up, to ascend, to be raised
上がる [あがる (agaru)]