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User Generated flashcards
By: Izzy Swift
Outline clinical characteristics of schizophrenia. (5), Discuss issues associated with the classification and / or diagnosis of schizophrenia. (8+16), Discuss biological explanations of schizophrenia. (8+16) ...17Decks238Flashcards1Learner -
Boxing Day Quiz
Boxing Day Quiz
By: Anna Hamilton
General Knowledge Round, Cooking Round, Sport Round ...4Decks40Flashcards2Learners -
Developmental Psychology
Developmental Psychology
By: Matthew McCowen
Introduction To Theories And Issues, Why Cant We Talk To Animals, Intergenerational Transmission Of Social Anxiety Research Focused Lecture ...11Decks249Flashcards1Learner -
Sociology of Mass Communication
Sociology of Mass Communication
By: Audrey Balas
Week 1: Theoretical and Historical Basics, Week 1: History of Entertainment Industry - 19th Century (1830s-1910), Week 1: History of Entertainment Industry - 1910s to 1940s (WWI- WWII) ...23Decks150Flashcards1Learner -
Media Studies - Key terms
Media Studies - Key terms
By: Chloe Jeanne
Television Key terms, Television Key terms #2, Online Key terms ...8Decks118Flashcards1Learner -
Social Science and the Law
Social Science and the Law
By: Devlin McDermott
Early Developments, Legal Realism, Legal Methods ...24Decks231Flashcards1Learner -
media studies
media studies
By: Alexia Beckford
music videos (section a), Newspapers (section a), Advertising (section a) ...12Decks44Flashcards1Learner -
By: Poppy Ashford
Pro social, Anti Social, Effects Of Video games ...7Decks86Flashcards1Learner -
CIT210 CH3
CIT210 CH3
By: Fahad Al Muhannadi
Basic app Softwares, Careers In IT, Software Suites ...18Decks94Flashcards2Learners -
TERM 2_Developmental
TERM 2_Developmental
By: Madison Wright
Trends in Children's Mental Health, What is Well-Being, Nature and Child Well-Being ...6Decks148Flashcards1Learner -
Psychology PSYA4
Psychology PSYA4
By: tash Bagley
Explanations of Media Influences on Pro-Social Behaviour, Explanations of Media Influences on Anti-Social Behaviour, The positive and negative effects of computers and video games on behaviour ...15Decks146Flashcards2Learners -
By: Kate Chard
Schizophrenia - Overview, Schizophrenia - Psychological, Schizophrenia - Biological ...13Decks78Flashcards1Learner -
By: Chloé Williams
Media And Anti-social Behaviour, Psychological Treatments For Depression, Media Influences On Pro Social Behaviour ...14Decks120Flashcards1Learner -
By: Clareeta Mu
Lesson 2 - History, Lesson 3 - Serious Games, Lesson 4 - Cyberbullying, computer addiction and violence in video games ...9Decks121Flashcards1Learner -
Media Studies
Media Studies
By: Benalayefa Kagbala
Magazine, Magazine Conventions, Burn The Witch, Radiohead ...6Decks49Flashcards1Learner -
(14) Music
(14) Music
By: katie mackenzie
Baroque, Classical and Romantic Concertos, Rhythms of the World, Film and Video Game Music ...4Decks35Flashcards1Learner -
Ted Talk
Ted Talk
By: Tanner Harrold
Video Games1Decks19Flashcards1Learner -
By: Jack Jolly
Iew history of video games1Decks19Flashcards1Learner -
IOTE - Imagining Nature
IOTE - Imagining Nature
By: Andrew Sharman
Week 9 - Documenting Nature, Reading: Christophers, Week 10 - Gaia & Wilderness, Reading: Cosgrove, Week 9: Herzog, Videogames, and the Environment3Decks30Flashcards1Learner -
By: Lotte Sophie
Lecture 1. Moral Panics, Lecture 2. Cyberchondria, Lecture 3. Social capital ...12Decks109Flashcards1Learner -
Psychology- aggression
Psychology- aggression
By: Crystal S
C1a1 the role of the brain and aggression, C1a2 the role of hormones and aggression, C1a3 Social learning theory ...16Decks107Flashcards3Learners -
Easter Egg Trivia
Easter Egg Trivia
By: Ron Lichfield
Before we were married, Mister's Hobbies, People ...4Decks37Flashcards1Learner -
MUI 221 Final
MUI 221 Final
By: cummies benedict
Copyright Law, Entertainment Industry Facts and Figures, Royalty Chart (After MMA) ...5Decks39Flashcards1Learner -
Glow kids by kardaras
Glow kids by kardaras
By: Gregg Delany
Screen addiction, Digital drugs and the brain, Video games and aggression3Decks23Flashcards1Learner -
Media psychology
Media psychology
By: Rebecca lewington
media influences on pro-social behaviour., media influences on anti-social behaviour., the effects of computers and video games ...7Decks59Flashcards1Learner -
Media Studies
Media Studies
By: Karpagaram GANESH
Music General Knowledge, Taylor Swift-Bad Blood, Bruno Mars-Uptown Funk ...9Decks36Flashcards1Learner -
A2 Psychology: PSYA4
A2 Psychology: PSYA4
By: Tristan Landi
Media Psychology: Media Influences on Prosocial Behaviour, Media Psychology: Explanations For The Persuasiveness Of Television Advertising, Media Psychology: The Attraction Of Celebrity ...12Decks82Flashcards1Learner -
English 004LA
English 004LA
By: Abteen Mirpour
Rhetorical Strategies, A 1.0- Critical Reading Purpose Notes, A 1.1- The Function of Reading Notes ...41Decks290Flashcards1Learner -
Psychology (A2) unit 4 STUDIES ONLY
Psychology (A2) unit 4 STUDIES ONLY
By: Leah Ayliffe
Schizophrenia - issues with classification&diagnosis; reliability&validity, Schizophrenia - biological explanations, Schizophrenia - psychological explanations ...11Decks69Flashcards1Learner -
Media (Psychology)
Media (Psychology)
By: Mark Parker
Media and Pro-social behaviour (studies), Media and anti-social behaviour (studies), Negative effects of video games ...10Decks78Flashcards1Learner