Learn Synthetic Biology
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AP® Biology
AP® Biology
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13Decks745Flashcards54,196Learners -
Biology 101
Biology 101
Learn the most essential Biology concepts with the world’s smartest NGSS-aligned online flashcards.
User Generated flashcards
Synthetic Biology
Synthetic Biology
By: Summer Chow
Computational Biology, Genome Editing, Mammalian Synthetic Biology ...8Decks94Flashcards1Learner -
Synthetic Biology
Synthetic Biology
By: Mathias Vesthammer
SynBio1Decks80Flashcards1Learner -
CPE423 Synthetic Biology
CPE423 Synthetic Biology
By: Gina B
Control Systems, Standardisation, Chassis Effects ...5Decks166Flashcards6Learners -
Synthetic Biology
Synthetic Biology
By: Joe Evans
Building DNA and genomes, Genomic and metabolic engineering + cellular agriculture, Bio-circuitry3Decks88Flashcards1Learner -
PH3505- Medicinal chemistry
PH3505- Medicinal chemistry
By: jake heard
Lec 1- Gas Chromatography, Lec 2- HPLC, Lec 3- Murder, magic and mecidice ...29Decks565Flashcards33Learners -
By: Aileen Lynch
Introduction, Microbiomes etc, Aileen Metabelomics etc ...11Decks494Flashcards3Learners -
Medical and general microbiology
Medical and general microbiology
By: Saskia Chapman
Introduction and Overview, The human micro biome, the gut microbiome ...36Decks1,176Flashcards21Learners -
Fundamentals of Molecular Biology
Fundamentals of Molecular Biology
By: Amber Sawyer
DNA, Genes, DNA extraction and enzymes ...15Decks537Flashcards8Learners -
BS22003 lab module
BS22003 lab module
By: T F
12. Synthetic Biology 1, 13. Synthetic Biology 2, 14. Synthetic biology 33Decks94Flashcards1Learner -
BIO44 from my notes
BIO44 from my notes
By: Lottie McKenna
Synthetic biology build and cloning (Tom), Synthetic biology (Tom 2), Protein design (Max) ...6Decks74Flashcards1Learner -
A Level
A Level
By: Mary Tilling
5.1, Chemistry Past Paper Corrections 2018, Enthalpy Definitions ...25Decks772Flashcards1Learner -
By: Sydney Klyczek
Chapter 1 Plants, Chapter 2 Plants, Chapter 9 Plants ...18Decks363Flashcards1Learner -
By: Jon Beckloff
General Principles of Antimicrobials, Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, Fluoroquinolones, Macrolide Anti ...26Decks1,313Flashcards1Learner -
microbial biotechnology
microbial biotechnology
By: Abby Allwood
General, Primary metabolites 1, Primary metabolites 2 - exploiting commercially ...16Decks311Flashcards5Learners -
By: john Dunn
Lecture 1, 3D Printing, AI ...10Decks167Flashcards10Learners -
By: Beth Ollington
Molecular Biology of Cancer, DNA Repair and Recombination, RNA-mediated gene regulation ...32Decks922Flashcards2Learners -
z BIOC0005
z BIOC0005
By: Alice Moore
Polymers, Molecular Techniques & Tools, Polymerases ...19Decks242Flashcards2Learners -
Molecular biology
Molecular biology
By: lexy tm
Molecular intro, Molecular biology basics, Milestones in molecular biology ...17Decks232Flashcards1Learner -
xx Molecular Biology - FERDIG
xx Molecular Biology - FERDIG
By: Kristine Haug Nestaas
ELISA!, 4 - Genes, genomes and DNA, 5 - Manipulation of Nucleic acids ...12Decks237Flashcards1Learner -
By: Leah DeWan
Nucleic Acid Structure, Supercoiling, Nucleotide Metabolism ...20Decks469Flashcards1Learner -
Toxicology and Pharmacology
Toxicology and Pharmacology
By: Calum Macindoe
Drug Targets, Drug Mechanism of action one, Drug Mechanism of Action Two ...32Decks801Flashcards27Learners -
Biology 9
Biology 9
By: Reigui Kookiemonkey
DNA Microarrays, Sequencing Dna, Genetic Engineering ...30Decks244Flashcards1Learner -
Interaksi Antar Organisme
Interaksi Antar Organisme
By: Yasmin Nabilla
Agrobacterium - Plants Interaction : Basics in Plant Genetic Engineering, Agrobacterium - Plants Interaction : Basics in Plant Genetic Engineering Pt. 2, FUNGAL-INSEC INTERACTION ...9Decks151Flashcards1Learner -
Prokaryotic Microbiology
Prokaryotic Microbiology
By: Stewart Murphy
Bacterial Cell Wall, Bacterial Cell Divison And Cell Shape, Bacterial Flagella Function And Assembly ...17Decks238Flashcards10Learners -
Gen 244 - recombinant DNA tech
Gen 244 - recombinant DNA tech
By: Izabel Prinsloo
Restriction enzymes, Cloning vectors, DNA libraries ...18Decks418Flashcards2Learners -
Microbial Biotechnology
Microbial Biotechnology
By: lily dutton
Strain Improvement, primary metabolites, secondary metabolites ...10Decks175Flashcards1Learner -
[22] Advanced Molecular Biology
[22] Advanced Molecular Biology
By: Felipe Sanches
[01] Omics Introduction, [02] Single-cell RNA Sequencing, [03] Long-read Sequencing Technologies (PacBio, Nanopore) ...60Decks1,086Flashcards1Learner -
CHEM2018 - Sustainable Chemistry 2
CHEM2018 - Sustainable Chemistry 2
By: James Miles
Unit 0 - Sustainability, Unit 1 - Introduction to Green Chemistry, Unit 2 - Green Metrics ...12Decks211Flashcards1Learner -
Molecular biology
Molecular biology
By: Maren Mathisen
21: Analysis of gene expression, 20: Genome defence, 15: Proteomics - The global analysis of proteins ...11Decks178Flashcards1Learner -
Biofuels and Biotechnology
Biofuels and Biotechnology
By: Jess dob
Lecture 4 - Modification of plants and biomass crops to increase biomass potential for biorefiniing, Lecture 2 - An overview of the major biofuels and routes to their production, Lecture 5 - Biologicaly degradation of lignocellulose ...9Decks255Flashcards4Learners