Learn Head Neck And Neurology
Study Head Neck And Neurology using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun!
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MRCS A: Systems COPY (Physiology)
MRCS A: Systems COPY (Physiology)
By: Satia Babu
Respiratory Physiology, Respiratory Pathology, Cardiovascular I ...20Decks974Flashcards2Learners -
By: sami sh
Neurophysiology Revision, Neurological History Taking, Development of the CNS ...74Decks3,126Flashcards18Learners -
By: Dhruv Patel
Haematology 1a Haemostasis & Bleeding disorders, Haematology 1b The Red Cell, Haematology 2 White Blood Cell disorders ...28Decks1,014Flashcards7Learners -
UWorld REview
UWorld REview
By: Ade Ighodaro
Embryology, Daily Quiz Week 1 30%, Renal ...17Decks2,144Flashcards6Learners -
NUR202: Health Assessment
NUR202: Health Assessment
By: Abby Daenzer
Skin, Hair, & Nails - Study, Head, Face, Neck, & Regional Lymphatics - Study, Eyes, Ears, & Mouth - Study ...41Decks1,205Flashcards8Learners -
Clinical Neuro Exam 3
Clinical Neuro Exam 3
By: Tyler Rigney
Path: Congenital Malformations, Pharm: Anti Epileptics, Neurology: Seizures and Epilepsy ...15Decks284Flashcards17Learners -
Health Assessment
Health Assessment
By: Lani Manners
Evidence Based Assessment (Chapter 1), General Survey, Measurement, Vital Signs (Chapter 9 and 10), Mental Status Assessment (Chapter 5) ...20Decks1,175Flashcards105Learners -
NE Exam 1
NE Exam 1
By: Sarah Peck
Neck Myology, Clinical Notes, Neck Osteology & Fascia ...14Decks865Flashcards1Learner -
Head and Neck
Head and Neck
By: Jane Wu
Neck Anatomy & Physiology, Throat Anatomy & Physiology, Nose & Sinus Anatomy and Physiology ...13Decks559Flashcards2Learners -
15. Neuro Test 1
15. Neuro Test 1
By: Darren Rippee
0. Cranial Nerves and their Numbers, 1. Osteology, Chondrology, Arthrology (Olinger), 2. Myology (Olinger) ...21Decks506Flashcards215Learners -
Neurology and special senses (Y4)
Neurology and special senses (Y4)
By: Saskia Chapman
Ears, Nose, Throat past paper questions, 1- Ears (Anatomy and physiology), 1- Ears (Sensinoural hearing loss) ...52Decks2,090Flashcards22Learners -
08. Year 2: Head and Neck
08. Year 2: Head and Neck
By: Emilia Sykes
Neck Anatomy & Physiology, Throat Anatomy & Physiology, Nose & Sinus Anatomy and Physiology ...13Decks559Flashcards9Learners -
BDS3 Special Care Dentistry
BDS3 Special Care Dentistry
By: niamh ritchie
Intro to SCD, disability and legislation, Sensory impairment seminar ...21Decks1,075Flashcards14Learners -
By: Lorenz Angelo C. Sarmiento
Health Assessment - 01, Overview: Nurse’s Role in Health Assessment, COLLECTING SUBJECTIVE DATA ...31Decks1,141Flashcards26Learners -
Jarvis: Physical Examination & Health Assessment, 4th Canadian Edition
Jarvis: Physical Examination & Health Assessment, 4th Canadian Edition
By: Brianna Milley
Chapter 1 Critical Thinking and Evidence-Informed Assessment, Chapter 02: Health Promotion in the Context of Health Assessment, Chapter 03: A Relational Approach to Cultural and Social Considerations in Health Assessment ...38Decks1,486Flashcards64Learners -
By: Andrew Wall
nerves, bones, the back and spinal cord ...18Decks1,648Flashcards7Learners -
By: Ellie Harrison
Cardiovascular, Gastrointestinal, Respiratory ...19Decks1,131Flashcards1Learner -
NURS 210
NURS 210
By: Justine Gail Orense
Interview Techniques/Health History, Vital Signs & Assessment/Physical Exam, Mental Status ...15Decks643Flashcards3Learners -
Health Assessment
Health Assessment
By: Emily Bays
Quiz #1 Hair, Skin, and Nails, Quiz #2- Ears, Quiz #1 ...20Decks768Flashcards162Learners -
Medicine 2
Medicine 2
By: John Darlington
G.I, Hepatic Physiology, G.I Disease/ Disorders ...28Decks1,188Flashcards11Learners -
2A - Head and Neck
2A - Head and Neck
By: Priyanka Bhandari
Neck Anatomy & Physiology, Throat Anatomy & Physiology, Nose & Sinus Anatomy and Physiology ...13Decks559Flashcards5Learners -
BDS3 Special Care Dentistry
BDS3 Special Care Dentistry
By: Roxanne B
Intro to SCD, disability and legislation, Sensory impairment seminar ...21Decks1,075Flashcards2Learners -
VETM 522
VETM 522
By: Alicia Srinivasagam
respiratory disease, fever and immune mediated disease, dentistry ...22Decks636Flashcards3Learners -
Palliative Medicine (SB)
Palliative Medicine (SB)
By: Shannon Bunn
9.1 (8.2) Dyspnea and other resp symptoms in PC, 14.13 (8.3) Anemia, Cytopenias, And Thrombosis In PC, 11.2 (8.4 GU of PC) Obstructive urinary disorders ...145Decks2,722Flashcards30Learners -
Physical Exam Midterm & Final
Physical Exam Midterm & Final
By: Eric Rozman
Head, Face, Neck, & Lymphatics, Ear, Nose, & Throat, Eye ...11Decks961Flashcards14Learners -
Paramedic Online Quizes
Paramedic Online Quizes
By: Mike Abbott
Quiz 17 - Abdominal / GI / Gynecologic, Quiz 18 - OB, Quiz 19 - Neonatology ...26Decks967Flashcards1,037Learners -
► Med - EMT
► Med - EMT
By: B -
Chapter 1: EMS Systems, Chapter 2: Workforce Safety, Chapter 3: Medical, Legal, and Ethical issues ...38Decks1,394Flashcards273Learners -
By: Ross Tulloch
Endocrine, Gastrointestinal, Head and Neck ...11Decks674Flashcards1Learner -
PPE - Rhianna
PPE - Rhianna
By: Rhianna Jones
Head and Neck, Neurology, Pharmacology ...7Decks980Flashcards6Learners -
Health Assessment
Health Assessment
By: Nicole Tieman
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Pain ...14Decks586Flashcards1Learner