二表哥告诉你要用高级词汇 Flashcards
Dream Conviction Love
adjure (jur [Father adjured me never to sell the farm
57 (swear,law [abjure
affidavit (fid
57 (trust
agglomerate (glomer
57 (ball,sphere
aggregate (greg
58 (flock, mob
allay (lay=lev
58 (light,smooth
alluvium (lu
58 (wash [ablution, undiluted
ameliorate (melior
58 (better
amenable (men
58 (lead
appellate (pel
58 (drive
apropos (prop
59 (propositon
arraign (raign
59 (reason
arrear (rear
assuage (su
59 (sweet
astringent (string
59 (draw, tie
attire (tir
59 (dress
adduce (duc
57 (lead [abduct, deduct
abduct (duct
4 (lead [deduct, adduce
abominable (om=hom
4 (man [homage
abstain (tain [~ from sth/doing
4 (hold [retain
abnormal (norm
4 (rule [enormity
abound (und [~ in/with sth
4 (wave [redundant
abscond (cond [~ with/to sth
6 (hide [recondite
abdicate (dic [~ from + sth; ~ sth
6 (say, proclaim [predicate
avert (vert
6 (turn [convert, vertigo
abhor (hor
6 (shudder [horrible
averse (vers [be ~ to sth
6 (turn [versatile, adverse, converse, controversy
absolve (solv=solu [~ sb (of sth)
8 (loosen [dissolve
abstemious (tem
8 (cut [anatomy
abject (ject
8 (throw [eject
ablution (lu
8 (wash [undiluted, alluvium
abrogate (rog
8 (ask [arrogant, interrogate
abstruse (trus
10 (thrust [obtrusive, protrusion
avocation (voc
10 (voice, call [equivocal, unequivocal
aberration (err
10 (wander [errand, erratic
abrasive (ras=rad
10 (scrape [erase
abjure (jur
14 (swear [adjure
abnegate (neg
14 (deny
aboriginal (ori
14 (arise, beginning
abrupt (rupt
14 (break
abscess (cess
14 (go
absence (s=ess
14 (to be
absorb (sorb
14 (drink in, suck
abstract (tract
14 (draw
absurd (surd
14 (deaf
abuse (us
14 (use
amendment (mend [Eighteenth Amendment
14 (fault
acclaim (claim [The film debuted to widespresd acclaim.
16 (cry out [claimant, exclaim
accomodate (mod [~ oneself to sth
16 (fit, manner [modulate, modesty
acquit (qui [~ sb of sth
16 (quiet, rest [requiem, acquiescent
adhere (her [~ to sth
16 (stick [coherence, inherent
adverse (vers
16 (turn [averse, converse, controversy, versatile
affluence (flu
18 (flow [fluent, influential
allegiance (leg [~ to *(p.44 leg: send)
18 (law [legal, legitimacy, previlege
apparel (par
18 (prepare, arrange [apparatus, separation
append (pend [~ sth to sth
18 (hang [impending=imminent, suspend
aspect (spect
18 (look [circumspect(a), perspective, specter
assailant (sail=sal
20 (leap [salient, assault
avenge (veng [~ sth, ~/reveng onself on sb
20 (punish [revenge, vengeance
accelerate (cel
20 (swift [celerity=rapidity, decelerate, excel
adequate (equ
20 (equal [equation, equator
adjacent (jac [be ~ to
20 (throw [circumjacent, ejaculate, subjacent
advocate (voc
22 (call, voice [avocation, irrevocable
affliction (flict
22 (strike [conflict, inflict
alliance (li=lig
22 (bind [liability, ligment, obligation
available (vail=val [be ~ to
22 (worth, strong [countervail, prevail, devaluation
accord (cord [~ with sb, ~ sth to sb
22 (heart [concordat, cordial, discord
adapt (apt=ept [~ oneself to, ~ to sth
24 (fit [aptitude, inapt, periapt(*peri-: around)
allot (lot [~ sth to sb
24 (lot [lottery
annul (n=ne; ul
24 (not; any [nefarious(*fa: say), nescience, nullify
apparition (par
24 (appear [apparent, transparent(*trans: through)
appease (peas=pac
24 (peace [pacific, pacifist, pacify
arrogance (rog (*p.44 arrogate)
26 (ask [derogatory, prerogtive(n.), rogue
assert (sert
26 (put [desert, dissertation, insert
avowed (vow=voc
26 (call [disavow, vociferous(*fer: carry)
access (cess [have ~ to
26 (go [abscess, concession, recess
accomplice (plic
26 (fold [complicate, explicit, implication
adept (ept=apt [be ~ at/in
28 (fit [coaptation, inept, contraption(*contra: against)
adjourn (journ [~ to sth; ~ sth
28 (day [journal, sojourn(*so=sub: under)
admonish (mon
28 (warn, remind, advise [monitor, monument, summon
advent (vent
28 (come [circumvent; eventual(*e=ex:out)
aggravate (grav
28 (heavy [gravity, aggrieve, grievance
annexation (nex=nect
30 (bind [connection, disconnect, nexus
annihilate (nihil
30 (nothing [nihilism, nihilist, nihility
apportion(v.) (portion
30 (part, share [proportion(n./v.), disproportion(n./v.)
