тест Flashcards
Geopolitics is a science
about geographical and social spaces
“Land power” in geopolitics is:
“Sea power” in geopolitics is:
In S. Huntington’s concept, the main front of the struggle will unfold between:
Western and Muslim and Buddhist-Confucian civilizations
Who is the author of the term “geopolitics”?
F. Ratzel;
American admiral, adviser to the US President A. Mahan published a book:
“The Influence of Sea Power on History”
Which geopolitical scientist is the author of the 7 laws (principles) of spatial growth:
F. Ratzel
According to Mackinder’s theory, the geographical center of the world is:
The “Anaconda” strategy (suffocating the enemy with concentric rings) was put forward by geopoliticians:
The definition of “Eurasia is a world island” was proposed by:
H. Mackinder
The “anaconda” principle is:
in the policy of compression, encirclement, control of sea powers in relation to land states
The credit for revealing the components of strength belongs to:
Borders in geopolitics are:
a line fixing the subject of state territory;
State territory is mainly:
part of the globe over which a certain state exercises sovereignty;
International peacekeeping organization created after the end of the Second World War:
International peacekeeping organization created after the end of the First World War:
The League of nations
The Star Wars strategy was developed in:
The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was signed in:
To avoid a clash of civilizations, S. Huntington gives the following recommendations:
Western civilization must stop imposing its values and practices on other civilizations
Name the authors of military strategic theories:
Clausewitz, Mahan
The author who made the greatest contribution to the development of the concept of geographical determinism:
Jacques Attali says that the role of traditional geopolitics is being lost and an era is dawning:
The founders of the civilizational approach to the historical process are considered:
N.Ya. Danilevsky, A. Toynbee
The main functions of geopolitics as a science are:
All answers are correct
The Axial State of Europe, according to R. Challen:
The slogan “United Europe of a hundred flags” belongs to:
New right
The idea of Russia as a special world, the development of which was decisively influenced by local development, belongs to:
In the concept of H. Mackinder, categories were developed:
“Heartland”, “inner crescent”, “pivot region”
The idea of the “Heartland” as the geographical center of the world was put forward by:
H. Mackinder
Famous French geopolitician, founder of the theory of “possibilism”:
Vidal de la Blache
In S. Huntington’s concept, the main front of the struggle will unfold between:
Western and Muslim and Buddhist-Confucian civilizations
Who is the author of the term “geopolitics”?
F. Ratzel;
Features reflecting the process of globalization:
all answers are correct
Small and weak states must be absorbed by large ones. This position was first formulated by:
F. Ratzel
The German school of geopolitics identified three world spaces:
(according to Haushofer) Greater America led by the USA, Greater Asia led by Japan, Greater Europe led by Germany
Most countries in the world support the world order option:
multipolar world
Representative of the German school of geopolitics:
K. Haushofer
Representative of the American school of geopolitics:
Stephen Cohen
Representative of the geopolitical concept of Eurasianism:
What is the name of the Russian geopolitical school?
Who is the founder of the geo-economic concept of mondialism?
Jacques Attali
The essence of the theory of convergence?
association based on common features
What are the three spaces identified by mondialists as the future centers of the world?
American, European, Pacific
What does mondialism mean?
