Learn The Working Memory Model
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Psychology (1)
Psychology (1)
By: Lucy Mathieson
Research Methods, Attachment, Disruption of Attachment ...9Decks292Flashcards2Learners -
Psychology- Memory
Psychology- Memory
By: Sophie Robinson
Coding, capacity and duration of memory, The multi-store model of memory, Types of long-term memory ...4Decks49Flashcards1Learner -
Psychology: Cognetive
Psychology: Cognetive
By: Maja Szukalska
The Multi Store Model Of Memory, The Working Memory Model, Baddeley3Decks60Flashcards1Learner -
Skill acquisition-year 1
Skill acquisition-year 1
By: Immi Beech
Skill continuums, Transfer of Learning, Methods of Presenting Practice ...19Decks249Flashcards2Learners -
By: Esther Taylor
Coding, Capacity and Duration, Types of Long Term Memory, Multi - Store Memory Model ...9Decks101Flashcards2Learners -
Psychology: Memory
Psychology: Memory
By: Mya Hogg
Coding, Capacity & Duration, The Multi-Store Model of Memory, Types of Long-Term memory ...9Decks74Flashcards1Learner -
MF- Cognitive Psychology
MF- Cognitive Psychology
By: Evie-Lily Peates
Baddeley Word Study, SY- Psychology Key Terms, Multi-Store Memory ...20Decks292Flashcards1Learner -
memory a level psychology
memory a level psychology
By: Liberty Heaslip
key concepts in memory and an introduction to it, research on capacity of STM, research on duration of STM ...12Decks131Flashcards1Learner -
Psychology - Memory
Psychology - Memory
By: emily burgess
Coding, Capacity, Duration, The Multi-Store Memory Model, Types of LTM ...9Decks120Flashcards6Learners -
AS Psychology: M2 - Memory
AS Psychology: M2 - Memory
By: Esther Kalejaiye
Coding, Capcity and Duration of Memory, Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) Multi-Store Model of Memory, Different Types of LTM ...9Decks78Flashcards2Learners -
By: Rosie Mitchell
The multi-store model of memory, The working memory model, Comparing MSM and WMM ...10Decks149Flashcards1Learner -
Psychology P1 - Memory
Psychology P1 - Memory
By: Henry Farmer
Multistore model, Types of Long Term memory, The working memory model ...6Decks85Flashcards1Learner -
Psychology - Memory
Psychology - Memory
By: Erin Garnett
The Multi Store Model, The Working Memory Model, Types Of Long-Term Memory ...7Decks109Flashcards5Learners -
Psychology Paper 1
Psychology Paper 1
By: Tallulah Walker
SOCIAL INFLUENCE, conformity, Zimbardo ...23Decks244Flashcards1Learner -
PSYCH 4.1 - memory
PSYCH 4.1 - memory
By: Ava Le-Leivre
capacity of memory, duration of memory, coding of memory ...11Decks106Flashcards1Learner -
By: Ria Pierre
4.1.2 - Encoding, Capacity, Durtaion, 4.1.2- - Muti-store Model, 4.1.2 - Types Of LTM ...41Decks723Flashcards2Learners -
By: scarlett butterworth
nature vs nature debate, drug treatments for anorexia - essay plan, biological explanation of schizophrenia - brain structure essay ...39Decks533Flashcards1Learner -
My Memory
My Memory
By: Saima Begum
The Multistore Model, The Working Model Of Memory, Explantions For Forgetting - Interference ...8Decks117Flashcards1Learner -
By: Elena Standen
Definitions of abnormality, Characteristics of phobias, depression and OCD, The behavioural approach to explaining and treating phobias ...28Decks466Flashcards1Learner -
Psychology- Memory
Psychology- Memory
By: Haris Nazir
Explanations For Forgetting, Multi-store Model of Memory, Types of Long Term Memory ...6Decks86Flashcards1Learner -
Psychology - PAPER 1
Psychology - PAPER 1
By: Lucy Welch
Attachment - Bowlby theory of Attachment, Attachment - Bowlbys Theory of maternal deprivation, Attachment - Cultural Variation ...26Decks393Flashcards5Learners -
P1: memory
P1: memory
By: Unknown Unknown
the multi store model of memory, cognitive interview, forgetting, eyewitness testimony, working model memory3Decks40Flashcards1Learner -
By: Sandra Kusi
RESEARCH METHODS, Key Words, Variables and Hypothesis Testing ...92Decks923Flashcards1Learner -
AQA Psychology
AQA Psychology
By: Georgia Hood
Research Methods - Aims And Hypothesis, Research Methods - Types Of Experiments, Research Methods - Experimental Design ...26Decks269Flashcards1Learner -
By: Amrit Birring
**L1 - Memory, **L2 - Coding, Capacity and Duration, **L3 - Multi-Store Model of Memory ...12Decks157Flashcards2Learners -
Psychology - O
Psychology - O
By: Iqra Sajid
Types of Conformity, Variables affecting conformity, BBC prison study ...11Decks73Flashcards1Learner -
Psychology Key Terms
Psychology Key Terms
By: Jisola Onifade
Explanations for Forgetting: Retrieval Failure + Interference, Eyewitness Testimonies (EWT), Attachment : Caregiver-infant Interaction ...83Decks916Flashcards5Learners -
psych: P1 memory
psych: P1 memory
By: Alexandra Andreea
capacity , duration & coding, Multi-Store model of memory (MSM), types of long-term memory ...9Decks138Flashcards1Learner -
2 Memory
2 Memory
By: Annie Chandler
Coding, Capacity and Duration, The Multi-Store Model, Types of Long-Term Memory ...4Decks41Flashcards1Learner -
XPsychology A-Level
XPsychology A-Level
By: Anwen Shore
Cognitive: Working Memory Model, Cognitive: The Multi Store Memory Model, Cognitive: Episodic + Semantic ...44Decks596Flashcards3Learners