appreciable (preci
30 (price [depreciate, precious
aspire (spir [~ to sth; ~ to do sth
30 (breathe [conspiracy, respiratoin, suspiration
assimilate (simil
32 (same [facsimile, simile
assurance (sur
32 (certain [insure, reassure
accede (ced [~ to sth
32 (go [epicedium, precedented, recede
acclimate (clim [~ oneself to sth; ~ to sth
32 (slope, ladder [anticlimax, climacteric
acquiesce (qui; esc [~ to sth
32 (quiet; becoming [quiescent, tranquil
adulterate (ulter=alter
34 (other [adultery, altercation, alter ego
affiliate (fil [~ oneself with sth, ~ with sb
34 (son [filial, filiation, filicide
alleviate (lev
34 (light, lift [lever, levity, irrelevant, allay
allude (lud=lus [~ to sth
34 (laugh, play [elude, ludicrous, collude
appall (pall
34 (pale [pallid (cheeks), pallor
applicable (plic [be ~ to sth
36 (fold [accomplice, implicit, multiplicity
apprehensive (prehens [be ~ about
36 (take [comprehension, (morally) reprehensible, apprentice
ascerain (cert
36 (sure [cerificate, certitude
assent (sent [~ to sth
36 (feel [consent, presentiment
asset (set=sat
36 (enough [satiate, insatiable, satiety, unsaturated
assiduous (sid
38 (sit [preside, residue, subsidiary
attainment (tain
38 (hold [container, entertainment(*enter=inter: between), pertain
abase (bas
38 (lower [basement, basis, debase
accentuate (cent=cant
38 (sing [incentive, incantation, recantation
accrue (cru=cre [~ to sb
38 (grow, increase [accretion, crescent
adventitious (vent
40 (come [adventurous, convent, contravention
affable (fa
40 (say [fable, infantry, ineffable, nefarious(p.24)
aggrandize (grand
40 (great [grandeur, gandiose, grandiloquent
approbation (prob
40 (try, test, good [probability, reprobation, probe
ascribe (scrib
40 (write [circumscribe, prescribe
aspersion (spers [cast ~s on sb
42 (strew [disperse, sparse
assess (sess [~ sb/sth at sb/sth: I assess the worth of the pearl necklace at $800.
42 (sit [obsession, session
attribute (tribut [~ sth to sth/sb
42 (give [distribution, retribution, tribute
aver (ver
42 (true [verdict(*dict: say), verity, veritas lux mere
acquisitive (quisit
42 (ask [exquisit, inquisitive, prerequisite
affection (fect
44 (do, make [confectionery, effective, infection
affront (front
44 (face, forehead [effrontery(n.), forefront, frontier
allege (leg *(p.18 leg: law)
44 (send [delegate, legacy, relegation
arrogate (rog *(p.26 arrogance)
44 (ask [rogation, derogate, surrogate/surrogacy
asseverate (sever
44 (serious [severe, persevere/perseverance
attenuate (tenu
46 (thin [extenuate, extenuation, extenuating, tenuous
accolade (col
46 (neck [collar, collarbone, decollation(=decapitation), decollete
accost (cost
46 (rib, side [costal, costalgia
adjudicate (jud
46 (judge [judiciary, judicious, prejudice
adjunct (junct
46 (join, bind [conjuction, injunction, subjunctive
adumbrate (umbr
48 (shadow [umbrage, umbrella
affinty (fin [~ + for
48 (end [finale, refined
apposite (pos
48 (put [composed, disposition, juxtaposition(*juxta: side by side)
apprise (pris=prais [~ sb of sth
48 (take, price [appraise, dispraise, praise
attrition (trit
40 (rub [trite, contrite, detrimental
accumulate (cumul
57 (heap
acquaintance (quaint
57 (know thoroughly
addict (dict
57 (say
adieu (ieu=dei
57 (God
adolescent (olesc
57 (grow, increase
adorn (orn
57 (decorate
affirmative (firm
57 (strong
aggresive (gress
58 (go
allocate (loc
58 (put
annotate (not
58 (know
apparatus (par [heating/digestive ~]
58 (arrange
apparent (par
58 (appear
appraise (prais
58 (price
apprentice (prent=prehens *(p.36)
58 (take [apprenhensive
appropriate (propri [侵占、挪用、拨款
58 (one’s own [appropriation(p.59)(Senate Appropriation Committee
approximate(vi/vt/adj) (prox
59 (near
assault (saul=sal *(p.20)
59 (leap
assorted (sort
59 (harmonize [assortment
attest (test
59 (witness
anecdote (ec=ex; dot
62 (out; give [dot(archaic), antidote
anonymous (onym
62 (name, word [pseudonym, acronym, synonymous
abyss (bys
62 (bottom, end [abysmal, abysm=abyss
anarchy (arch
62 (govern, government [diarchy, oligarchy(*olig: few), monarchy
apathy (path
62 (feel, suffer [pathology, antipathy, sympathetic
amnesty (mne
64 (remember [amnesia, mnemonic, mnemonics
amorphous (morph
64 (form [morphology, anthropomorphism, metamorphosis(*meta: change)
atrophy (troph [Quadriplegics often experience muscular atrophy/dystrophy after their paralysis.