dominion over the world
K. Bruck, K. Franz and F. Naumann with the concept of “Middle Europe” are representatives …
German School of Geopolitics
Name the forms of space control (types of space expansion)
All answers are correct
N. Spykman and S. Cohen representatives:
American School of Geopolitics
“The state is a “living organism” rooted in the soil,” according to…
F. Ratzel
The theory of “cultural-historical types” was developed by:
N.Ya. Danilevsky
Representative of “applied geopolitics”:
Yves Lacoste
Representatives of the geopolitical concept of Eurasianism:
P.N.Savitsky, N.S.Trubetskoy
The first of the following geopolitical scientists to introduce the term “discontinuity belt”:
S. Cohen
The founders of the civilizational approach to the historical process are considered:
N.Ya. Danilevsky, A. Toynbee
The main functions of geopolitics as a science are:
All answers are correct
The Axial State of Europe, according to R. Challen:
The slogan “United Europe of a hundred flags” belongs to:
New right
The idea of Russia as a special world, the development of which was decisively influenced by local development, belongs to:
Author of a new version of mondialism, substantiated in the work “The End of History”:
Geopolar scenarios of world development predict the development of the world in the direction of:
All answers are correct
The basic laws of geopolitics include:
All answers are correct
A territory that is equally developed by several states on equal rights and simultaneously in different spheres (economic, political, military, etc.) is…
A territory that is under the control of the state, but at the same time remains insufficiently developed by it economically, culturally and ethnically, is…
Border field
S. Huntington’s geopolitical concept is considered an expression of ideas:
In his textbook “Geopolitics”, the Russian theorist A. Dugin, in order to strengthen the Berlin-Moscow-Tokyo axis, proposes: 1. return the Kaliningrad region (East Prussia) to Germany 2. return the Kuril Islands to Japan
Both statements are true
To avoid a clash of civilizations, S. Huntington gives the following recommendations:
Western civilization must stop imposing its values and practices on other civilizations
Jacques Attali says that the role of traditional geopolitics is being lost and an era is dawning:
Metafield is:
A space developed simultaneously by several states
The main law of geopolitics is the affirmation of fundamental dualism, which is expressed in opposition:
Tellurocracies and thalassocracies
Representative of the German school of geopolitics
Carl Schmitt
Representative of the English school of geopolitics
Halford Mackinder
Representative of the American school of geopolitics
Nicholas Speakman
During the Cold War, most countries in the world used the following concepts in their foreign policy:
The concept of the school of political realism
Author of the idea of the continental bloc Berlin - Moscow - Tokyo:
K. Haushofer
Authors of the theory of “mondialism”:
J. Attali, F. Fukuyama,
Which geopolitician was the first to talk about the state as an “organism endowed with intelligence”:
R. Challen
Continue the statement: A complex geopolitical concept that combines: the historically eastern sector of human civilization, a strategically relevant or potential bloc of states and nations that refuse to recognize the imperative of liberal democratic ideology, a strategically relevant or potential unification into a military alliance of eastern, “tellurocratic” countries, a social orientation towards “ideocracy”, a social state, a non-capitalist economic system, called in geopolitics………
Which of these statements is true: 1. Outer crescent (or island crescent) - a term denoting a set of territories included in the zone of thalassocratic influence, or parts of continents and islands gravitating towards a “maritime existence”, as well as a zone entirely strategically controlled by Atlanticism. 2. Inner crescent (or continental crescent) - a term designating the coastal territories of Eurasia located between the “outer crescent” and the “axial area”.
Both statements are true
How can one interpret the term “Discontinuous Belt”, which S. Cohen uses in his concept?
Disrupted coastal zones with an uncertain, variable orientation, which can turn either towards a tellurocratic continent or towards a thalassocratic sea.
The founder of the “clash of civilizations” theory is:
S. Huntington
Which geopolitician was the first to talk about the state as an “organism endowed with intelligence”: R. Challen
R. Challen
From the point of view of H. Mackinder, the “heart of the earth” - the “Heartland” is:
center of the Eurasian space
The unification of Europe under the auspices of Germany was the main idea:
K. Haushofer
Which of these statements is true: Thalassocracy - power through the sea, or sea power. Tellurocracy - the power of continental land powers.
Both statements are true
The primary subject of studying geopolitics is:
Spatial aspect of international relations
According to the theory of “neo-Atlanticism” in the 21st century, the main source of conflicts will be:
Which of the following refers to the scientific approach on the basis of which geopolitics arose?
All answers are correct
Which country is not a Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa member?
What is the European Council?
An institution that provides strategic direction for the EU
Which of the following is not a disputed territory in East Asia?
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
What is the Schengen Agreement?
An agreement that eliminated border controls between EU member states
Which of the following is NOT a member of the BRICS countries?
What is the importance of the Strait of Malacca?
