Learn Integration Of Cardiovascular Mechanics
Study Integration Of Cardiovascular Mechanics using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun!
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User Generated flashcards
By: Caitlin Foulds
Physiology - Origin and Conduction fo Cardiac Impulse, Physiology - Force Generation by the Heart, Physiology - Cardiac Cycle ...47Decks714Flashcards5Learners -
By: Amy Ireland
Origin and conductance of cardiac impulse, Anatomy, arterial blood pressure ...17Decks495Flashcards2Learners -
BMS 615 Cardiovascular
BMS 615 Cardiovascular
By: Zane Griffith
Test 1: Wk1: 1 Hemodynamics - Puri, Test 1: Wk1: 2 Lipoproteins - Valentovic, Test 1: Wk1: 3 Heart and Vascular Histology - Norton ...49Decks3,063Flashcards7Learners -
Cardiovascular SOH
Cardiovascular SOH
By: Sheryl O'Hare
Cardiac Impulse, Force generation by the heart, Cardiac Cycle ...42Decks448Flashcards1Learner -
Block 2 Week 3
Block 2 Week 3
By: Danielle Hayes
Arteries and Veins Serving Resistance and Capacitance in the Circulation, Micrcirculation and Intro to Edema, Defense mechanisms ...9Decks882Flashcards7Learners -
CVS physiology
CVS physiology
By: chloe cowan
Intro to the Cardiovascular system in health and disease (CVS1), Origin and conduction of cardiac impulse (CVS2&3), Force generation by the heart (CVS4) ...11Decks403Flashcards17Learners -
Block 2; Week 3
Block 2; Week 3
By: michelle granstrom
Mutafova Arteries & Veins, Stress & Coping, Mutafova Microcirculation ...11Decks466Flashcards6Learners -
1. Cardiovascular
1. Cardiovascular
By: Alison Gourlay
Origin and conduction of cardiac impulse, Force Generation by the heart, The cardiac cycle ...30Decks671Flashcards1Learner -
By: Jane Keery
Histology and Embryology, Heart Failure, Stroke ...23Decks1,061Flashcards3Learners -
Feedback control & physiology
Feedback control & physiology
By: Lstudy123 Emm
feedback control of cardiovascular system, physiology & homeostasis, Mucosal Immunology ...13Decks319Flashcards1Learner -
By: Yash Kapoor
1. Anatomy of the Heart, 2. Mechanical Properties of the Heart 1, 3. Mechanical Properties of the Heart 2 ...21Decks584Flashcards3Learners -
ELM2 Physiology
ELM2 Physiology
By: Ethan Kilmister
Lecture 5 - Muscle Performance, Lecture 1 - Cardiovascular Physiology - Introduction, Lecture 2 - Cardiac Cycle ...22Decks457Flashcards8Learners -
By: Ciara McGloin
Cardiac Impulse, Force of Contraction, Cardiac Cycle ...14Decks674Flashcards1Learner -
Year 1: Cardiovascular System
Year 1: Cardiovascular System
By: Kieron Young
1. Anatomy of the Heart and Circulation, 2. Mechanical Properties of the Heart I, 3. Mechanical Properties of the Heart II ...21Decks918Flashcards1Learner -
Cardiovascular Biology 311
Cardiovascular Biology 311
By: Calum Macindoe
Lecture 2: Cardiac and Vascular Function:, Lecture 3: Cardiac and Vascular Function, Lecture 4: Mechanics of the ventricular wall ...18Decks751Flashcards1Learner -
Human physiology and exercise
Human physiology and exercise
By: Tom Ellis Ricketts
Subdivisions of the nervous system, Cells of the nervous system, Spinal cord: info to and from the brain ...22Decks194Flashcards1Learner -
By: Meghna Irukulla
CVS 1: Anatomy of the Heart and Circulation, CVS 2: Mechanical Properties of the Heart I, CVS3: Mechanical properties of the heart 2 ...21Decks561Flashcards3Learners -
Cardiovascular - Week 1
Cardiovascular - Week 1
By: Lee Ballard
Origin and Conduction of Cardiac Impulse, Drugs affecting cardiac rate and force, Force generation by the heart ...9Decks258Flashcards1Learner -
TEAS- Smart Edition
TEAS- Smart Edition
By: Crystal Wood
Levels of Organization/Body Cavities, Terminology and the Body Planes and Regions, Human Tissues/Homeostasis and Feedback Mechanisms ...18Decks306Flashcards2Learners -
By: Axelle Lavigne
CVS 1 - Anatomy of the heart and circulation, CVS 2 - Mechanical properties of the heart 1, CVS 3 - Mechanical properties of the heart 2 ...18Decks422Flashcards2Learners -
Unit 5
Unit 5
By: Mary Slome
11/12/2014 Gross Anatomy Heart Susan Stearns, 11/12/2014 Medical Physiology Homeostasis Mary Lou Vallano, 11/14/2014 Gross Anatomy Development of the Heart Jeffrey Amack ...36Decks1,247Flashcards15Learners -
Y1S2 Medicine
Y1S2 Medicine
By: Sian Hunt
RESP- Pulmonary Ventilation, RESP- Mechanics of Breathing, RESP- Gas Exchange in the Lung ...52Decks450Flashcards1Learner -
human physiology
human physiology
By: Oliver Brackenbury
smooth muscle, regulation of cardiac output and blood pressure, blood vessels ...14Decks154Flashcards1Learner -
Cardiovascular Monica xx
Cardiovascular Monica xx
By: Monica Kierney
origin + conduction of cardiac impulse, Force Generation by Heart, Integration if the Cardiovascular Mechanisms ...6Decks264Flashcards1Learner -
Z-Cardiovascular system
Z-Cardiovascular system
By: Emma Williams
Cardiovascular - Introduction, Cardiovascular Physiology Lecture 2 & 3: Origin and Conduction of Cardiac Impulse, Force generation by heart - lecture 4 ...10Decks207Flashcards1Learner -
Physiology I: Cardiovascular System
Physiology I: Cardiovascular System
By: Adam McAteer
Lecture 25: Intro to Cardiovascular System, Lectures 26 & 27: Cardiac Electrophysiology, Lectures 28 & 29: Cardiac Mechanics ...12Decks213Flashcards3Learners -
CVS physiology
CVS physiology
By: Mayur Roy
Control of MAP 1, Special Circumstances (WK 4), Fluid shift across capillary wall (wk5) ...5Decks69Flashcards2Learners -
By: Charlotte Smith
Introduction, Origin And Conduction Of Cardiac Impulses, Force Generation By The Heart ...9Decks164Flashcards1Learner -
Cardio - week 1/2
Cardio - week 1/2
By: Ella Booth
origin and conduction of cardiac impulse, force generation by the heart, the cardiac cycle ...9Decks119Flashcards1Learner -
Year 1 - Cardio
Year 1 - Cardio
By: Grace Logan
Origin And Conduction Of Cardiac Impulse / Force Generation By The Heart / The Cardiac Cycle, Control Of Arterial Blood Pressure, Atherosclerosis ...5Decks56Flashcards1Learner