Learn Gene Expression
Study Gene Expression using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun!
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8. Control Of Gene Expression
8. Control Of Gene Expression
By: Noah Repila Smith
Keywords, Mutation + Gene Expression, Genome Projects + DNA Technology3Decks88Flashcards1Learner -
NCEA Level 2 Gene expression definitions
NCEA Level 2 Gene expression definitions
By: Tiaare Ahovelo
Definitions1Decks26Flashcards4Learners -
PM 228 - Gene expression
PM 228 - Gene expression
By: Jasper Sison
Lecture 1, Lecture 2 - Operon concept, Lecture 3 - Repressor and Operator ...8Decks176Flashcards1Learner -
Gene Regulation and expression
Gene Regulation and expression
By: Daniel Frei
Week 3 Chromatin/Epigenetics, Week 2- DNA replication machinery, Wk2-cell cycle control and regulation ...6Decks98Flashcards1Learner -
Gene Expression - Level 2
Gene Expression - Level 2
By: Carmen C
BREAK DOWN OF VOCAB - Transcription, Mutations, Protein Synthesis - Translation ...4Decks56Flashcards1Learner -
AAA 1 Gene Tecg
AAA 1 Gene Tecg
By: Daniel Rayner
Isolation of genes, In Vivo Gene Cloning, In Vitro Gene Cloning ...12Decks157Flashcards1Learner -
? gene expression
? gene expression
By: g g
alteration of bases, DNA not translated, regulation of transcription and translation ...8Decks52Flashcards1Learner -
MCD Nucleic Acids And Gene Expression
MCD Nucleic Acids And Gene Expression
By: aqeilah khan
3 Gene Organisation And Transcription I, 4 Gene Organisation And Transcription II, 6 Analysis Of Nucleic Acids ...8Decks172Flashcards1Learner -
Genes and Expression
Genes and Expression
By: Taylor Monk
Lecture 1-4 DNA Structure, Lecture 5-7 DNA replication, DNA damage and repair ...6Decks96Flashcards1Learner -
lvl 2 bio
lvl 2 bio
By: charlotte Grainger
Genetic Variation, gene expression, Untitled Deck3Decks200Flashcards1Learner -
Biology 3.8- The control of gene expression
Biology 3.8- The control of gene expression
By: Tiffany Igbinigie (Student)
Regulation of transcription and translation, Gene expression and cancer, Most of a cells DNA is not translated ...7Decks69Flashcards2Learners -
Gene Expression exam
Gene Expression exam
By: Jess Finch
Definitions, Transcription (make cards), Translation (make cards) ...7Decks54Flashcards1Learner -
Gene Expression
Gene Expression
By: Sei Pedro
Proteins & Protein Synthesis1Decks26Flashcards1Learner -
Gene Regulation And Expression
Gene Regulation And Expression
By: Sadie Fart
Regulation, DNA and RNA Structure, Replication ...5Decks77Flashcards1Learner -
Gene Expression and Gene Sequencing
Gene Expression and Gene Sequencing
By: Isabelle Poisson
The PCR and DNA profiling, Transcription factors, Genetic Engineering ...4Decks23Flashcards1Learner -
Biology Unit 8 - Control of gene expression
Biology Unit 8 - Control of gene expression
By: Kelvin NWANZE
Mutations, Stem Cells, Regulation of Transcription and Translation ...6Decks67Flashcards1Learner -
Biology : Control of the Gene Expression
Biology : Control of the Gene Expression
By: Isabelle Avelino
Mutations, Stem cells, Regulation of transcription and translation ...6Decks52Flashcards2Learners -
8)control of gene expression
8)control of gene expression
By: Katie Matthews
non translated DNA, mutations, transcription factors RNAi ...9Decks103Flashcards1Learner -
Bio Topic 8 The Control Of Gene Expression
Bio Topic 8 The Control Of Gene Expression
By: 11X Alice Thorley
8.1 Mutation, 8.2 Genome Projects And Gene Technologies2Decks63Flashcards1Learner -
P2 - 3.8 The control of gene expression (A-level only)
P2 - 3.8 The control of gene expression (A-level only)
By: Freya Rigby
3.8 - 3.8.1 Alteration of the sequence of bases in DNA can alter the structure of proteins (A-level only), 3.8 - 3.8.2 - Most of a cell’s DNA is not translated (A-level only), 3.8 - 3.8.2 - Regulation of transcription and translation (A-level only) ...8Decks57Flashcards1Learner -
Biology - Mutations and Gene Expressions
Biology - Mutations and Gene Expressions
By: Lucy Lancaster
Mutations, Cancer, Stem cells ...5Decks108Flashcards1Learner -
Gene Expression & Regulation
Gene Expression & Regulation
By: Lauren Jackson
DNA & RNA Structure, Replication, Transcription & RNA Processing ...8Decks30Flashcards1Learner -
Gene Expression 8 - Gene Expression
Gene Expression 8 - Gene Expression
By: Daniel Chambers
Gene Mutations, Stem Cells and Totipotency, Regulation of Transcription and Translation ...6Decks24Flashcards1Learner -
Gene expression
Gene expression
By: Elvira den Hertog
Gene Expression1Decks97Flashcards1Learner -
biology gene expression
biology gene expression
By: monica bawden
evolution and the gene pool, RNA, transcription ...6Decks39Flashcards1Learner -
Gene Regulation and Expression
Gene Regulation and Expression
By: Jamie Moir
Transcription, RNA Splicing, DNA Replication Machinery ...4Decks82Flashcards1Learner -
Genetics chapter 8: Gene Expression: The Flow of Information from DNA to RNA to Protein
Genetics chapter 8: Gene Expression: The Flow of Information from DNA to RNA to Protein
By: Naleli Mofubelu
8.1 The genetic code, 8.2 Transcription: From DNA to RNA, 8.4 Differences in gene expression between prokaryotes and eukaryotes ...4Decks88Flashcards3Learners -
MCD - Nucleic Acids and Gene Expression
MCD - Nucleic Acids and Gene Expression
By: David Wheeler
Nucleic acids and chromosomes, DNA replication, the cell cycle and mitosis, Gene organisation, transcription and regulation ...4Decks95Flashcards1Learner -
By: triesha <3
DNA, PROTEIN SYNTHESIS, MUTATIONS ...4Decks43Flashcards1Learner -
CSB472 Gene expression
CSB472 Gene expression
By: Ana Sofía Mendoza
Lecture 10, Lecture 112Decks89Flashcards1Learner