It is a major shipping route between East Asia and the Indian Ocean.
What is the significance of the Reagan Doctrine?
It was a U.S. policy to support anti-communist movements worldwide
Which country is not a member of the Southern African Development Community?
Which country is known as “the Middle Kingdom” and has a long history of influence on East Asian geopolitics?
What is the significance of the Marshall Plan?
It was a U.S. economic aid program that helped rebuild Western Europe after World War II
Which country is NOT part of the Andean Community of Nations?
Which of the following is not a member of the African Union?
What is the European Stability Mechanism?
An organization that provides financial assistance to EU member states in times of crisis
What is the Trilateral Commission?
A non-governmental organization that promotes cooperation between North America, Europe, and Japan
Which Latin American country is known for having the largest reserves of oil?
Which is the largest economy in Latin America?
Which country is not part of the Four Asian Tigers, a group of highly developed economies in East Asia?
What is the significance of the Treaty of Rome?
It established the European Economic Community (EEC), which evolved into the EU.
What is the significance of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
It was a U.S. effort to support democratic movements in Latin America
Which country in Latin America has the highest population?
Which country is not a member of the Economic Community of West African States?
What is the Common Agricultural Policy?
A policy that provides subsidies to farmers and regulates agricultural production in the EU
What is the significance of the Vietnam War?
It was a major conflict that shaped U.S. foreign policy and military strategy for decades.
Which country in Latin America has the highest HDI score?
Which country is not part of the Indian Ocean
Which African country is the largest oil producer?
Association, a group of countries with coastlines on the Indian Ocean?
What is the European Investment Bank?
A bank that provides loans and investments to support EU projects and policies
What is the significance of the Maastricht Treaty?
It established the European Union as a political and economic union
What is the Monroe Doctrine?
A policy statement that declared the Western Hemisphere off-limits to European colonization
Which of the following countries is NOT a member of the Pacific Alliance?
Which international organization seeks to promote economic integration and cooperation among Latin American and Caribbean countries?
Pacific Alliance
What is the importance of the Strait of Gibraltar?
It is a major shipping route between Europe and Africa
What is the significance of the Korean Peninsula in Asian geopolitics?
It is a major security concern for both South Korea and the United States due to the threat of North Korean nuclear weapons
Which of the following countries is not a member of ASEAN?
Which US government official is the equivalent of the British Foreign Secretary?
Secretary of State
The Maoist Political organization Sendero Luminoso is based in which country?
What is the significance of the Lisbon Treaty?
It established the current structure and decision-making processes of the EU.
What is the significance of the War on Terror?
It was a U.S. response to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
What is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?
A military alliance between the U.S. and its European allies
The category “power” in geopolitical application is:
the ability of the state to defend its vital interests;
The problem of the entropy of civilization is:
irreversibility of socio-historical processes;
The concept of “civilizational rift” was introduced by;
Control over which of the geopolitical zones makes it possible, according to Mackinder, for world domination:
over the Heartland;
State territory is mainly:
part of the globe over which a certain state exercises sovereignty;
Borders in geopolitics are:
a line fixing the subject of state territory;
The main object of geopolitical research is:
the geographical environment of the country;
“Rimland” is:
a spatial ring surrounding Eurasia from the west, south and east
The mondialist concept provides for:
the process of creating a single universal human civilization
The power of climate is the most important power on earth.” The correctness of these words of C. Montesquieu is confirmed by the following arguments:
influences the nature of social relations, political structure, traditions
The concept of “heartland” was introduced into geopolitics by:
Advantages of Sea Power compared to Land:
the presence of a strong merchant and military fleet
The credit for revealing the components of strength belongs to:
Mackinder’s “Democratic Ideals and Realities” was published in:
The “Anaconda” principle in geopolitics was formulated:
