Английская транскрипция Flashcards
[ e ]
Short Vowels
[ e ] - как в слове «плед», например, как в слове «let», близко к русскому [ э ]
Found in words like: bed, instead, friend
Letters that usually represent it: “e,” “ea”
Exp: Went, intend, send, letter.
[ æ ]
Short Vowels
среднее между [ э ] и [ а ], произносится кратко. Аналога ему нет в русском языке. Читается он, как в слове в слове «cat».
Found in words like: cat, lad, bat
Letters that usually represent it: “a”
Exp: Cat, hand, nap, flat, have.
[ ʌ ]
Short Vowels
[ а ] – очень краткий звук [ а ], как в словах «duck», «cut»
Found in words like: run, won, flood, sudden, alumnus
Letters that usually represent it: “u,” “o,” “oo”
Exp: Fun, love, money, one, London, come.
[ ʊ ]
Short Vowels
[ у ] – короткое, краткий звук, как в слове «put»
Found in words like: put, look, would
Letters that usually represent it: “oo,” “oul,” “u”
Remember that this sound is very similar to the schwa sound, but it is typically reserved for stressed syllables.
Exp: Put, look, should, cook, book, look.
[ ɒ ]
Short Vowels
имеет оттенок между русскими звуками [ а ] и [ о ], box
Found in words like: off, loss, cloth (General American)
Letters that usually represent it: “o,” “a”
Notice that this symbol is different from the symbol /a/, which some people pronounce in the word “father.” However, the symbol has been omitted from this list.
Exp: Rob, top, watch, squat, sausage.
[ ə ]
Short Vowels
напоминает нечто среднее между безударными русскими звуками [ а ] и [ э ].
один из наиболее распространенных звуков «e» в английской транскрипции. По звучанию, этот звук похож на русский звук «э». Он стоит только в безударных слогах и бывает практически неслышен или неразличим, к примеру, [‘letə], «letter» — письмо.
Found in words like: about, the, spotted, lemon, basil, analysis, acumen
Letters that usually represent it: almost any vowel
This symbol is known as the “schwa” and is often called the neutral vowel. Technically, it is the “mid central unrounded vowel,” and in English, it is only used for unstressed vowels. Stressed vowels that make a similar sound are represented by the /ʊ/ symbol.
What’s interesting about the schwa is that almost any vowel letter in English can make this sound, probably because it is the neutral vowel, and therefore a logical go-to for any vowel that becomes weakened from a lack of stress.
Exp: Alive, again, mother.
[ i: ]
Long Vowels
[ и ] – долгое, долгий звук, к примеру, как в «sheep»
Found in words like: city, see, meat, theme, fluorine, people
Letters that usually represent it: “ee,” “ea,” “y,” “i”
Exp: Need, beat, team.
[ ɜ: ]
Long Vowels
звучит, как [ ё ] в протяжно сказанном слове “мёд”, но немного более жестко, girl
Found in words like: burn, herd, earth, bird, worm, amateur, winner (General American)
Letters that usually represent it: “er,” “ear,” “ir,” “or,” “ur,” “eur”
Exp: Nurse, heard, third, turn.
[ ɔ: ]
Long Vowels
долгий звук «о», как в слове «more», длительное открытое [ о ]
Found in words like: law, caught, all, talk
Letters that usually represent it: “a,” “aw,” “au,” “al”
Exp: Talk, law, bored, yawn, jaw.
[ u: ]
Long Vowels
[ у ] – долгое, долгий звук, как в слове «blue»
Found in words like: tube, you, choose, through, threw, issue
Letters that usually represent it: “oo,” “u,” “ou,” “ew”
Exp: Few, boot, lose, gloomy, fruit, chew.
[ a: ]
Long Vowels
долгий звук «a», который читается, как в слове «car»
Exp: Fast, car, hard, bath.
[ f ]
Consonants Sounds: Fricatives
[ ф ], близок к русскому [ ф ]
Voiceless fricative made by putting your upper front teeth on your lower lip
Found in words like: fool, enough, leaf, off, photo, glyph
Letters that usually represent it: “f,” “ph,” sometimes “gh”
Exp: Full, Friday, fish, knife.
