Learn Gene Expression
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Regulation of Gene Expression
Regulation of Gene Expression
By: Ivana Quintanilla
Tonon: Lecture I, Tonon: Lecture II, Tonon: Lecture III ...28Decks1,322Flashcards4Learners -
Genes and Gene Expression
Genes and Gene Expression
By: Ella Reshef
1. DNA Structure and Properties, 2. DNA Structure 2, 3. section 6 stability of DNA ...31Decks283Flashcards19Learners -
Regulation Of Gene Expression
Regulation Of Gene Expression
By: Heidi Deisher
Lesson 1, Lesson 2, Lesson 3 ...28Decks1,390Flashcards6Learners -
CMB2001-Eukaryotic Gene Expression
CMB2001-Eukaryotic Gene Expression
By: Madelaine King
CMB2001/L01 Transcription, CMB2001/L02 Activators, CMB2001/L03 Chromatin Structure ...10Decks318Flashcards1Learner -
Gene Regulation and Expression
Gene Regulation and Expression
By: Beth Ollington
Apoptosis, Chromatin and epigenetics, Chromosome segregation ...10Decks423Flashcards25Learners -
Gene expression
Gene expression
By: Grant Meyer
Lecture 2 - Gene expression regulation: introduction, Lecture 3 - Molecular tools and techniques: Part 1, Lecture 4 - Molecular tools and techniques: Part 2 ...7Decks222Flashcards2Learners -
genes and gene expression
genes and gene expression
By: Dema Hassan
lecture 1: genes & genomes, Studying gene expression II, regulation of transcription factors I ...14Decks354Flashcards2Learners -
A2- Gene Expression and Technology
A2- Gene Expression and Technology
By: alannah sell
Isolation of genes, In Vivo Gene Cloning, In Vitro Gene Cloning ...13Decks173Flashcards16Learners -
Gene Expression
Gene Expression
By: Stefania Vasquez
Gene Expression Review, Gene Expression Review 3, Gene Expression Final Review3Decks113Flashcards1Learner -
Control Of Gene Expression
Control Of Gene Expression
By: Anna Safrankova
Euk Promoters And PIC, P53 Pathway, HIF Pathway ...13Decks420Flashcards3Learners -
CMB2001: eukaryotic gene expression
CMB2001: eukaryotic gene expression
By: Evie !
control of transcription and chromatin, lecture 6, lecture 7 ...5Decks252Flashcards1Learner -
Gene Expression
Gene Expression
By: Malgorzata Gorajek
Control of transcription and chromatin, Transcriptional responses to stress and infection, Post-transcriptional control of gene expression3Decks294Flashcards1Learner -
5BBG0205 Molecular Basis of Gene Expression
5BBG0205 Molecular Basis of Gene Expression
By: Lydia Olika
L2: Transcription & processing of eukaryotic genes, L3: Eukaryotic Transcription Factors, L4: Posttranscriptional regulation of eukaryotic gene expression ...9Decks319Flashcards5Learners -
Gene Expression
Gene Expression
By: Ella Shuttleworth
Transcription analysis and extragenic transcription, Transcription regulation by proteins, Homeotic genes and floral identity ...9Decks405Flashcards1Learner -
8- The control of gene expression
8- The control of gene expression
By: Megan Graham
Gene expression, Cancer, Genome projects ...7Decks186Flashcards2Learners -
gene expression
gene expression
DNA vs RNA, transcription, amino acid activation ...5Decks26Flashcards2Learners -
Topic 8 Gene expression
Topic 8 Gene expression
By: Jonas De Souza
Alteration of base sequences, Stem cells, Regulation of transcription and translation ...10Decks60Flashcards2Learners -
CMB2001 Control of Eukaryotic Gene Expression
CMB2001 Control of Eukaryotic Gene Expression
By: Isla McCoubrie
Lecture 1 - Eukaryotic promoters, RNA polymerases and the assembly of the PIC, Lecture 2 - Mechanisms of activation, enhancers, activators, activator targets (mediator complex), Lecture 3 - Histones, nucleosomes and chromatin structure ...9Decks269Flashcards1Learner -
CMB2001 - Control of Eukaryotic Gene Expression
CMB2001 - Control of Eukaryotic Gene Expression
By: Phoebe Snow
Lecture 1 - Transcription Initiation in Eukaryotes, Lecture 2 - Activators & Mechanisms of Transcriptional Activation, Lecture 3 - Chromatin Structure ...10Decks367Flashcards4Learners -
Eukaryotic Gene Expression
Eukaryotic Gene Expression
By: Jennifer Sivaguru
Week 1, Week 2, Week 3 ...7Decks91Flashcards1Learner -
Gene Regulation and Expression
Gene Regulation and Expression
By: Emma Louise
Transcription and Splicing, DNA Replication Machinery I, Chromatin and Epigenetics ...10Decks165Flashcards2Learners -
Z BIOL 8 The control of gene expression
Z BIOL 8 The control of gene expression
By: Erin H
20.1 Gene mutations, 20.2 Stem cells and totipotency, 20.3 Regulation of transcription and translation ...16Decks198Flashcards18Learners -
A level biology - Gene expression
A level biology - Gene expression
By: Joseph 123
L1 - Types of Stem cell, L2 - Pre-transcriptional gene regulation: Transcription factors & the role of oestrogen, L3 - Epigenetic control of gene expression in eukaryotes ...5Decks69Flashcards3Learners -
NCEA Level 2 Biology - 2.5 Gene Expression
NCEA Level 2 Biology - 2.5 Gene Expression
By: Angela Zeng
Protein Synthesis (Proteins, amino acids, transcription, translation, protein structure, protein folding), Mutations (Point mutations, insertions & deletions, frame shifts, redundancy & degeneracy), Metabolic Pathways (Effect of mutation, effect of enviroment) ...4Decks25Flashcards55Learners -
Genes and gene expression
Genes and gene expression
By: Unknown Unknown
Nucleosomes; chromatin and chromosome structure, Genes and Genome, DNA replication and cell cycle ...8Decks176Flashcards1Learner -
biology - ch. 20 control of gene expression
biology - ch. 20 control of gene expression
By: ヤブキ 千秋
20.1 gene mutation, 20.2 stem cells & totipotency, 20.3 regulation of transcription & translation ...6Decks65Flashcards1Learner -
B8. Gene Expression
B8. Gene Expression
By: siobhan mills
Gene Expression, DNA Technology2Decks51Flashcards1Learner -
By: Jessica Fallon
CMB2001/L01 Transcription, CMB2001/L02 Activators, CMB2001/L03 Chromatin Structure ...10Decks322Flashcards1Learner -
M: Nucleic acids and gene expression
M: Nucleic acids and gene expression
By: Electra Kanella
Nucleic acids and chromosomes, Protein translation and post-translational modification, DNA replication, the cell cycle and mitosis ...4Decks21Flashcards3Learners -
By: sophie nash
Mutations, chromosome mutations and effects of mutations, stem cells ...8Decks44Flashcards1Learner