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Sensing, responding & learning
Sensing, responding & learning
By: Steff Taylor
Complexity of reflex action, Habituation and sensitisation, Pavlovian learning & conditioning ...5Decks127Flashcards1Learner -
A&P Exam 2
A&P Exam 2
By: Meigyn McDuffy
Skeletal Muscles & Muscular System, Structure of Skeletal Muscles, Structure of Skeletal Muscles 2 ...10Decks158Flashcards1Learner -
Principles of Behaviour Analysis
Principles of Behaviour Analysis
By: Ruth Walters
Extinction, Stimulus Control, Schedules of Reinforcement ...5Decks86Flashcards1Learner -
basic learning principles
basic learning principles
By: Julia Conner
basic conditioning effects, models of classical conditioning, Compound Stimulus Effects3Decks24Flashcards1Learner -
Psy7708 WK 5
Psy7708 WK 5
By: Samantha Harvey
Wk 5 SR+ SR- stimulus and response, Wk 6: ABA Terminology Flashcards, Wk 7 Schedules of reinforcement3Decks89Flashcards1Learner -
French A2
French A2
By: Veronika Foy
Impact Of Scientific And Technological Progress, Stimulus Card Vocab, La Pollution ...4Decks115Flashcards1Learner -
By: Molly Lind
Health And Safety, Liquids And Solutions, Separation Techniques ...60Decks763Flashcards2Learners -
Applied Behavior Analysis
Applied Behavior Analysis
By: Christian Evensen
1. Definition and Characteristics of ABA, 2. Basic Concepts, 3. Selecting and Defining Target Behaviors ...29Decks22Flashcards5Learners -
PHIL1301A Mind World and Knowledge
PHIL1301A Mind World and Knowledge
By: leo saurer
Week 1 Key Terms, Week 2 Descartes: Meditations 1 and 2, Week 3 Descartes: God and his Existence & Ontological Argument ...12Decks216Flashcards2Learners -
By: Rebecca Viegas
Chpt 1: Functional Organisation Of The Human Body And Control Of The "Internal Environment", The Cell And Its Functions, Genetic Control Of Protein Synthesis, Cell Function And Cell Reproduction ...19Decks473Flashcards2Learners -
By: sofia king
KA1: laboratory techniques for biologists: health and safety, KA1: laboratory techniques for biologists: liquids and solutions, KA1: laboratory techniques for biologists: separation techniques ...21Decks264Flashcards1Learner -
Neuro Peds
Neuro Peds
By: Yarko Sklvskuy
Infant Reflexes stimulus, Primitive Reflexes Response and normal age2Decks21Flashcards2Learners -
Behavior Modification 2
Behavior Modification 2
By: Kylee Bissette
Chapter 9: shaping, Chapter 10: Prompting and stimulus control, Ch13 functional assessment3Decks28Flashcards2Learners -
By: Taly James
Act 1 Quotes, Act 2 Quotes, Act 3 Quotes ...10Decks89Flashcards1Learner -
By: Jessica Estep
Unit 1: Bx And The Environment, Unit 2: Learning And Respondent Conditioning, Unit 3: Operant Conditioning ...7Decks68Flashcards3Learners -
Science F3
Science F3
By: Hannah M
1.1 Human Nervous System, 1.2 Stimuli and Responses in Humans, 1.3 Plant Stimulus and Response ...16Decks228Flashcards1Learner -
AH Biology
AH Biology
By: Elvie McLean
1a- Health and Safety, 1b- Liquids and Solutions, 1c- Separation Techniques ...57Decks572Flashcards2Learners -
Neural extras
Neural extras
By: Rosie Rudin
Neural introduction, Lecture 2/3 methods in modern neuroscience, Lecture 4 visual system ...7Decks138Flashcards1Learner -
Cooper, Heron, & Heward - ABA
Cooper, Heron, & Heward - ABA
By: Bridget Cichello
Chapter 1 - Definition & Characteristics of ABA, Chapter 2 - Basic Concepts & Principles, Chapter 3 - Selecting and Defining Target Behaviors ...31Decks437Flashcards4Learners -
S4- CP3
S4- CP3
By: Chance Lee Cauble
Week 1- Prognosis, POC, and Reexamination, Week 2- Case Management, Discharge Planning, and Documentation, Week 3- Post Surgical Rehab Progression ...7Decks219Flashcards1Learner -
Psychology ATAR 2024 - Simplified
Psychology ATAR 2024 - Simplified
By: Lucas Stubbs
Sensation and Perception, Selective and Divided Attention, Models for Explaining Memory ...25Decks196Flashcards2Learners -
By: Suraj Sorab
Financial Crises: Causes, Financial Crises: Consequences, Unconventional Tools of Monetary Policy ...7Decks104Flashcards1Learner -
By: Neener K
Mod 9: JPG Chapter 9 - Behavioral Variability, JPG Chapter 9 Vocab, Mod 9 JPG Chapter 10 - Steady States and Transitions ...30Decks437Flashcards14Learners -
By: Alexa Slater
Chapter 1- Definition and Characteristics of ABA, Chapter 2- Basic Concepts and Principles, Chapter 3- Selecting and Defining Target Behaviors ...31Decks172Flashcards13Learners -
Méthode des tests
Méthode des tests
By: Soffie Delacourt
Historique des tests en psychologie, 1e tests d’éval des fct en ψ (intelligence, mémoire, percept°, attent°…), 1e inventaires des symptômes des tbles psychopathologiq ...9Decks26Flashcards5Learners -
Test 2
Test 2
By: Quynh Diep
Lecture 16 - Retinal Mosaic & Sampling (AA), Lecture 11 - Superior colliculus, pulvinar (LA), Lecture 19 - Eye movements: Disorders (LA) ...13Decks215Flashcards1Learner -
Brain and Behaviour
Brain and Behaviour
By: Joey Greenberg
Analysis of Behaviour, Positive Reinforcement, Discriminative Stimulus ...10Decks91Flashcards1Learner -
By: Vaishnavi Polu
Brain Scans and Imaging Technologies, Cranial Meninges, Hindbrain ...29Decks205Flashcards2Learners -
dance theory
dance theory
By: Ellie Abrahams
accompaniment, general facts (nutcracker), lighting ...9Decks43Flashcards2Learners -
KNPE 261
KNPE 261
By: Blake Aylesworth
Week 1.1: Intro, Week 2.1: Analysis of Motor Performance, Week 2.2: Characteristics of Movement ...18Decks92Flashcards1Learner