Learn Thoracic Wall Anatomy
Study Thoracic Wall Anatomy using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun!
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User Generated flashcards
By: Heli Sinnpson
Upper Limb - Muscles (1), Face - Muscles And Nerves (1.5), The Basics of Anatomy (1) ...50Decks590Flashcards10Learners -
By: Lucas Tibbs
Palmar Hand, OPP EXAM 2, Anatomy Exam IV ...21Decks324Flashcards1Learner -
By: Andrew Fontes
A2 Spinal Chord, A3 Back Muscles, A4 Spinal Chord ...12Decks241Flashcards1Learner -
Thoracic and Respiratory
Thoracic and Respiratory
By: Aman Sandhu
Thoracic anatomy and a basics, Interstitial and Occupational Lung Disease, Pleura, Chest wall And Diaphragm ...7Decks217Flashcards1Learner -
Anatomy 1: Term 1
Anatomy 1: Term 1
By: Nicole A
Anatomy 1: Planes, Body Positions, Joints, Vein and Artery Terms-Test 1, Anatomy 1: Organ Position-Test 1, Anatomy 1: basic structure of the skin-Test 1 ...7Decks203Flashcards2Learners -
Cardiopulm Midterm
Cardiopulm Midterm
By: Emily Shank
Thoracic Wall, Lower Respiratory Tract, Anatomy of Autonomics: An Introduction ...6Decks306Flashcards1Learner -
Cardio Week 1
Cardio Week 1
By: daniela kaissieh
ICL 1.0: Thoracic Wall, Pleura and Lungs, ICL 1.13: Mediastinum, ICL 1.1: Heart & Pericardium ...15Decks637Flashcards1Learner -
Respiratory module
Respiratory module
By: Hayley K
L1.8 Conducting and Respiratory zone microanatomy, L2. Respiratory physiology, L3. Thoracic wall anatomy ...21Decks273Flashcards1Learner -
zFunctional Anatomy
zFunctional Anatomy
By: Julia Armenti
Regional and Systemic Anatomy, Bones and Classification of Bones, Movement of the Pelvis ...10Decks288Flashcards1Learner -
By: Shuanne Thong
Muscle Anatomy: Facial muscles, General Classification Of Muscles, Skeletal Anatomy: Thoracic Cage ...16Decks196Flashcards1Learner -
Viscera Midterm
Viscera Midterm
By: Jim Hua
Thoracic Wall 1, Lung anatomy, Cardiac3Decks178Flashcards1Learner -
Anatomy ESE
Anatomy ESE
By: Basharat Ahmed
General anatomy and anatomy of the upper limb, Anatomy of the lower limb, Anatomy of the wall of trunk, thoracic cavity and the respiratory system3Decks24Flashcards2Learners -
Cardiovascular and Thoracic Biology
Cardiovascular and Thoracic Biology
By: Mehmet Hazirci
Anatomy of the Thoracic walls, airways, and lungs, Anatomy of the Cardiovascular System, Anatomical Adaptations to Extreme Environments ...12Decks245Flashcards1Learner -
LSS-anatomy of thorax
LSS-anatomy of thorax
By: Monira K
Thoracic wall, Bronchi, Pleura, lungs and diaphragm, Superior and middle mediastinum ...10Decks213Flashcards1Learner -
Grainger & Allison
Grainger & Allison
By: Ziyaad Mollagee
PACS, Contrast Media, Ultrasound ...74Decks246Flashcards1Learner -
- Bloc B - Respiration
- Bloc B - Respiration
By: Florence Lola Navia
Basic Histology of the Respiratory System, Anatomy/Embryology - Thoracic Wall and Respiratory Muscles [3], Anatomy/Embryology - The Lungs and Pleural Cavities [2] ...9Decks159Flashcards1Learner -
Anatomy - Thorax
Anatomy - Thorax
By: Meghan Strand
Surface Anatomy, Breast, Thoracic Wall3Decks90Flashcards1Learner -
LSS - Anatomy of the Thorax
LSS - Anatomy of the Thorax
By: Yama Baheer
1.1 - The Thoracic Wall, 1.2 - Bronchi, Lungs, Pleura and Diaphragm, 1.3 - The Mediastinum ...7Decks151Flashcards1Learner -
Year 2 Semester 1 Part 1
Year 2 Semester 1 Part 1
By: Gregor Lumsden
Anatomy of the Thoracic Wall, Cardiovascular History Taking, Anatomy of the Thoracic Cavity3Decks77Flashcards1Learner -
CSF3-Exam I
CSF3-Exam I
By: Chika Adiele
Organization of the thorax: Wilson, Thoracic Wall- Dr. A, Lungs and Pleura- Dr. K ...9Decks217Flashcards2Learners -
By: Beth E
Great Vessels of the Heart, Surface anatomy of the heart, Chambers of the Heart ...13Decks202Flashcards1Learner -
Wright Midterm 1
Wright Midterm 1
By: Alex Shin
Anatomy First Lecture, Names and functions of organelles, One question on cytoskeleton ...20Decks134Flashcards1Learner -
Anatomy Exam 1
Anatomy Exam 1
By: Stephen Jensen
2.1 Skeleton of the Thorax and Surface Anatomy, 2.1 Pectoral Region, 2.2 Muscles of the Anterior Thoracic Wall ...23Decks235Flashcards1Learner -
By: Hirwa Kirezi Annaella
topic 24/ vagus & phrenic nerves, 23. The tributaries of the superior vena cava. The azygos-hemiazygos system. The lymphatic drainage of the thoracic cavity, 22. The anatomy of the pulmonary circulation, topography and branches of the pulmonary trunk. ...27Decks146Flashcards3Learners -
By: Tara Magge
Gray's Anatomy: Conceptual Overview, Regional Anatomy: Pectoral Region, Regional Anatomy: Thoracic Wall & Diaphragm3Decks51Flashcards1Learner -
By: Sarah Marshall
The Back, Thoracic Walls, The Heart and Pericardium ...25Decks151Flashcards1Learner -
By: Diamond Babe
Thoracic Wall 1 and 2, History Taking-The Cardiovascular system, Examination of the Cardiovascular system ...5Decks124Flashcards1Learner -
Respiratory Module
Respiratory Module
By: Luke de Ruiter
Conducting & Respiratory Zones plus blood supply, Thoracic Wall, Lung, pleura and Diaphragm Anatomy, Lung development and Surfactant ...10Decks100Flashcards1Learner -
By: Abshina Shajahan
ANATOMY: Histology of CVS, anatomy: thoracic wall, anatomy of the heart external features and the pericardium ...12Decks109Flashcards1Learner -
Heme/Cardio Dissections
Heme/Cardio Dissections
By: Anthony Martella
Skeletal And Surface Anatomy, Muscles Of The Anterior Thoracic Wall, Overview Of The Mediastinum ...7Decks68Flashcards1Learner