64 (nourishment [trophic, hypertrophy, dystrophy
agnostic (gno
64 (know [diagnostic(*dia: through), ignorance, prognosticate
anesthesiologist (esthet=esthes
64 (feel [aesthetic, aesthetics, aesthete
abysmal (bys *(p.62)
68 (bottom, end
adamant (dam [~ in
68 (subdue [adamantine
amazon (maz
68 (breast
amnesia (mne *(p.64)
68 (remember
amoral (mor
68 (custom
anemia (em=hem=hemo
68 (blood
anomalous (nom
68 (law, rule [anomaly
aphasia (phas
68 (say
aseptic (sept
68 (rotten [asepsis
asexual (sex=sect
68 (cut
asylum (syl
68 (seize, take
asymmetrical (sym=syn; metr
68 (together, measure [asymmetry
atheism (the=theo
68 (God
atomic (tom
68 (cut [atom
atypical (typ
68 (type [atypical cloud formation
commentary (ment
70 (mind [amentia, demented, dementia
compact (pact
70 (fasten, agree [pact, impact
compliant (pli
70 (fill [appliance, compliment, complimentary
compress (press
70 (press [pressure, depressed, impressive
concept (cept
70 (take [accepted, contraception, precept
confer (fer [~ sth on sb; ~ with sb
72 (carry [ferry, interference, referee
confiscate (fisc
72 (chest [fiscal
confront (front
72 (forehead,face [affront, front page, frontlet
consequence (sequ
72 (follow [sequela, sequence, subsequent
conserve (serv
72 (serve, keep [servant, reservoir, subservient
constrain (strain
74 (tie [distrain, restrain, restraint
convene (ven
74 (come [covenant, parvenu, revenue
coincide (in; cid [~ with sth
74 (upon; fall [accident, deciduous, incidence
consolidate (sol
74 (solid [solidarity, soldier, solidify
comtemporay (tempor
74 (time [temporary, extemporaneous, extempore
conviction (vic
76 (conquer [eviction, victimize, victor
contenance (ten
76 (hold [maintenance, tenacious, tenant
collaborae (labor [~ with sb; ~ on sth
76 (work [laborious, laboratory, elaborate
commotion (mot
76 (move [demoted, motif, remote
congest (gest
76 (carry, bear [digest(*di=dis: apart, away), ingest, gestation
convey (vey [~ sth to sb
78 (carry, way [purvey, covey, envoy(*en: in)
combatant (com
78 (strike [battery, battalion, abate
commandeer (mand
78 (order [commando, countermand, commander
compensate (pens [~ sb for sth; ~ for sth
78 (weigh, pay, hang [expensive, pension, recompense
concede (ced
78 (go [precede, procedure
concise (cis
80 (cut [circumcision, scissors, precise, decisive
condone (don
80 (give [donor, donation, pardon(*par=per: completely)
congenial (gen
80 (birth [eugenics, homogeneous, gene
console (sol
80 (comfort [solace, solatim, disconsolate
conspicuous (spic
80 (look [auspicious(*au: bird), despicable, speculator
contend (tend [~ for/with sth
82 (stretch [tendon, extend, superintendent
cogent (g=ag
82 (drive, to [agenda, agile, agitate
commend (mend=mand [~sb for sth; ~sb to sb; ~ sb into sth
82 (entrust, order [recommend, redommendation, remand
commodious (mod
82 (fit, manner, modern [moderate, modify, commodity
compassion (pass
82 (feel, suffer [passion, passive, dispassionate
cmpatible (pat
84 (feel, suffer [patience, impatient, imcompatible
comprise (pris
84 (take [imprison, enterprising, surprise
compunction (punct
84 (prick [puctuality, punctuation, acupuncture
conclusive (clus
84 (shut [exclusive, recluse, seclusion
concur (cur [~ with sb in sth
84 (run [currency, incur, recurrent
condolence (dol
84 (grieve [dolour, dole, indolent