Learn Fall'14
Study Fall'14 using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun!
Brainscape Certified flashcards
User Generated flashcards
By: Alex Martinez
Lecture 6: Introduction to cancer, Lecture 7: Global and Local patterns of cancer, Lecture 8: Lung Cancer and Smoking ...31Decks843Flashcards1Learner -
Spanish Beginners Course
Spanish Beginners Course
By: S G
01 intonation, 02 falling questions, 02 introductions and nationalities ...31Decks554Flashcards10Learners -
Electric Year 1
Electric Year 1
By: Nathan Wood
OSHA LOTO - Ladders & Stairways, Fall Protection, PPE, Electrical Safety, Scaffolds & Tools, Digital Multimeter Units 1-5, Digital Multimeter Units 6-9 ...18Decks357Flashcards4Learners -
nucl 156 Drug Nomenclature
nucl 156 Drug Nomenclature
By: Jess MacDonell
terms in reference to medications, pharmaceutical preparations, drugs that require a prescription fall into the following types: ...16Decks247Flashcards1Learner -
Henry VIII and Wolsey
Henry VIII and Wolsey
By: Lili Harvey
Impact of Henry's personality on government 1509-14, Why Wolsey was able to rise to power by 1514, Success of Wolsey's domestic policy ...15Decks181Flashcards425Learners -
Italian History
Italian History
By: Ashley Mcnulty
The Rise of Mussolini and the Creation of the Fascist Dicatorship 1919-26, The Fascist State 1925-40, Challenges to and the Fall of the Fascist State c1935-46 ...11Decks297Flashcards2Learners -
Henry VIII from folder
Henry VIII from folder
By: georgiana roxburgh
how successful was Henry's FP 1509-1529, Wolsey's domestic policies, reasons for Wolsey's fall ...34Decks404Flashcards121Learners -
By: Christine Griffiths
Test 2--Chapter 15 Preventing Infection, Test 2--Chapter 16 Body Mechanics, Test 2--Chapter 17 Moving and Transfers ...25Decks613Flashcards51Learners -
History Tudors
History Tudors
By: Millie Adkins
6. Religious And Ecclesiastical Policies Under Somerset, 7. Social And Economic Developments In Edwards Reign, 8. Kett’s And Other Rebellions ...44Decks1,298Flashcards7Learners -
2014 Personality and Intelligence
2014 Personality and Intelligence
By: Francis Merson
2 Psychodynamic theories 1: Freud – origins and status, 3 Psychodynamic theories 2: Freud and unconscious processes, 4 Freud's theory of dreams ...38Decks861Flashcards131Learners -
Science 6
Science 6
By: Sarah Wang
Lessons 13, 15, 18 Test, Fall Exam, Lesson 1 And Lesson 2 (quiz, 2nd semester) ...4Decks145Flashcards2Learners -
By: Alana Breed
Chapter 12: The Underworld, Chapter 11: Dionysus, Chapter 10: Demeter And Related Myths ...21Decks469Flashcards7Learners -
Sheff 91 core clinical problems
Sheff 91 core clinical problems
By: Hamish Reed-Embleton
01 - Anaemia, 02 - Bleeding , 70 - rectal bleeding, 03 - Breast lump ...51Decks1,077Flashcards14Learners -
By: Amanda Scartozzi
Chapter 7 Vocabulary, Chapter 9 Vocabulary, Chapter 13 Vocabulary ...13Decks207Flashcards4Learners -
By: beyourself 636
Art. 1 I GG Menschenwürde, Art. 2 I GG Handlungsfreiheit, Art. 2 I iVm. Art. I 1 GG, Allg. Persönlichkeitsrecht ...14Decks104Flashcards1Learner -
Art History
Art History
By: Perseus Laurent
Art and Archeology of Ancient Egypt fall 14, 12Decks45Flashcards2Learners -
By: Zoie Espartinez
LESSON 9: Jacob (Israel), the Son of Isaac, LESSON 10: The Twelve Sons of Israel, LESSON 11 & 12 ...11Decks253Flashcards1Learner -
By: hayley cahill
Chapter 5, Chapter 8, Chapter 9 ...8Decks250Flashcards1Learner -
Carelab Top 200
Carelab Top 200
By: Elliott Ho
Week 14 Fall, Week 1 Spring 20172Decks48Flashcards3Learners -
X- Protokollenansamlung
X- Protokollenansamlung
By: Salem Abubaker
Prüfung am 15.08.2016/Professor Kist, Kreisel, El-Tayeh/Der Fall war Ulkus, Prüfung am 15.08.2016/Professor Kist, Kreisel, El-Tayeh/Der Fall war Ulkus/Dann alle zusammen in der Prüfung:, Protokoll Am 19.08.2016/Prof.Eltayeh.Prof.Kreisel.Prof.Kist/ Der Patient hatte Ulcus ventriculi ...23Decks488Flashcards17Learners -
A&P Fall Semester 2014
A&P Fall Semester 2014
By: Courtney Wilker
Exam 1-Exercise 1, Exam 1-Exercise 3, Exam 1-Exercise 2 ...6Decks103Flashcards3Learners -
By: Tom Patten
Lectures 1-4 (Promises and Limits of American Democracy), The Changing Northern Economy (Lecture 5), (Lecture 6) Common People: Democracy and Reform in the Age of Jackson ...17Decks288Flashcards1Learner -
French History
French History
By: Daniel Rayner
Week 1- Louis XVI as King and Government, Week 2- Social divisions, Week 3- Enlightened philosophes ...30Decks453Flashcards5Learners -
By: Gavin Hobbs
Module 1: Motion in One Dimension, Module 13: Colomb's Law and the Electric Field, Module 3: Two-Dinensional Vectors ...16Decks195Flashcards6Learners -
<3 of a Samurai
<3 of a Samurai
By: Miranda Trejo
<3 of a samurai // characters, chp. 1 - the storm, chp. 2 - the samurai of bird island ...43Decks505Flashcards26Learners -
AQA A Level History: Britain
AQA A Level History: Britain
By: Temilayo Adesola
24 Foreign Affairs, 23 Social Issues, 22 The Conservative party, 1997-2007 ...29Decks278Flashcards98Learners -
Modern Britain Y2
Modern Britain Y2
By: Harina Solanki
4:13 The Thatcher governments, (!) 4:14 Thatcher's economic policies and their impact, (!) 4:15 The impact of Thatcherism on society ...7Decks529Flashcards2Learners -
By: Sittie Ateeya Cali
13 - MEASUREMENT OF LENGTH, 6 - Coefficient of Linear Expansion, 7 - Specific Heat of Solids ...15Decks152Flashcards1Learner -
Block 2 - MSK
Block 2 - MSK
By: Pauline Vitte
Lecture 1 - Orthopedic Trauma, Lecture 2 - Upper Limb Injuries, Lecture 3 - Bone And Tooth Structure ...38Decks977Flashcards3Learners -
French Revolution No.1
French Revolution No.1
By: molly oliver
Chapter 1: Louis XVI As King, Chapter 1: The Government Of The Ancien Régime, Chapter 1: Social Divisions, Privileges And Burdens ...35Decks704Flashcards3Learners