[ v ]
Consonants Sounds: Fricatives
[ в ], близок к русскому [ в ]
Voiced fricative made by putting your upper front teeth on your lower lip
Found in words like: voice, have, of, over
Letters that usually represent it: “v,” sometimes “f”
Exp: Vest, village, view, cave.
[ θ ]
Consonants Sounds: Fricatives
звук, получающийся при помещении кончика языка между зубами и проталкивании воздуха в образовавшуюся щель
Voiceless fricative made by putting your tongue between your teeth
Found in words like: thing, teeth, Athens
Letters that usually represent it: “th”
If you’re curious about this symbol, it comes from the Greek letter “theta,” which makes the same sound in Greek.
Exp: Thought, think, Bath.
[ ð ]
Consonants Sounds: Fricatives
как «θ», только с добавлением голоса, будто мягкая буква «з», артикулируется так же, как [ θ ], но с участием голосовых связок
Voiced fricative made by putting your tongue between your teeth
Found in words like: this, breathe, father
Letters that usually represent it: “th”
You might have noticed that both /θ/ and /ð/ are represented by “th” in English. Although sometimes there are rules as to when a letter or letter cluster makes different sounds, there really is no rule for “th.”
Sometimes it’s voiced, and sometimes it’s unvoiced, and you’ll just have to memorize the difference as you come across each word with a “th” in it. This letter seems to be based off of the Greek letter “delta,” which makes the same sound in Greek.
Exp: There, those, brothers, others.
[ z ]
Consonants Sounds: Fricatives
[ з ], близок к русскому [ з ]
Voiced fricative made by putting the tip the tongue nearly on the alveolar ridge
Found in words like: zoo, rose, clothes, asthma
Letters that usually represent it: “z,” sometimes “s,” rarely “th”
Exp: Zoo, crazy, lazy, zigzag, nose.
[ ʃ ]
Consonants Sounds: Fricatives
[ ш ], напоминает русский звук [ ш ], но звучит более мягко
Voiceless fricative made by putting the tip the tongue a little bit past the alveolar ridge
Found in words like: she, sure, session, emotion, leash
Letters that usually represent it: “sh,” “si,” “ti,” sometimes “s,”
Exp: Shirt, rush, shop, cash.
[ ʒ ]
Consonants Sounds: Fricatives
звонкий звук, близок к русскому [ ж ] в слове “жить”, но при этом звучит мягко
Voiced fricative made by putting the tip the tongue a little bit past the alveolar ridge
Found in words like: genre, pleasure, beige, equation, seizure, vision
Letters that usually represent it: “g,” “si,” “ti,” “z,” sometimes “s”
Exp: Television, delusion, casual
[ h ]
Consonants Sounds: Fricatives
отдаленно напоминает русский звук [ х ], но звучит, как простой выдох
Exp: High, help, hello.
[ p ]
Consonants Sounds: Plosives
[ п ], произносится с аспирацией (резким выталкиванием воздуха из ротовой полости)
Voiceless stop made with both lips
Found in words like: pen, spin, tip, happy
Letters that usually represent it: “p”
Exp: Pin, cap, purpose, pause.
[ b ]
Consonants Sounds: Plosives
[ б ], близок к русскому звуку [ б ]
Voiced stop made with both lips
Found in words like: but, web, baby
Letters that usually represent it: “b”
As you may have noticed, the only difference between producing /p/ and /b/ is the voicing, while all other factors remain the same.
Exp: Bag, bubble, build, robe.
[ t ]
Consonants Sounds: Plosives
[ т ], произносится с кончиком языка на альвеолах (бугорках над зубами) и аспирацией
Voiceless stop made with the tip of the tongue on the alveolar ridge
Found in words like: two, sting
Letters that usually represent it: “t”
Exp: Time, train, tow, late.
[ d ]
Consonants Sounds: Plosives
[ д ], близок к русскому звуку [ д ], но произносится на альвеолах
Voiced stop made with the tip of the tongue on the alveolar ridge
Found in words like: do, daddy, odd
Letters that usually represent it: “d”
Exp: Door, day, drive, down, feed.
[ k ]
Consonants Sounds: Plosives
[ к ], произносится с аспирацией (выдохом)
Voiceless stop made with the back of the tongue on the soft palate
Found in words like: cat, kill, skin, queen, unique, thick, chaos
Letters that usually represent it: “k,” “c,” “q,” “que,” “ck,” sometimes “ch”
Exp: Cash, quick, cricket, sock.
