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BMS 249 - Developmental Neurobiology
BMS 249 - Developmental Neurobiology
By: Karla Littleford
From genes to cells to cell behaviours, Nervous system evolution, Formation of the neural plate and neurulation ...16Decks802Flashcards13Learners -
By: Kayla Seminiano
Topic 1: Introduction to Anatomy, Topic 2: Chemical Level of Organization, Topic 3: Cellular Level of Organization ...27Decks1,181Flashcards3Learners -
By: Heather Feavel
Word Parts, Vocabulary, Integument System ...11Decks783Flashcards1Learner -
Anatomy and Physiology
Anatomy and Physiology
By: Virginia Hudson
Organelles, Anterior Body Landmarks, Organ System - Organs ...16Decks414Flashcards8Learners -
Behavioral Sciences
Behavioral Sciences
By: Stacey Brown
History of Neuropsychology (1.1), Human Nervous System (1.2) [HY], Organization of the Brain 1.3 [HY] ...41Decks834Flashcards2Learners -
Sem 5
Sem 5
By: Laura Martin
Pharmacology 1: Safe prescribing and pharmacokinetics intro, NS 1: Structure of NS, NS 1: Development of NS ...35Decks2,297Flashcards17Learners -
Vertebrate Morphology
Vertebrate Morphology
By: Liz O'Neill
Chordate Characteristics, Traditional Vertebrata Classes, Craniate Characteristics ...26Decks651Flashcards7Learners -
By: Melanie Sneddon
Learning and Memory, Cortex of the Brain, Sensory Pathways 1 ...17Decks513Flashcards12Learners -
The Body Systems
The Body Systems
By: Cindy Alegria
Female Reproduction, Male Reproductive System, Respiratory System ...6Decks617Flashcards1Learner -
By: Samantha Rhodes
Terminology for Surface Regions and Landmarks, Terminology for Describing Body Orientation and Direction, Terminology for Body Planes and Sections ...19Decks351Flashcards6Learners -
BIO 150 A&P I
BIO 150 A&P I
By: Sarah F
Unit 1: Ch 1 (Intro to A&P), Unit 1: Ch 2 (Chemistry), Unit 1: Atlas A ...25Decks1,763Flashcards59Learners -
PAM Bootcamp
PAM Bootcamp
By: Linda Hammad
Chapter 1 Major Themes of A&P, Chapter 2 Chemistry of Life, Chapter 3 Cellular Form and Function ...19Decks786Flashcards1Learner -
By: Krista Hallman
2. Inorganic Chemistry, 1. Introduction to the Human Body, 3. Organic Chemistry ...7Decks251Flashcards1Learner -
Medical Terminology
Medical Terminology
By: Noor Hussein
Chp 1- Basic Word Structure, Chp 2- Pertaining to Body as Whole, Chp 3- Suffixes ...18Decks1,910Flashcards3Learners -
By: Jenica L
Characteristics of life and Scientific Method, Muscles And Bones, Molecular Bio ...23Decks533Flashcards2Learners -
Human Body
Human Body
By: Rachel Everitt
1.1 - Life, 1.2 - Tissues, Organs, and Organ Systems, 1.3 - Chemistry for Biologists ...22Decks606Flashcards2Learners -
Grade 12 Biology (TRU ONLINE LEARNING)
Grade 12 Biology (TRU ONLINE LEARNING)
By: Nicole Hjermenrude
Topic 1.1: The Study of Life, Topic 1.2: The Chemistry of Life, Topic 1.3: Biological Molecules ...17Decks1,168Flashcards14Learners -
Anatomy and Physiology
Anatomy and Physiology
By: jasmine stewart
Previous Exam Questions, Chapter 9, Chapter 10 ...7Decks299Flashcards6Learners -
By: Dwayne Blake
skeletal system, Muscular System, Congenital Disorders ...25Decks1,522Flashcards6Learners -
biology y10
biology y10
By: Sophie Bell-Knight
B1 - characteristics of living organisms, B2.1 - Cell Structure, B2.2 - Movement in and out of cells ...17Decks336Flashcards4Learners -
ITMS100 Medical Terminology
ITMS100 Medical Terminology
By: Elora Simpson
Chapter 1- Basic Word Structure, Chapter 2- Terms Pertaining to the Body as a Whole, Chapter 3- Suffixes ...17Decks917Flashcards2Learners -
Biomedical Terminology Pt 2
Biomedical Terminology Pt 2
By: Michelle Lee
Chapter 11: Cardiovascular System, Chapter 12: Respiratory System, Chapter 13: Blood System ...10Decks696Flashcards1Learner -
ANPH 209
ANPH 209
By: Brian Chuong
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 4 Tissues ...22Decks1,253Flashcards3Learners -
By: Angela Maglalang
Topic 1: Intro to Anatomy, Topic 1: Levels of Organization, Topic 2: Structure of an Atom + Ions ...114Decks1,546Flashcards1Learner -
Molbo Komparativ Anatomi
Molbo Komparativ Anatomi
By: Nicklas Brendborg
Kap. 3: Cells as Units of Life, Kap. 7: The Reproductive Process, Kap. 8: Principals of Development ...20Decks212Flashcards54Learners -
🚫 PSY100H1: Introduction to Psychology (Winter 2016) with J. Vervaeke
🚫 PSY100H1: Introduction to Psychology (Winter 2016) with J. Vervaeke
By: Ailin Li
1.1—the science of psychology, 1.2—how psychology became a science, 2.1—principles of scientific research ...50Decks762Flashcards218Learners -
AP Psychology
AP Psychology
By: Unknown Unknown
Modules 16 and 17, Module 18 - Vision, Module 19 - Visual organization and interpretation ...5Decks62Flashcards3Learners -
C C 306M
C C 306M
By: Unknown Unknown
Ch. 6 Anatomical Roots for the Integumentary System, Ch. 6 Types of Cutaneous Lesions, Ch. 6 Color in Dermatology ...39Decks2,531Flashcards1Learner -
APHY 104
APHY 104
By: Kiara Straile
Nerves, The nervous system, When things go wrong in the nervous system and general exam ...14Decks704Flashcards1Learner -
Medical Terminology & Anatomy & Physiology
Medical Terminology & Anatomy & Physiology
By: Lauren Kohler-Mergel
Module 1: Basic Word Structure, Module 2: Terms Pertaining to the Body as a Whole, Module 3: Suffixes ...22Decks1,336Flashcards3Learners