Learn Eu Law Cases
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Business Law
Business Law
By: Verity Russell
Week 1 - Development of English Law, Week 1 - Public or Private?, Week 1 - Sources of Law in England and Wales ...92Decks510Flashcards1Learner -
By: Cécile Vital-Durand
Cases, Sources of EU Law, Principles ...9Decks50Flashcards1Learner -
Public Law 01
Public Law 01
By: hina anwar
Introduction, Constitutional Law Basics, Separation of Powers ...13Decks46Flashcards1Learner -
Law School - English Legal System & Constitutional Law (including EU Retained law)
Law School - English Legal System & Constitutional Law (including EU Retained law)
By: Amelia Webb
UNIT 1 - the ELS and Statutory Interpretation, UNIT 2 - ELS & CASE LAW, UNIT 3 - Intro to the UK Constitution ...8Decks49Flashcards1Learner -
Legal System
Legal System
By: David Fenemore
1. Introduction to Legal System, 2. The Courts, 3. Development of Case Law ...12Decks17Flashcards1Learner -
By: Holly Cutler
Parliament No Longer Reigns Supreme In Constitution, Discuss In Relation To Human Rights Act 1998, Outline The Principle Elements And Provide Cases Or The Test Required To Establish Uty Of Care When The Losses Are Purely Economic, Elements And Cases For Test Required To Estbalish Duty Of Care When Losses Arise From The Psychiatric Illness Of Secondary Victims ...9Decks78Flashcards1Learner -
Law Paper 2.a Key cases
Law Paper 2.a Key cases
By: Alice Wallace
Chapter 18- Statutory interpretation, Chapter 19- Judicial precedent (none are key cases in the book), Chapter 21- EU law3Decks25Flashcards1Learner -
Freedom to Provide Services
Freedom to Provide Services
By: Jeffrey Cheuk
EU Legislation, Case law, Matters fall outside the scope of Article 56 ...7Decks32Flashcards1Learner