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Study Nursing Final using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun!
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NUR 326
NUR 326
By: Elizabeth Cruz
Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Psychosis, Personality Disorders ...27Decks576Flashcards3Learners -
NURS 406
NURS 406
By: Raven Demerath
Quiz 1: Nutritional/Fluid Requirements and Stages of Development, Quiz 1: Pain and Emergency Care/Management, Quiz 1: Pediatric Variations ...18Decks1,144Flashcards5Learners -
NURS 5334
NURS 5334
By: Kelly Walker
Module 1 Pharm, Module 2 Pharm, Module 2 Pharm-Chapter 70 ...12Decks761Flashcards7Learners -
NUR 325 Fundamentals of Pathopharmacology
NUR 325 Fundamentals of Pathopharmacology
By: Stephanie Kehler
Hyperlipidemia, Hypertension, Insulin Timings ...7Decks153Flashcards94Learners -
NURS 2156 OB 2
NURS 2156 OB 2
By: Jade Ring
Complications Of Preggers, Passpoints, Assessing The Fetus & Intrapartum Complications ...12Decks856Flashcards1Learner -
NUR 154 Final exam
NUR 154 Final exam
By: angelle baker
digestive system Week 8, MuscularSkeletal system Week 9, Integumentary system Week 11 ...6Decks489Flashcards145Learners -
NURS 3000
NURS 3000
By: Kennedy Boyd
Transient Ischemic Attack and Cerebral Vascular Accident, Traumatic Brain Injury, Burns ...11Decks430Flashcards6Learners -
Nursing Inquiry 2 Final Exam
Nursing Inquiry 2 Final Exam
By: Andrea DiTullio
LA #7 Chapter 7, LA #8 Chapter 12, LA #9 Chapter 15 ...4Decks77Flashcards416Learners -
NURS 232
NURS 232
By: Kaelyn Willms
Presentation Questions, Fluid Volume, CKD ...19Decks466Flashcards4Learners -
NURS 205
NURS 205
By: Emma Scholte
Lecture 2: The Nursing Process, Lecture 3: Management of Common Fluid Imbalances, Lecture 4 management of electrolytes ...18Decks717Flashcards3Learners -
NUR 334: Pharmacology
NUR 334: Pharmacology
By: Lindsay Cabalo
Exam 1 Study Guide, Exam 1 Study Guide: Goldstein, Exam 2 Review: Goldstein ...13Decks989Flashcards11Learners -
NURS 1650 - Here We Go Again
NURS 1650 - Here We Go Again
By: Gisselle Porcayo
Intro To Patho, Intro to Pharmacology, Genetics ...20Decks1,048Flashcards2Learners -
NURS 2514
NURS 2514
By: Jillian Henry
1 - Cancer + Cellular Regulation, 2 - Glucose Regulation + Diabetes Mellitus, 3 - Urinary Elimination + Chronic Kidney Disease ...10Decks774Flashcards15Learners -
NURS 1145
NURS 1145
By: Jade Ring
Discussion Board, WK 1 Health Assessment, Wk 2 Throax And Breast ...11Decks872Flashcards1Learner -
Nur 110
Nur 110
By: laura Blakeney
49 Fecal Elimination, Urinary, Asepsis ...21Decks740Flashcards17Learners -
NUR 102 Pedi Assessment #1
NUR 102 Pedi Assessment #1
By: Kaylie Krauzyk
1. Health Promotion for the Infant, 2. Health Promotion for the Toddler, 3. Health Promotion for the Preschooler ...11Decks534Flashcards2Learners -
By: Trinity Tuulos
Week 1- Chapters 9, 10, 15, Week 2- Chapter 2-Managing, Leading and Following, Week 3- Chapter 7- Legal Issues ...16Decks432Flashcards11Learners -
NURS 1446 Psy A
NURS 1446 Psy A
By: Jade Ring
Chp 1 Mental Health & Mental Illness, Chp 3 Biological Basis For Psy Disorders, Psychotropic Medications ...19Decks587Flashcards1Learner -
NURS 192 [Exam #1]
NURS 192 [Exam #1]
By: Joshua Vasquez
Medical Asepsis, Infection Control, Hygiene ...13Decks529Flashcards3Learners -
Fundamentals NUR 101
Fundamentals NUR 101
By: Lindsay Gibbs
Exam 1, Exam 1 (Focused), Exam 2 ...8Decks1,236Flashcards7Learners -
Nurs- MCA 3
Nurs- MCA 3
By: Sasha K.
Week 1 - Cardiovascular, Week 1 EAQ/HESIs, Week 2 - Respiratory, ABGs ...9Decks987Flashcards1Learner -
NURS 350
NURS 350
By: Raven Demerath
Chapter 1: Community-Oriented Nursing And Community-Based Nursing, Chapter 7: Government, The Law And Policy Activism, Chapter 6: Environmental Health ...10Decks274Flashcards76Learners -
NURS 2514
NURS 2514
By: Storm Baltazar
Chapter 6 Endocrine, Chapter 6 Medications, Chapter 6 assessment ...11Decks1,052Flashcards5Learners -
Basic Nursing Concepts NUR 120
Basic Nursing Concepts NUR 120
By: Lindsay Gibbs
Exam 1 Review, Exam 2 Sherpath Key Notes Terms, Exam 2 (Ch. 14, 16, & 34) PPT ...11Decks1,089Flashcards8Learners -
NURS 503
NURS 503
By: Ly Vo
HTN, dyslipidemia, obesity, metabolic disorder, Endocrine disorders, Renal disorders ...10Decks597Flashcards1Learner -
NURS 200
NURS 200
By: Kaelyn Willms
Introduction, Pharmacological Principles, Suffixes (Class) ...18Decks416Flashcards2Learners -
NUR 942 Thurman
NUR 942 Thurman
By: Timothy Harris
Exam 1 Cardiac, Exam 5, Exam 2- Valvular Heart Disease ...6Decks625Flashcards16Learners -
Nurs 158- Pediatrics
Nurs 158- Pediatrics
By: Sasha K.
Week 1 HESI/ EAQs, Week 1 Content, Week 2 HESI/ EAQs ...9Decks949Flashcards1Learner -
NUR 333
NUR 333
By: Kyle Herzberg
ch 41 oxygenation, mod 2 cardiovascular ch 41, Skin ...14Decks632Flashcards10Learners -
Fundamentals 200 potter/perry
Fundamentals 200 potter/perry
By: Mary Navarro
CH 1, Ch 4, Ch 2 ...16Decks762Flashcards9Learners