[ g ]
Consonants Sounds: Plosives
[ г ], близок к русскому [ г ]
Voiced stop made with the back of the tongue on the soft palate
Found in words like: go, get, beg, bigger
Letters that usually represent it: “g”
Exp: Girl, green, grass, flag.
[ tʃ ]
Consonants Sounds: Affricates
[ ч ], похож на русский звук [ ч ], произнесенный на альвеолах
Voiceless affricate made with the tip of the tongue on the alveolar ridge
Found in words like: chair, nature, teach
Letters that usually represent it: “ch,” sometimes “t”
Exp: Choose, cheese, church, watch.
[ dʒ ]
Consonants Sounds: Affricates
[ дж ], артикулируется так же, как [ tʃ ], но произносится звонко
Voiced affricate made with the tip of the tongue on the alveolar ridge
Found in words like: gin, joy, edge, did you, judgment
Letters that usually represent it: “j,” sometimes “g,” “dg,” sometimes “d”
Exp: Joy, juggle, juice, stage.
[ m ]
Consonants Sounds: Nasals
[ м ], близок к русскому звуку [ м ], но мягче
Nasal sound formed while the lips are shut
Found in words like: man, them, hammer
Letters that usually represent it: “m”
Exp: Room, mother, mad, more.
[ n ]
Consonants Sounds: Nasals
[ н ], близок к русскому звуку [ н ], но произносится на альвеолах
Nasal sound formed while the tip of the tongue is on the alveolar ridge
Found in words like: no, tin, winner
Letters that usually represent it: “n”
Exp: Now, nobody, knew, turn.
[ ŋ ]
Consonants Sounds: Nasals
носовой, приблизительно получается, если произнести звук [ н ] в носоглотке
Nasal sound formed while the back of the tongue is on the soft palate
Found in words like: ringer, sing, finger, drink
Letters that usually represent it: “ng,” sometimes part of “ng,” part of “nk”
The letters “ng” can be problematic because the /ŋ/ sound is sometimes followed by a /g/ sound, but sometimes it isn’t. Note the difference between “singer” and “finger,” where “finger” has that extra /g/ sound, but “singer” doesn’t.
This difference is random and should be memorized, just like the “th” phenomenon, but there are a few tricks that can help. For example, if a word ends in “ng,” then there is never a following /g/ sound. There also is no /g/ sound if the word ends in “-ing,” which turns verbs into participles or gerunds.
Exp: King, thing, song, swimming.
[ r ]
Consonants Sounds: Approximants
при произнесении кончик языка сильно поднят вверх (к задней части альвеол), язык не вибрирует
Liquid created by curling the tongue backward toward the back of the mouth. The tip of the tongue should not be touching any part of the mouth.
Found in words like: run, very, probably, far, earnest
Letters that usually represent it: “r”
The /ɹ/ sound is arguably one of the most difficult English sounds for foreigners to grasp. Although it is found in almost all accents of English, it is most common in American accents.
For example, even though an American would typically pronounce the “r” in “car,” but a British person wouldn’t, both speakers would usually pronounce the “r” in “grow.”
Exp: Road, roses, river, ring, ride.
[ j ]
Consonants Sounds: Approximants
напоминает русский звук [ й ], но звучит менее отчётливо
Glide created by bringing the middle of the tongue very close to the roof of the mouth, and then releasing
Found in words like: yes, neuron, cube
Letters that usually represent it: “y,” sometimes other vowels
Though /j/ seems like it is the vowel /i/ but shorter, the tongue is tenser in this sound so that it can be brought closer to the roof of the mouth.
If pronounced correctly, you should be able to pronounce the word “year” and hear a distinction between the /j/ sound and the vowel after it. The letter “u” also tends to be pronounced with the /j/ sound in certain words, such as “cute” or “pure.”
Exp: Yellow, usual, tune, yesterday, yard.
[ w ]
Consonants Sounds: Approximants
как «в» и «у» вместе, мягкое произношение, при произнесении губы сильно округляются и выдвигаются вперёд, затем мгновенно переходят в положение для произнесения следующего гласного
Glide created by pursing the lips closely together, and then releasing
Found in words like: we, queen, Huang, lower
Letters that usually represent it: “w,” sometimes “u”
Exp: Wall, walk, wine, world.