A. Mahan
The definition “Whoever owns the Heartland owns the world island, who owns the world island owns the world” was stated by:
H. Mackinder
The “world island” according to Mackinder’s theory is:
World empire over the territory of which “the sun never set”:
“Heartland” is: continental core of
In the concept of H. Mackinder, categories were developed:
“Heartland”, “inner crescent”, “pivot region”
American geopolitician, author of the “Atlanticism” strategy:
N. Spykman
According to its geopolitical status, China is:
a state with influence in the Asian region (regional power)
In the Geographical Axis of History, Mackinder highlighted:
The work “The Geographical Axis of History” was written by Mackinder in:
The definition of “Eurasia is a world island” was proposed by:
H. Mackinder
Absolute superiority on the world’s oceans in the 19th century belonged to:
British Empire
According to Mackinder’s theory, the geographical center of the world is:
The “Anaconda” strategy (suffocating the enemy with concentric rings) was put forward by geopoliticians:
The idea of the “Heartland” as the geographical center of the world was put forward by:
H. Mackinder
Famous French geopolitician, founder of the theory of “possibilism”:
Vidal de la Blache
The Nazis considered space to be the basis for German military power:
Supporter of the strategic alliance between Germany and the USSR within the framework of the Eurasian continental bloc:
K. Haushofer
The ideaological basis of the policy of Nazi Germany was geopolitical theory:
expansion of living space
The Treaty of Rappalo in 1922 was signed by the Soviet delegation with:
The Kuril Islands and Sakhalin Island became part of Russia:
after the defeat of Japan in 1945
Allies of the USSR during the Second World War:
In 1954, the Crimean Peninsula was transferred from the Russia to:
Geopolitics as a “reactionary concept” was banned in:
American admiral, adviser to the US President A. Mahan published a book:
“The Influence of Sea Power on History”
“Central Europe” includes:
areas inhabited by Germans
The term “living space” was first used:
Japanese nationalists
Author of the “continental bloc” theory:
K. Haushofer
Representatives of the German school of political geography are:
Ratzel, R. Chellen, K. Haushofer
The geopolitical position of Russia determines:
natural openness of borders
The “Northern Territories” in Japan are called:
Kurile Islands
The first atomic bomb was created:
The “North Atlantic Alliance” (NATO) was created in:
“Versailles-Washington system” is:
system of international agreements after the end of the First World War
The continent of Antarctica belongs to:
has a neutral status
Which geopolitical scientist is the author of the 7 laws (principles) of spatial growth:
F. Ratzel
The “Berlin Wall” was destroyed in:
The statement often quoted by politicians during the Cold War - “The Soviet Union is an “evil empire”, belongs to:
R. Reagan
The launch of the first artificial earth satellite took place in:
International peacekeeping organization created after the end of the Second World War:
International peacekeeping organization created after the end of the First World War:
The League of nations
The Star Wars strategy was developed in:
The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was signed in:
Supporter of the strategic alliance between Germany and the USSR within the framework of the Eurasian continental bloc:
K. Haushofer
The cause of the 1962 Caribbean crisis is:
the USSR’s desire to expand its military presence on the American continent
The plan of the German General Staff to “win the autumn leaf fall” in World War I was thwarted:
Russian offensive in East Prussia
Lend-Lease during the 2nd World War was called:
a system for the US to loan or lease weapons, ammunition, strategic raw materials, and food to its allies in the anti-Hitler coalition
Author of the definition “Geopolitics is a science that considers the state as a geographical organism or a phenomenon of space”:
R. Chellen
“Sea power” in geopolitics is:
The countries of the “continental axis” (1936 treaty) include:
Germany, Italy, Japan
Who is the author of the term “Eurasian Balkans”, which refers to a zone of power vacuum and geopolitical rivalry of powers in Eurasia, which includes 9 countries: 3 post-Soviet republics of the South Caucasus, 5 post-Soviet republics of Central Asia and Afghanistan.
The political power of the state is determined by:
geographical location
The term “global” means:
“Inner Border Crescent”:
coastal area of the Eurasian continent
The element of politics does not exist in the concept of the founder of geopolitics R. Chellen:
Scientific policy
“Land power” in geopolitics is:
Geopolitics is a science
about geographical and social spaces
Geopolitics as a scientific discipline arose:
in Europe at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries