Learn Geological Processes
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geography edexel
geography edexel
By: patrycja alves
Main UK rock types, Up land and low land landscapes, physical processes ...13Decks152Flashcards1Learner -
Geography Paper 2
Geography Paper 2
By: James Relf
4.1 - Geology, 4.2 - Human Processes2Decks33Flashcards3Learners -
Earth & Space - Understanding
Earth & Space - Understanding
By: Anika Bagchi
General Concepts, Planets & Celestial Bodies, The Moon & Eclipses ...10Decks150Flashcards1Learner -
(P) Topic 2: Coastal Landscapes and Change
(P) Topic 2: Coastal Landscapes and Change
By: izzy skinner
distinctive features (the littoral zone) (2.B1), geological structure (2.B2), rates of coastal recession and stability (2.B3) ...14Decks90Flashcards2Learners -
AP Environmental Science
AP Environmental Science
By: Lauren Cheung
Vocab 1-20 (Biodiversity and Cycles/Processes), Vocab 21-40 (Ecology), Vocab 41-54 (Ecology and Electricity) ...9Decks154Flashcards1Learner -
By: George Sparks
Urbanisation-Urban Climates, Carbon and Water- Water Cycle, Hazards-The Geological Context ...14Decks344Flashcards3Learners -
By: Barry Bert
Kapitel 5 - Mineraler, Kapitel 2 - Mot jordens medelpunkt, Kapitel 7 - Sedimentära bergarter del 2 ...19Decks319Flashcards1Learner -
A-Level Geography: Content
A-Level Geography: Content
By: Callum Haynes
1.1 Causes of Tectonic Hazards, 1.4 The Relationship Between Hazards, Vulnerability, Resilience and Disaster, 1.7 Tectonic Disaster Trends and Patterns ...45Decks617Flashcards27Learners -
GCSE-Geography Paper 2(UK):Topic 4-Uk's Evolving Physical Landscape
GCSE-Geography Paper 2(UK):Topic 4-Uk's Evolving Physical Landscape
By: James Whiteside
EQ1-4.1:Geology and UK, EQ1-4.2:Physical and human processes, EQ2-4.3 A: Geology-Distinctive Coastal Landscapes ...10Decks38Flashcards6Learners -
(P) Topic 4: Carbon Cycle and Energy Insecurity
(P) Topic 4: Carbon Cycle and Energy Insecurity
By: izzy skinner
6.1 carbon and the geological cycle (EQ1), 6.2 biological processes sequestering carbon, 6.3 human activity altering the carbon cycle ...9Decks83Flashcards1Learner -
Year 10-11 Geography
Year 10-11 Geography
By: Alex Kielbasa
EQ2: 4.3- Distinctive Coastal Landscapes Are Influenced By Geology Interacting With Physical Processes, EQ3: 4.4 Human Activity + 4.5 Challanges For The Coastline, EQ1: Why Does The Physical Landscape Of The Uk Vary From Palce To Place ...5Decks80Flashcards6Learners -
Geography Paper 2 UK
Geography Paper 2 UK
By: Pietro Zanini
4.3 Coastal Landscapes, 4.4 Human Activity, 4.5 Challanges For The Coastline ...8Decks98Flashcards3Learners -
CW [7th] Science
CW [7th] Science
By: Kara Wittenberg
1.1 Food Chains & Webs, 1.2 Advanced Classifications, Module 1 Quiz ...15Decks82Flashcards2Learners -
earth science
earth science
By: Aashna Shah
prologue, measuring earth, earth in the universe ...12Decks250Flashcards1Learner -
By: Edmund Lau
W11- Unconventional O&G, W9- Downstream Processes, W8- Gas Treatment & Specifications ...11Decks220Flashcards1Learner -
Geography Paper 2 UK
Geography Paper 2 UK
By: Emile Korzeniowski-Olmi
4.3 Coastal Landscapes, 4.4 Human Activity, 4.5 Interaction of Human and Physical Processes ...7Decks65Flashcards3Learners -
By: Nini Fire
Prelude - and just what is geology?, Chapter 1 - Cosmology and the Birth of the Earth, Chapter 2 - Journey to the Center of the Earth ...9Decks237Flashcards9Learners -
Geography coasts
Geography coasts
By: Zach Add
Coasts equilibrium, Littoral Zone, Long Term Processes ...74Decks424Flashcards1Learner -
By: Luca Di Libero
Geography 4.3 - Sediment transportation, Geography 4.3 - UK Climate, Geography 4.3 - Geological Structure ...9Decks70Flashcards3Learners -
By: lottie henley
Important Geological Figures, Introduction: Equilibrium, Ch.3- Soils ...7Decks150Flashcards1Learner -
By: Dom Brooke
M1L2 - Geologic Timelines and Processes, M2L1 - Environmental Change, M2L2 - Climate ...8Decks140Flashcards1Learner -
Geography (coasts)
Geography (coasts)
By: Kyla Horne
Discordant/concordant, Pacific artic, Bays and headlands ...20Decks107Flashcards1Learner -
Some Geography Topic 4 Notes
Some Geography Topic 4 Notes
By: Matthew Humphreys
4.1: Geology And Past Processes Have Influenced The Physical Landscape Of The UK, 4.2: A Number Of Physical And Human Processes Work Together To Create Distinct UK Landscapes, 4.3: Distinctive Coastal Landscapes Are Influenced By Geology Interacting With Physical Processes ...8Decks45Flashcards4Learners -
water cycle
water cycle
By: Leah Dann
Types of Rainfall, Human Changes To Water Cycle, River Catchment - Mersey ...27Decks249Flashcards5Learners -
Geography Paper 2 UK
Geography Paper 2 UK
By: Sebastian Voysey
4.3 Coastal Landscapes, 4.4 Human Activity, 4.3 Coastal Landscapes (extra) ...10Decks110Flashcards2Learners -
Carbon cycle A Level Geog
Carbon cycle A Level Geog
By: Leah Dann
Movement of Carbon - The Geological Component, Causes Of Precipitation, Processes Driving Chmage In Water Stores ...39Decks380Flashcards25Learners -
Textbook of Geology
Textbook of Geology
By: Matt Ezekiel Atok
Age of Earth, Structure of the Earth, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere and their constituents ...7Decks131Flashcards1Learner -
Geography Paper 2 UK
Geography Paper 2 UK
By: Dylan Unknown
4.4 Human Activity, 4.3 Distinctive Landscapes, 4.3 4.4 4.5 ...7Decks101Flashcards2Learners -
EES mixtures
EES mixtures
By: Hey The
lesson 5 sedimentary processes , rocks and fossils, lesson 6 stratigraphy, mapping, sedimentary structures, lesson 7 metamorphic processes and rocks ...6Decks73Flashcards1Learner -
By: Liberty Temata
Land Cover Chanage, Impacts of Land Cover Change, English ...22Decks104Flashcards1Learner