Learn Reaction Mechanisms
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Principles of Disease
Principles of Disease
By: Fabiah Ahmed
Intro to Microbiology, Bacteria, Viruses ...53Decks1,304Flashcards3Learners -
Chemistry - Topic 06: Organic Chemistry
Chemistry - Topic 06: Organic Chemistry
By: Deleted Deleted
6.11 - What is organic chemistry?, 6.12 - Different types of formulae, 6.13 - Functional groups and homologous series ...20Decks247Flashcards4Learners -
Chemistry (S2)
Chemistry (S2)
By: Zohaib Hussain
2.1 Enthalpy, 2.2 Entropy, 2.3 Knetics ...9Decks301Flashcards3Learners -
By: Fares Ahmed
General Phamacology, ABSORPTION, DISTRIBUTION ...11Decks238Flashcards1Learner -
By: Stephania Grauer
Chapter 1 - Matter, Measurement And Problem Solving, Chapter 7 Quantum Mechanical Model Of Atom, Chapter 5 - Gases ...7Decks504Flashcards1Learner -
CHEM 1C Shiraiwa
CHEM 1C Shiraiwa
By: Raja Jr. Dhalla
1A Rates, 1B Reaction Orders, 2A Reaction Rate And Mechanisms ...15Decks187Flashcards2Learners -
BIOL1026/28 Chemistry of Life
BIOL1026/28 Chemistry of Life
By: Juliet Jung
Intro and Thermodynamics, 2nd law of Thermodynamics and entropy, Molecular forces ...20Decks530Flashcards14Learners -
Basic concepts of organic chemistry
Basic concepts of organic chemistry
By: Tash Masv
11.1 Organic Chemistry, 11.2 Nomenclature or organic chemistry, 11.4 Isomerism ...4Decks15Flashcards1Learner -
1A Chem
1A Chem
By: Clio G
Shapes and Structures 1 - Basic Stuff, pKa, Shapes and Structures 1 - Reactions and Mechanisms ...10Decks253Flashcards2Learners -
Further chemistry
Further chemistry
By: Lois Asaglo
Classification of Organic Compounds: Functional Groups (Homologous Series), Nomenclature of Organic Compounds, Shapes of Molecules – Hybridisation Theory ...26Decks255Flashcards1Learner -
Chemistry A2
Chemistry A2
By: Charlie COLLIER
Chemical Industry - Nitrogen Chemistry, Chemical Industry - Equilibria + Rates, Chemical Industry - Sustainability ...20Decks621Flashcards13Learners -
MDCN 350: Course 1
MDCN 350: Course 1
By: Bronwyn Delacruz
Gastric Secretion, Peptic Ulcer Disease, and H. Pylori, PPIs and NSAIDs Continued, Approach to Upper GI Bleeding ...48Decks1,220Flashcards4Learners -
By: James Day
Carbohydrates, Lipids and Proteins, Enzymes ...86Decks1,307Flashcards4Learners -
A Level / GCSE Chemisty
A Level / GCSE Chemisty
By: Charlotte Elliott
🔴 Compound Ions + Other Ions, (🟠 TOPIC 1) Key Definitions …, May Revision - Wrong Answers ...26Decks686Flashcards26Learners -
Chemistry (Salters) - Unit 4
Chemistry (Salters) - Unit 4
By: Harry McDonald
WIM - Acids, Bases and Bonding, WIM - Organic Reactions, WIM - Carboxylic Acids and Esters ...20Decks338Flashcards8Learners -
By: bepis ban
The shapes of bonds and the resultant angles, Mass spectrometry, Bonding ...7Decks61Flashcards6Learners -
Year 12 chemistry
Year 12 chemistry
By: Joe Alderson
Topic 1.1.2 - Mass spectrometry, Topic 1.1.3 - Atomic orbitals, Topic 1.1.4 - Ionisation energies ...29Decks302Flashcards1Learner -
OCR Gateway A Level Chemistry
OCR Gateway A Level Chemistry
By: Nilani Sivakaran
2.1 Atomic Sructure And Isotopes, 2.2 Relative Mass, 7.1 Periodic Table ...46Decks638Flashcards1Learner -
Chem Revision
Chem Revision
By: Gabriel P
Reactions (Reagents And Conditions, Mechanisms), Elements Of Life, Developing Fuels ...12Decks150Flashcards1Learner -
By: Maddie Sharpe
Lecture 1 - Mechanisms of antibiotics, Lecture 16 - Sepsis, Lecture 2 - Antiviral agents ...20Decks469Flashcards66Learners -
By: isabella rotheram
EL 1&2: Mass spectrometry; fusion; emission/absorption spectra, EL 3&4: Electronic configuration, atomic structure, EL 5&6: Covalent bonding, shapes of molecules, amount of substance ...50Decks1,168Flashcards7Learners -
By: Alaina Kerrison
Orbitals & hybridisation, Nomenclature, Conjugation ...7Decks453Flashcards1Learner -
A Level Chemistry
A Level Chemistry
By: Aydin Qurashi
3.7 Optical Isomerism & 3.8 Aldehydes And Ketones, 1.12 Acids & bases, 1.8 Thermodynamics ...21Decks512Flashcards2Learners -
By: t k
1. Intro to ANS, 2. Drug-receptor interactions, 3. Mechanisms of drug action ...32Decks973Flashcards7Learners -
By: Michelle Doody
Drug Sources & Classifications, Drug Targets, Receptor Families ...23Decks1,057Flashcards12Learners -
By: Misbah Ibrar
Atomic structure and bonding, Thermodynamics, Carboxylic acids and esters ...28Decks850Flashcards1Learner -
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
By: Ellen Pennock
Chemistry Chapter 9: Organic Chemistry Basics, Chemistry Chapter 10: Key Functional Groups and Their Reactions, Chemistry Chapter 11: Organic Reaction Mechanisms ...4Decks79Flashcards1Learner -
Chemistry Y12
Chemistry Y12
By: Farhanah Begum
Organic chemistry, Atomic Structure, Bonding ...11Decks881Flashcards1Learner -
Bolognia Book Club
Bolognia Book Club
By: Marwan Alsaedi
Chapter 22 - Drug Reactions, Chapter 23 - Purpura: Mechanisms and Differential Diagnosis, Chapter 24 - Cutaneous Manifestations of Microvascular Occlusion Syndromes ...29Decks924Flashcards108Learners -
AS Level Chemistry
AS Level Chemistry
By: pen 6816
Organic Chemistry- alkanes, alkenes and alcohols, General Chemical Skills, Unit 2 Section 4 Organic Chemistry 2 alcohols and halogenalkanes ...16Decks672Flashcards93Learners