Learn German History
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GCSE History (Edexcel) - Weimar and Nazi Germany
GCSE History (Edexcel) - Weimar and Nazi Germany
By: Lola McCormick
Difficulties faced by the Weimar Republic, Stresemann - Helping the Weimar Economy Recover and Improving International Relations, Cultural Changes during the Weimar Republic ...7Decks484Flashcards60Learners -
History (HY2: Nazi Germany)
History (HY2: Nazi Germany)
By: Em R
1) The Creation Of Nazi Dictatorship: The Weimar Republic, 1) Creation Of The Nazi Dictatorship 2 Depression In Germany, The Creation Of The Nazi Dictatorship 8: Gleichschaltung ...34Decks370Flashcards55Learners -
History- Germany
History- Germany
By: Bishrant Makhim
1918: Running Up To The Weimar Republic Flashcards, Weimar and its constitution, Political extremism, crises and consent 1918-33 ...17Decks370Flashcards5Learners -
Shyam: History - Germany
Shyam: History - Germany
By: Shyam Gupta
Nazi: Creation Of Dictatorship, Nazi: Nature Of Nazi Gov. 1934-39, Nazi: Opposition And Dissent ...33Decks443Flashcards5Learners -
History - The Quest for Political Stability: Germany 1871-1991
History - The Quest for Political Stability: Germany 1871-1991
By: Ally Butterfield
Kaiserreich: 1 political authority, Kaiserreich: 2 government and opposition, 1871-1888, Kaiserreich: 3 government and opposition, 1888-1914 ...24Decks372Flashcards10Learners -
History GCSE Depth Study Germany 1918-45 2022-24
History GCSE Depth Study Germany 1918-45 2022-24
By: Christal Chothi
Political Spectrum, The Impact of the First World War/The Weimar Republic, The Weimar Republic under Stresemann 1923-1929 ...21Decks298Flashcards26Learners -
GCSE History- Nazi Germany
GCSE History- Nazi Germany
By: Julia Spencer
Weimar Republic, 1918-1933, Rise of the Nazi Party, 1918-1933, Nazi Dictatorship, 1933-1939 ...4Decks90Flashcards244Learners -
History - Germany 1890 - 1945
History - Germany 1890 - 1945
By: Nijan Kannathasan
The Rise and unification of Germany, Overview of World War 1 ( Story board 1 of school book), How bad a state was Germany at the end of WW1? ...17Decks236Flashcards84Learners -
Germany History
Germany History
By: Anna Bentley
1.1 Political and Governmental Change - Weimar Republic, 1.1 Political and Governmental Change - Nazi Dictatorship, 1.1 Political and Governmental Change - FRG ...20Decks561Flashcards3Learners -
Edexcel GCSE History- Weimar and Nazi Germany
Edexcel GCSE History- Weimar and Nazi Germany
By: Apurva Bhattacharyya
The Weimar Republic- shit, Hitler's Rise to Power- shit, Church under Nazis ...7Decks704Flashcards40Learners -
A Level History- Germany (REDUX)
A Level History- Germany (REDUX)
By: Jay Rhinds
Theme 1- Political and Governmental Change 1918-1933, Theme 2- Opposition, Control and Consent 1918-1933, Theme 3- Reacting to Economic Challenges 1918-1933 ...13Decks421Flashcards1Learner -
A-Level History - Democracy & Nazism: Germany 1918-45
A-Level History - Democracy & Nazism: Germany 1918-45
By: Elliott Manning
The Establishment Of The Weimar Republic, 1918-24 - Impact Of War, The Political Crisis’ And The Establishment Of The Weimar Construction, The Establishment Of The Weimar Republic, 1918-24 - Impact Of The Versailles Settlement, The Establishment Of The Weimar Republic, 1918-24 - Economic And Social Problems In Germany ...12Decks301Flashcards7Learners -
History - Germany 1945-1991
History - Germany 1945-1991
By: Aidan ST
Timeline: International events 1945-1991, Timeline: events in East Germany 1945-1991, Timeline: events in West Germany 1945-1991 ...13Decks262Flashcards25Learners -
history - germany
