Learn Nazi Dictatorship
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History A Level (Yr2)
History A Level (Yr2)
By: Felix Costa
Political Change and Social Reform (1832-1846) A LEVEL, The Whig Response to Social Change (GREY, MELBORUNE) (1832-1846), Pressure for Change: Chartism, Anti-Poor Law League (1832-1846) ...21Decks52Flashcards5Learners -
Democracy and Nazism
Democracy and Nazism
By: Harmony Wright
12 - Establishment of the Nazi dictatorship, January-March 1933, 13 - Hitler's consolidation of power, March 1933-August 1934, 14 - The 'Terror State' ...8Decks135Flashcards1Learner -
History- weimar and nazi germany
History- weimar and nazi germany
By: Elise Ali
The weimar republic 1918-29, Hitler's rise 1919-1933, nazi dictatorship 1933-1939 ...4Decks85Flashcards1Learner -
Democracy and Dictatorship 1919-1963
Democracy and Dictatorship 1919-1963
By: Charlie Long
Impact of War 1939 - 45, Creation of the Weimar Republic and its early years of crisis, Weimar's Golden Years ...10Decks39Flashcards1Learner -
History - Germany
History - Germany
By: Olivia Linley
Stresmann Era, General, Revolts ...11Decks139Flashcards1Learner -
By: Aileen Wilson
Stuart Britain- James I and Parliament (Finances), Stuart Britain- James I and Parliament (Foreign Policy), Stuart Britain- James I and Religion ...13Decks126Flashcards1Learner -
Germany: Collapse of the Democracy 1928-33
Germany: Collapse of the Democracy 1928-33
By: Aaron Parayno
Impact of the Depression of 1929, The appeal of Nazism and Communism, Appointment of Hitler as Chancellor ...4Decks60Flashcards1Learner -
history nazi's
history nazi's
By: Katelyn Howard
the extent and effectiveness of opposition, The Nazi dictatorship 1933-39, smart ...9Decks251Flashcards1Learner -
The Work Of Individuals, The Western Front, Weimar Germany- Hitler's rise to power ...4Decks68Flashcards1Learner -
Weimar Nazi Germany
Weimar Nazi Germany
By: Charlei Wimble
Weimar Republic, Hitlers Rise To Power, Nazi Control And Dictatorship ...4Decks59Flashcards1Learner -
Whibley's German History
Whibley's German History
By: Natasha Bremer
1) Germany Under The Rule Of Kaiser Wilhelm II (1890-1914), 2) Germany and The First World War (1914-1918), 3) Germany Under The New Weimar Republic (1918-1923) ...8Decks100Flashcards2Learners -
History - Nazi Germany
History - Nazi Germany
By: Ethan Goudie
Chapter 5 - Economic developments, Chapter 8 - Germanys International Position 1924-28, Chapter 7 - Political Developments And The Working Of Democracy ...9Decks119Flashcards1Learner -
Germany Changes in society, 1924 - 1929, The origins of the Republic, 1918 - 1919, The early challenges to the Weimar Republic, 1919 - 1923 ...8Decks53Flashcards1Learner -
Power and Authority
Power and Authority
By: Heidi Hodgens
Post WWI Treaties, Conditions that enabled dictators to rise to power, Dictatorships ...5Decks63Flashcards1Learner -
GCSE History - Germany
GCSE History - Germany
By: Tanusha Ganes
Topic 1: Kaiser Wilhelm and the difficulties of ruling Germany, Topic 2: The impact of the first world war, Topic 3: Weimar democracy ...9Decks75Flashcards1Learner -
history | weimar & nazi germany
history | weimar & nazi germany
By: aden slaytor
1 | weimar germany (1919-29), 2 | hilter’s rise to power (1919-39), 3 | nazi control & dictatorship (1933-39) ...4Decks52Flashcards1Learner -
The Collapse Of The Democracy 1928-1933
The Collapse Of The Democracy 1928-1933
By: grace crocker
Economic Impact Of The Depression, Appeal Of Nazism And Communism, Impact Of The Depression ...10Decks91Flashcards1Learner -
Germany - Sahil
Germany - Sahil
By: Sahil Sood
Weimar Republic, Hitler's Dictatorship, Nazi Foreign Policy ...5Decks50Flashcards1Learner -
A-level History: Weimar/Nazi Germany
A-level History: Weimar/Nazi Germany
By: Paddy Foskin
The Establishment and Early Years of Weimar Republic, The Golden Age of The Weimar Republic, The Collapse of the Weimar Republic ...5Decks65Flashcards1Learner -
Germany Timeline
Germany Timeline
By: Richard Burke
The German Revolution 1918-1919, Weimar's Political Crisis, The Great Inflation ...12Decks104Flashcards1Learner -
Germany Year 2
Germany Year 2
By: freja sloan
Summary 7: The Nazi Dictatorship 1933-19391Decks24Flashcards1Learner -
By: Molly Dorr
abyssinia, The Enabling Act, How Did Depression Help Hitler ...16Decks93Flashcards1Learner -
history New
history New
By: Sidz Unknown
Impact Of Ww1, Revolution + Abdication Of Kaiser, Armistice ...61Decks27Flashcards1Learner -
history: weimar germany
history: weimar germany
By: evie badham
Weimar Republic 1918-1933, Hitler’s rise to power, Nazi power and dictatorship ...4Decks21Flashcards1Learner -
S3: The Collapse of Democracy 1928-33
S3: The Collapse of Democracy 1928-33
By: Lillie McHale-Butler
The impact of the Depression of 1929, The appeal of Nazism and Communism, The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor ...4Decks34Flashcards1Learner -
Germany - Democracy and Dictatorship - 1919-63
Germany - Democracy and Dictatorship - 1919-63
By: Orla Kinsella
Creation of the Weimar Republic/Crisis Years, Golden Years, Collapse of Weimar Democracy and the Rise of Nazism ...10Decks42Flashcards1Learner -
History - Dictatorships in Germany
History - Dictatorships in Germany
By: jess wright
1 - Consequences of the first world war, 2 - Creation of weimar and the German revolution, 3 - The golden years ...11Decks20Flashcards1Learner -
History-Germany And WW2
History-Germany And WW2
By: Motheo Moledi
The Rise Of Germany, Hitler And The Nazis In The 1920's, The Great Depression Of 1929 And The Effects On Germany ...6Decks49Flashcards1Learner -
History - Weimar & Nazi Germany - Specification
History - Weimar & Nazi Germany - Specification
By: Michalis Michaelides
1. The origins of the Republic, 1918–19, 1. The early challenges to the Weimar Republic, 1919–23, 1. The recovery of the Republic, 1924–29 ...16Decks49Flashcards1Learner -
History - Germany
History - Germany
By: Ella Connelly
Year 12 - the Establishment and Early Years of the Weimar Republic 1918-24, Year 12 - the 'Golden Age' of the Weimar Republic 1924-28, Year 12 - the Collapse of Democracy 1928-33 ...6Decks20Flashcards1Learner