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Urinary II
Urinary II
By: Brooke Appelbaum
UUT/LUT Structure, Function, Imaging, Clin Path, Intro to Kidney Diseases ...38Decks611Flashcards4Learners -
DT 3 Q2
DT 3 Q2
By: Alex Christopher
1. Renal Embryo, 2. Cystic kidney disease, 3. Kidney Obstruction ...24Decks479Flashcards1Learner -
RÉVISION Maïeutique 3 (exam final M4)
RÉVISION Maïeutique 3 (exam final M4)
By: Adèle Gobeil
Situation 1: dystocies du travail, Situation 2: kystes et fibromes, DG, malformations utérines, Situation 3: vomissements gravidiques, interruption Gx T1-T2, score de Bishop ...11Decks283Flashcards13Learners -
Z - Clinical Med - Final
Z - Clinical Med - Final
By: Elyse Kohl
1 - Infectious Disease, 2 - Neurologic Disorders, 3 - Psychiatric Disorders ...6Decks116Flashcards3Learners -
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
By: Vegeterrixen Gousander
Week 1, Week 2, Week 3 ...14Decks125Flashcards8Learners -
SyP - Parcial
SyP - Parcial
By: Matias Cabrera
UT1 - Intro, UT2 - Privacidad, UT7 - Malware ...7Decks118Flashcards1Learner -
Pathophys Semester II
Pathophys Semester II
By: Brian Fisher
CNS PT-1 Test II, CNS PT-2 Test II, Neoplasia PT-1 Test II ...14Decks408Flashcards1Learner -
Micro Final (60% of new material)
Micro Final (60% of new material)
By: Lauren Kasper
Diseases of the skin Part 1, Diseases of skin Part 2, Diseases of the nervous system Part 1 ...7Decks217Flashcards2Learners -
UT Ultrasonic Testing , Guided Wave Method
UT Ultrasonic Testing , Guided Wave Method
By: Domenic Garza
Lesson 1 Quiz UT COPY, Lesson 2 Quiz UT, Lesson 3 UT ...4Decks96Flashcards1Learner -
Persiapan PAS
Persiapan PAS
By: Lili Lie
Biologi, Biologi Evaluasi 1 Tambahan, Biologi Evaluasi 2 ...6Decks50Flashcards1Learner -
By: Potatis Potatisson
Akut diabetes, Insulinbehandling T1D, Diabeteskost ...18Decks324Flashcards8Learners -
By: Renáta Göde
1-A Versailles-washingtoni békerendszer kialakulása, 2-A nemzetközi kapcsolatok a két világháború között, 3-A nagy gazdasági világválságra adott válaszok és a II. világháborúhoz vezető út ...29Decks1,229Flashcards3Learners -
By: Buddha Gurung
Scientific Revolution, The Enlightenment, The Industrial Revolution ...29Decks343Flashcards1Learner -
By: Putra Abbin
Turkish, Persiapan UTS Lughah Tathbiq, Syiir Araby kel 5 ...6Decks142Flashcards1Learner -
By: Dalma Bodolai
1. Kombinatorika, 2. Logikai szitaformula és alakjai, 3. Rekurziós összefüggések ...16Decks122Flashcards3Learners -
By: Renáta Göde
1-Integrációelméletek, 2-Az integráció kezdeti lépései: Az ESZAK, az EGK és az Euratom megalakulása; az EGK első 15 éve, 3-Az EGK északi, déli bővítése; az Egységes Európai Okmány ...25Decks781Flashcards1Learner -
By: Dennis Lauritsen
Sosial Kontroll - Grunnleggende sosiologi begreper, Kapittel 19 + Kapittel 20 - Vitenskapsteori for nybegynnere, Kapittel 1 - Vitenskapsteori for politiet ...16Decks168Flashcards12Learners -
ESA 3 - Urinary
ESA 3 - Urinary
By: Tom Ward
Session 1 - Structure And Anatomy Of The Urinary System, Session 2 - Function Histology of UT and Embryology, Session 4 - Changes in Plasma Volume + Control of BP ...9Decks177Flashcards2Learners -
NDT UT General
NDT UT General
By: Trinity Grimes
Lesson 1: Introduction to UT, Lesson 2: Basic Principles of Acoustics, Lesson 3: Ultrasonic Equipment ...13Decks82Flashcards1Learner -
By: Melissa Feldman
Large Animal, Lecture 1 & 2: assessment of the UT and lower UTD, Lecture 3 - Micturition ...10Decks236Flashcards1Learner -
By: Akshvir Singh
Lecture 1 Evolutionary concepts, lecture 2 Evolution: Species and Adaptations, lectrure 3- evidence of evolution ...21Decks429Flashcards1Learner -
Verbi irregolari
Verbi irregolari
By: Projetto Marco
1 Gruppo OWN, 3 Gruppo EPT, 5 Gruppo KE ...27Decks151Flashcards1Learner -
Enf Parasitarias
Enf Parasitarias
By: Ivana Pereira
UT2, UT12Decks55Flashcards1Learner -
By: Manuel got mes de Olea
Task 7, Task 1, Siegler, R. S. (2007). Cognitive variability. Developmental Science, Task 1 ...20Decks344Flashcards2Learners -
By: Daniel Rivaya
UT1 El truco de la fragmentación del espacio, UT2 La magia de la composición, UT3 Jugando con el tiempo ...9Decks72Flashcards3Learners -
By: William tangstad
1 befolkningsutviklingen i verden, 2 befolkningen har utviklet seg i faser, 3 folk flytter og flykter ...19Decks55Flashcards3Learners -
By: Shalini Selva
#1. Semiotics of Urological Diseases, #2. Methods in Urological Practice - Physical Examination, Lab Tests, X-Ray, #3. Instrumental Examination Methods in Urology ...15Decks192Flashcards1Learner -
Rope Access Evaluation Guidelines
Rope Access Evaluation Guidelines
By: Domenic Garza
1. Purpose and Scope, 2. Responsibilities of Involved Parties, 3. Written Test Information ...26Decks36Flashcards1Learner -
FIE420 - Pengemarkeder og bankvesen
FIE420 - Pengemarkeder og bankvesen
By: Haakon Farstadvoll
Innledende kommentarer til noen aktuelle spørsmål som tas opp i dette kurset, Det norske pengemarkedet: innledende oversikt; generelt om eurovalutamarkedet; det norske interbankmarkedet = valutaswapmarkedet; Viktige instrumenter i det amerikanske pengemarkedet; NIBOR & Friends - akkurat nå; Udekket og dekket renteparietet - prinsippene., F3 - Udekket renteparitet; Dekket renteparitet - grunnlaget for sammenhengene mellom eurovalutarenter; Praktisk eksempel på beregning av NIBOR; Norske bankers lån av NOK gjennom valutamarkedet; Hva skjer når dollarfundingen tørker opp?; Aktuelle tall for pengemarkedsrenter; Aktuelt problem: Rentepro ...17Decks223Flashcards25Learners