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IGCSE Biology
IGCSE Biology
By: jiya mulgi
Energy in cells - Respiration and Gas Exchange, From Big to Small - biological molecules, cells, organisms and kingdoms, Energy In Cells - Diet and Digestion ...29Decks1,021Flashcards1Learner -
A level Biology
A level Biology
By: Gwenllian Jones
Unit 1.1 - Water, Introduction to AS Biology - Enzymes and Proteins, Unit 1.1 - inorganic ions and carbohydrates ...26Decks7,953Flashcards62Learners -
By: Moe P
Life process and variety of living organism, Unit 3 (gas exchange system and respiration), Unit 4 (Digestion) ...14Decks913Flashcards1Learner -
By: Elizabeth Frangou
1 life processes, page 3-12 and 19-20, 1 life processes - respiration and movement, page 12-18, 23-24, 1 variety of living organisms, page 25-31 ...22Decks1,599Flashcards2Learners -
Biology Flash Cards
Biology Flash Cards
By: Hasith Dewmina
Life Processes, Variety of Living Organisms, Breathing and Gas Exchange ...14Decks349Flashcards5Learners -
life science
life science
By: Rochermia Pieterse
transport in mammals, transport in humans, functioning of the heart ...23Decks440Flashcards2Learners -
By: Adora Ilochonwu
Periodic Table, Quantum Mechanics, Bonding ...12Decks205Flashcards8Learners -
By: Jessica Lyrner Morén
F1 Overview, F2 Synthesis Gas, F3 Catalysis ...12Decks261Flashcards1Learner -
FHB II Pulmonary/Renal
FHB II Pulmonary/Renal
By: Jane Schumacher
Pulmonary 1: Functional Anatomy of the Respiratory System, Pulmonary 2: Lung Mechanics A, Pulmonary 3: Lung Mechanics B ...20Decks816Flashcards69Learners -
By: Aarna Wangoo
food tests and transport processes, Enzymes and human nutrition, Plant Nutrition ...5Decks257Flashcards1Learner -
Biology YEAR 9
Biology YEAR 9
By: Ovi Ganesh
Animal + Plant Cells, Life Processes, Mangnifcation, Topic 1 - Nature & Variety, Topic 3 -Respiration, Gas Exchange + Breathing3Decks119Flashcards1Learner -
By: Ankita Somisetty
Diffusion, Osmosis and Active Transport, Ecology, Respiration + Gas Exchange ...30Decks611Flashcards5Learners -
Healthcare Fundamentals 2
Healthcare Fundamentals 2
By: Emma Dunsworth
Nursing Foundations, Scope And Standards Of Practice, clinical judgement process ...20Decks743Flashcards1Learner -
MLAB 123
MLAB 123
By: Akanksha Patel
1- Blood Collection Tubes, 1- Additives, 1- Lab stuff ...11Decks287Flashcards3Learners -
By: E W
Unit 1 - Biological organization, Unit 2- Intracellular processes, Unit 3 - Movement into and out of cells ...18Decks511Flashcards2Learners -
From Organisms to Ecosystems - Lectures
From Organisms to Ecosystems - Lectures
By: Deleted Deleted
Lecture 2. Diversity of Life: Conquering the Land, Lecture 3. Diversity of Life: Fungi, Lichens, Algae and Angiosperms, Lecture 4. Introduction to Animal Diversity ...37Decks1,246Flashcards44Learners -
BIOL 1160
BIOL 1160
By: Heidi Joy Dewling
week 1 (intro to chem, proteins/carbohydrates, body cavities), week 2 (lipids, body fluids, transport processes), week 3 (cell structure, cell metabolism, cell signalling, tissue structure) ...11Decks893Flashcards7Learners -
Respiratory System 2022
Respiratory System 2022
By: Viana Shahbazi
Breathing & Respiration, The Path of Air, The Gas Exchange ...7Decks46Flashcards4Learners -
Principles I Final
Principles I Final
By: Lauren Schnitzen
Anesthesia Gas Machine, Supply, Processing ...17Decks1,298Flashcards2Learners -
6 Month 5
6 Month 5
By: Ivory Tusk
TPC 105 Metals In the Plant, Tpc 106 Non-metals In The Plant, Tpc 417 Welding Principles ...8Decks290Flashcards15Learners -
Biology Module 3 - Own flashcards
Biology Module 3 - Own flashcards
By: Simona Keremidchieva
7.1 - Specialised exchange surfaces, 7.2.1 - The mammalian gaseous exchange system (Part 1 - structure), 7.2.2 - The mammalian gaseous exchange system (Part 2 - Inhalation and Exhalation) ...16Decks658Flashcards1Learner -
A&P 2 - Unit 2
A&P 2 - Unit 2
By: J Mahoney
19-1: Lymphatic vessels, 19-2: Lymphoid organs, 21-1: Respiratory Organs ...11Decks331Flashcards36Learners -
A Level Geography
A Level Geography
By: (Jamey) Jamey Laoroekutai
8.1. Coastal Processes, 8.1. Marine Erosion, Sub-aerial Processes, and Marine Transportation and Deposition, 8.2. Erosional Landforms ...45Decks822Flashcards29Learners -
By: Ellie Blair
Variety of life and cellular processes, Respiration, gas exchange and breathing ...6Decks149Flashcards2Learners -
Geography: Glacial Systems And Landscapes
Geography: Glacial Systems And Landscapes
By: Isla Watson
Keywords For Glaciation, Glacial Systems, Distrubution Of Cold Environements ...13Decks135Flashcards1Learner -
BMEG 350
BMEG 350
By: Ilana Guez
Ch.6 Muscle Physiology, Biomechanics of Muscles, Nervous Systems ...14Decks277Flashcards3Learners -
Respitory System
Respitory System
By: Afif Uddin
Functions, Air Movements, Processes, Patterns of Breathing, Measures, Formulas, Control ...4Decks53Flashcards3Learners -
By: markus bredberg
1. Introduction, Lecture 2 - Collisional processes, Lecture 4 - More Radiative Processes ...21Decks263Flashcards3Learners -
AS Chemistry
AS Chemistry
By: Daisy Palmer
EL - Ionic bonding, EL - Covalent bonding, EL - Giant covalent and metallic structures ...44Decks1,084Flashcards9Learners -
Phase 1
Phase 1
By: Jess Fitzwarren
Fluid Flow, Process Chemistry, Gas Laws ...11Decks128Flashcards1Learner