history - germany
By: Jess BURT
political authority 1871, government and opposition kaiser wilhelm 1 and bismark, government and opposition the kaiser and his chancellors ...12Decks266Flashcards2Learners -
History: Germany
History: Germany
By: Callum Jones
Golden Period 1923-1929, NSDAP, Second Reich collapse 1918-1919 ...16Decks312Flashcards27Learners -
AQA History: Germany
AQA History: Germany
By: Charlotte S
Key dates, Kaiser Wilhelm II and the difficulties of ruling Germany, Key Facts ...12Decks316Flashcards1Learner -
History - Conflict, Tension and Germany
History - Conflict, Tension and Germany
By: Madeleine Smith
Peace Treaties, Lol, Effects On people ...15Decks358Flashcards26Learners -
Higher History (Treaty of Union + Germany and Britian)
Higher History (Treaty of Union + Germany and Britian)
By: Sophie Doe
Britian Issue 3 Essay (Women), Britian Issue 4 (Liberal Reform causes), Britian Issue 5 (liberal balance essay) ...15Decks343Flashcards4Learners -
HISTORY Weimar and Nazi Germany
HISTORY Weimar and Nazi Germany
By: nicola forino
Treaty of Versailles, Kapp, The Weimar Consitution, Hyperinflation and Ruhr ...11Decks194Flashcards45Learners -
Germany GCSE history
Germany GCSE history
By: Moondancer Davis
Consolidation of Power, Hitler's Aims, Youth and Education in Nazi Germany ...15Decks544Flashcards2Learners -
A Level History - Nazi Germany (AQA)
A Level History - Nazi Germany (AQA)
By: amelia 🍒🪩
chapter 1 - impact of war, the political crises of october to november 1918, and the establishment of the weimar constitution, chapter 2 - the impact of the versailles settlement on germany, chapter 3 - economic and social problems in germany 1919-24 ...16Decks181Flashcards12Learners -
A Level Edexcel History Germany 1918-1989
A Level Edexcel History Germany 1918-1989
By: Balasivan Dhanapal
Germany Background 1918, Germany 1919, Threats To Weimar (left) ...11Decks124Flashcards65Learners -
OCR History: Democracy and Dictatorship in Germany 1919-1963
OCR History: Democracy and Dictatorship in Germany 1919-1963
By: emi k
Weimar Government, The Golden Years 1924-1929, Hitler's rise to power & Nazi consolidation of power ...5Decks118Flashcards35Learners -
A2 History (From Kaiser to Fuhrer: Germany, 1900-45)
A2 History (From Kaiser to Fuhrer: Germany, 1900-45)
By: Ben glass
Dates 2nd Reich, 2nd Reich facts, Controversy Historians and Their Points Of View ...11Decks228Flashcards14Learners -
history Paper 1 Germany And USSR
history Paper 1 Germany And USSR
By: Jude Byrne
Weimar Republic, The leadership struggle 1924-29 / Five year plans, The Establishment Of The Weimar Republic And Its Early Problems ...10Decks191Flashcards3Learners -
A Level History- Germany
A Level History- Germany
By: Cerys Morris
Theme 1- Political and Governmental Change 1918-1933, Theme 2- Opposition, Control and Consent 1918-1933, Theme 3- Reacting to Economic Challenges 1918-1933 ...13Decks527Flashcards1Learner -
GCSE History: Germany
GCSE History: Germany
By: Shravya V
German Unification, Germany under Wilhelm II, Post WWI ...12Decks212Flashcards3Learners -
History- Germany In Transition
History- Germany In Transition
By: Freya John
1) Impact Of WW1, 7) Hitler’s foreign policy, 5) Nazi Economic Social And Racial Policy ...7Decks359Flashcards25Learners -
By: Grace Bewley
Politcal And Governmental Change 1918-33, Opposition, Control And Consent 1918-1933, Reacting To Economic Challenges 1918-1932 ...12Decks532Flashcards1Learner -
9-1 GCSE History - Germany 1890-1934
9-1 GCSE History - Germany 1890-1934
By: Emily Riley
Pre-unification, After Unification, Kaiser wilhelm II ...21Decks209Flashcards30Learners