[ l ], ɫ
Consonants Sounds: Approximants
[ л ], произносится как [ л ], но с кончиком языка на альвеолах
Liquid created by keeping the tip of the tongue on the upper teeth
Found in words like: left, bell, table, please
Letters that usually represent it: “l”
Though the /l/ symbol is used for the “l” sound in most European languages, the sound in English is a little bit different in that the tip of the tongue touches the teeth rather than other places of the mouth like the alveolar ridge.
This is what gives the “l” that fuller, arguably uglier quality, almost like you’re about to swallow your tongue. In British English, the tip of the tongue tends to touch the alveolar ridge instead.
Exp: Law, lots, leap, long, pill, cold, chill, melt.
[ iə ]
Diphthong Vowels
начинается с [ i ] и заканчивается скольжением в направлении нейтрального звука [ ə ], clear
Exp: Near, ear, clear, tear, beer, fear
[ eə ]
Diphthong Vowel
ядром дифтонга является открытый звук [ e ], похожий на русское [ э ], заканчивается скольжением к нейтральному [ ə ] Exp: fare
Exp: Hair, there, care, stairs, pear
[ ei ]
Diphthong Vowel
[ эй ], близко по звучанию гласных в слове “бей”, lay
Found in words like: date, day, pain, whey, rein, neighbor
Letters that usually represent it: “a,” “ay,” “ai,” “ey,” “ei,” “eigh”
Exp: Face, space, rain , case, eight
[ ɔi ]
Diphthong Vowel
[ ой ], звучит как в слове “бой”, но более открыто
Found in words like: boy, noise, Euler
Letters that usually represent it: “oy,” “oi”
Oftentimes, this is pronounced as /oj/ instead.
Exp: Joy, employ, toy, coil, oyster.
[ ai ]
Diphthong Vowel
[ ай ], звучит более открыто, чем в заимствованном слове “файл”
Found in words like: my, wise, high, Thai, island
Letters that usually represent it: “i,” “y,” “igh,” “ai”
Exp: My, sight, pride, kind, flight
[ əʊ ]
Diphthong Vowel
[ оу ], близок к русскому звукосочетанию [ оу ] с более кратким [ у ]
Exp: No, don’t, stones, alone, hole
[ aʊ ]
Diphthong Vowel
[ ау ], звучит примерно так же, как в слове “Фауст”
Found in words like: now, trout, Laos
Letters that usually represent it: “ow,” “ou”
Americans often pronounce this as a /æw/ sound.
Exp: Mouth, house, brown, cow, out
[ ʊə ]
Diphthong Vowel
начинается с краткого [ ʊ ] и заканчивается нейтральным [ ə ], poor
Exp: tour /tʊə(r)/, endure /ɪnˈdjʊə(r)/
[ I ], /Ɪ/
Short Vowels
[ и ] – короткое, краткий звук, например, как в слове «film», краткое [ и ], близкое к мягкому [ ы ]
Found in words like: sit, hidden, amiss
Letters that usually represent it: “i,” “y”
[ s ]
[ с ], твердая [ с ], никогда не смягчается подобно тому, как в слове “семь”
Voiceless fricative made by putting the tip the tongue nearly on the alveolar ridge
Found in words like: see, city, pass, lesson
Letters that usually represent it: “s,” sometimes “c”
Exp: sing /sɪŋ/, rice /raɪs/
[ ɔ ]
краткий звук «a», который звучит одновременно похоже и на «о», и на «а». В британском произношении, это скорее «о», как в слове «hot» или «not»
Found in words like: law, caught, all, talk
Letters that usually represent it: “a,” “aw,” “au,” “al”
At least in the General American accent, this is an interesting sound because it’s starting to fall out of usage. For example, there used to be a clear geographical distinction in the United States between people who pronounced the words “cot” and “caught” the same and those who pronounced with different vowels (/ɑ/ and /ɔ/).
These days, however, there is a much blurrier distinction between these two pronunciations, and many more Americans are beginning to pronounce both “cot” and “caught” with the /ɑ/ vowel. This is what linguists call the “cot-caught merger” and is an example of how certain sounds are currently dying out of English pronunciations.