Learn Structure & Function Of The Body
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Cell, Organisms And Systems
Cell, Organisms And Systems
By: Pelumi Akeroro
Evolution - Topic 1, Domains Of Life - Topic 1, Phylogeny & History Of Life - Topic 1 ...17Decks644Flashcards1Learner -
CRP: Health Science Foundations 1 A
CRP: Health Science Foundations 1 A
By: SailorCosmos 💖
Unit 1 Lesson 2: jobs in Healthcare, Unit 1 Lesson 3: Teamwork is key, Unit 1 Lesson 4: Education and Certification ...30Decks617Flashcards1Learner -
By: Olivia Wood
Clinical, Transplant and Dialysis, Anatomy - Upper Renal Tract ...30Decks399Flashcards1Learner -
By: Emily Warburton
FHMP 002 DNA structure and replication, FHMP 003 control of transcription, FHMP 004 CAL: essential maths skills for medicine ...18Decks421Flashcards5Learners -
Biology 4.5 Homeostasis and Response
Biology 4.5 Homeostasis and Response
By: liv s
4.5.1 Homeostasis, 4.5.2 The Human Nervous System, Structure and Function ...17Decks210Flashcards1Learner -
By: Liz Fougere
LP#1 - Language Approach, LP#3 - Testing The Language Approach, LP#2 - Structural Levels Of Organization In Nature ...13Decks475Flashcards7Learners -
By: Grace Majer
Hip Movement and Function, Physiology Revision: Muscle Structure and Function, Knee Movement and Function ...49Decks613Flashcards2Learners -
By: Tammy Nguyen
Anatomical Names / Common Name, Anatomical Planes/Direction/Position, Body Cavities ...40Decks485Flashcards3Learners -
NYCC Gross Anatomy 1
NYCC Gross Anatomy 1
By: Lindsay Kirkpatrick
Terminology, Cell Function & Body Systems, Structure & Function of the Skeletal System ...37Decks632Flashcards4Learners -
Anatomy & Physiology
Anatomy & Physiology
By: Katie Chua
Organisation of the body, Cell Structure and Chemical Composition, Properties of Proteins ...20Decks214Flashcards2Learners -
Brain and Behaviour Unit 1
Brain and Behaviour Unit 1
By: Lexie Rose
Intro: The Mind and Body Problem, Chapter 1: Structure and Function, Chapter 2: Neurophysiology ...4Decks90Flashcards1Learner -
A&P II exam 4
A&P II exam 4
By: Maude Oehlerking
Overview of the urinary system, ANATOMY OF THE KIDNEY - External features of the kidney, ANATOMY OF THE KIDNEY- Internal structures of the kidney ...34Decks269Flashcards9Learners -
Anatomy and Physiology
Anatomy and Physiology
By: Dilys Mills
Lecture 1: Introduction to A&P, Lecture 2-Body Fluids and Membrane Transport, Lecture 3 Homeostasis and Control Systems ...14Decks767Flashcards1Learner -
By: nat r
Week 5 eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, Week 6 enzymes and catalysis, Week 6 cellular energetics ...27Decks704Flashcards1Learner -
Intro to A & P
Intro to A & P
By: James Willis
Lesson Topic 1.1: Structural and Functional Organization of the Human Body, Lesson Topic 1.2: Basic Chemistry related to the Human Body, Lesson Topic 1.3: Structural and Functional Organization of Cells3Decks157Flashcards3Learners -
Science : Biology
Science : Biology
By: Ashod Sathsara
01 The Chemical Basis of Life, 02 Structure and Functions of Plant and Animal Cells, 03 Characteristics of Organisms ...10Decks624Flashcards5Learners -
Entrance examination Silesia
Entrance examination Silesia
By: Julia Edraki
I. Chemical structures. II: Structure and function of the cell, III. Metabolism, IV. Diversity of living organisms ...22Decks340Flashcards7Learners -
HES 383
HES 383
By: Taylor Miles
Introduction to Aging, Healthspan vs Lifespan, Cellular Mechanisms of Aging, & Strategies to Delay Aging, Age-Related Changes in Body Composition & Measurement ...15Decks523Flashcards1Learner -
Biology A&P 1
Biology A&P 1
By: Jodi DeAngelis
Chapter 3: The Cellular Level of Organization, Chapters 1&2: Internal Organs/Body Planes, Chapter 4 - Tissue Level of Organization ...16Decks482Flashcards1Learner -
sem 2 renal
sem 2 renal
By: Maaria M
An introduction to kidneys and body fluid, renal blood flow and glomerular filtration, functional histology of the kidney ...10Decks467Flashcards1Learner -
Urinary Revision
Urinary Revision
By: Grania Cookson
Macroscopic Anatomy, Microscopic Anatomy, Renal Structure-Function – Glomerulus ...24Decks262Flashcards3Learners -
Fundamentals of the living cell
Fundamentals of the living cell
By: Zak Enson
The cell cycle, Introduction to the control of gene expression, Transcriptional circuits in prokaryotes and eukaryotes ...15Decks345Flashcards1Learner -
Biology 127
Biology 127
By: Stanley Armstrong
Chapter 1: Anterior Body Landmarks, Chapter 1: Posterior Body Landmarks, Chapter 1: Orientation and Directional Terms ...34Decks373Flashcards5Learners -
Biology 131
Biology 131
By: Taylor Buchowski
Chapter 6: Cell Membranes, Chapter 3: Development, Structure & Function of Organisms, Chapter 4: Nucleic Acids and the Origin of Life ...8Decks191Flashcards1Learner -
By: Torrance McVeigh
Anatomical Language, Introduction to bones, joints and muscles, 24. Understand the muscles of the lower leg, ankle and foot and their origins, insertions and actions ...15Decks323Flashcards4Learners -
Integumentary system
Integumentary system
By: Lolovai Towler
Glands, Introduction to skin, Layers of the skin ...7Decks70Flashcards5Learners -
BDS1 Semester 1
BDS1 Semester 1
By: Alessandra Chua
Week 6: Connective Tissues 3 - Cells, Week 1: Health and Homeostasis, Week 1: Chemistry of life - Reactions in living systems ...18Decks316Flashcards1Learner -
By: Nana Afia
Systems in the Body, Bones, Muscles, Tissue and Cells, Nerves, Responses and Behaviour ...52Decks370Flashcards2Learners -
Principles of physiology
Principles of physiology
By: Akshvir Singh
Lecture 1 homeostasis, Body fluids lecture 2, Membrane potentials lecture 3 ...21Decks625Flashcards1Learner -
By: Kim Thompson
Chapter 1 Nursing, Chapter 2 - The Person's Rights, Chapter 3 - The Nursing Assistant ...35Decks460Flashcards47Learners