Learn Ls 12
Study Ls 12 using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun!
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User Generated flashcards
By: Rahjun Sandhu
LS1 - Deviation From Social Norms, LS2 - Failure To Function Adequately, LS3 - Statistical Infrequency ...13Decks177Flashcards1Learner -
Theme 1 - Micro
Theme 1 - Micro
By: Zayd Imran
L1 - The Economic Problem, L2 - Economics as a Social Science, L3 - Production Possibility Frontier ...13Decks161Flashcards6Learners -
AS Economics
AS Economics
By: Simran Sanghera
MICRO - LS1 - The Economics Problem, MACRO - LS1 - Intro to Macroeconomics, MICRO - LS2 - Economics as a social science ...48Decks744Flashcards11Learners -
Econ AS
Econ AS
By: Apuk Saha
LS13 and 14, LS 15 And 16, LS12 ...6Decks74Flashcards1Learner -
Economics AS Level (Micro)
Economics AS Level (Micro)
By: K C
LS1 - The Economics Problem, LS2 - Economics as a Social Science, LS3 - Production Possibility Frontier ...11Decks71Flashcards1Learner -
Economics Theme 4
Economics Theme 4
By: Achi Prashanth
LS1 - Globalisation, LS3 - Restrictions on Trade, LS4 - Trading Blocs and WTO ...16Decks137Flashcards10Learners -
Probability Theory
Probability Theory
By: Dáša Pawlasová
1 Pravděpodobnostní prostor a jeho konstrukce, 2 Věta o rozšíření, konstrukce rovnoměrného rozdělení, 3 Míra, vnější míra ...11Decks96Flashcards1Learner -
AS Level Microeconomics
AS Level Microeconomics
By: Shahab Ahmadyar
LS1- The Economics Problem & LS2- Models in Economics, LS3- Opportunity Cost and PPF, LS4- Positive and Normative Economics ...22Decks124Flashcards4Learners -
Aarun ECON (Theme 4)
Aarun ECON (Theme 4)
By: Shyam Gupta
LS1 + LS2 - Globalisation, Comparative Advantage, LS3 - Restrictions On Free Trade, LS4 - Trading Blocs And The WTO ...11Decks181Flashcards1Learner -
By: p alejandrino
LS-12 Conflict Management, LS-25 Air Force EO Program - KNOWLEDGE, LS-22 Power & Influence – COMPREHEND (No Lesson Prep) ...35Decks151Flashcards3Learners -
Aarun ECON (Theme 2)
Aarun ECON (Theme 2)
By: Shyam Gupta
LS2 - Measures Of Economic Performance, LS3 - Aggregate Demand, LS4 - Aggregate Supply ...12Decks127Flashcards2Learners -
A Level Microeconomics
A Level Microeconomics
By: Shahab Ahmadyar
LS1- Size and Types of Firms, LS2- Business Growth, LS3- Costs and Revenues ...18Decks180Flashcards1Learner -
A2 Micro
A2 Micro
By: Apuk Saha
LS1-2, LS7, LS6 ...6Decks70Flashcards1Learner -
Aarun ECON (Theme 1)
Aarun ECON (Theme 1)
By: Shyam Gupta
LS1 And LS2 - Economics, Economy, Good, Service + Models In Economies, LS3 And LS4 - Oppurtunity Cost, PPF, Goods, Statements, LS5 - Specialisation, Functions Of Money ...18Decks122Flashcards2Learners -
By: Sonia Slawinska
Art. 2 I GG - Allgemeine Handlungsfreiheit, Art. 2 l iVm Art. 1 l GG - APR, Art. 2 ll 1 Alt. 1, Alt. 2 GG - Recht Auf Leben Und Körperliche Unversertheit ...19Decks64Flashcards1Learner