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NRSG 200: Med Surg 3
NRSG 200: Med Surg 3
By: Kevin Avelino
[Exam 1] Chapter 15: Management of Patients With Oncologic Disorders, [Exam 1] Chapter 32 - Assessment of HEmatologic Function and Treatment Modalities, [Exam 1] Chapter 34 - Management of Patients with Hematologic Neoplasms ...46Decks5,429Flashcards85Learners -
By: Johannah Crumpton
HTN part 1- Exam 1, HTN- part II - Exam 1, Hypotension - Exam 1 ...24Decks1,313Flashcards1Learner -
NUR 405 (Med Surg II)
NUR 405 (Med Surg II)
By: Isaiah Smith
CV Labs and Dx (Exam 1), CV Labs and Dx pt.2 (Exam 1), CAD / ACS pt. 1 (Exam 1) ...23Decks701Flashcards1Learner -
By: Jonathan Kallevang
EXAM #1: CARDIAC CYCLE, EXAM #1: CARDIAC OUTPUT, EXAM #1: REVIEW OF ECG ...38Decks1,336Flashcards41Learners -
Med Surg 2
Med Surg 2
By: Lani Manners
EKG Normals, Dysrhythmia Interpretation & EKG Interpretation, Pain Management (PowerPoint Only Review Module) ...29Decks1,547Flashcards75Learners -
Med Surg II
Med Surg II
By: Kaitlyn Nelson
Exam 1: oxygenation, Exam 1: perfusion, Exam 1: dysrhythmias ...6Decks418Flashcards39Learners -
NURS 425
NURS 425
By: Raven Demerath
Exam #1 Study Guide: Acute Endocrine Problems, Exam #1 Study Guide: Nursing Care Of The Emergency Patient, Exam #1 Study Guide: GI Bleed And Acute Liver Failure/Liver Transplant ...19Decks1,554Flashcards29Learners -
By: Kyle Campbell
Basic EKG (Exam #1), Basic Waves/Complexes/Intervals (Exam #1), Dysrhythmias (Exam #1) ...8Decks232Flashcards20Learners -
Health Assessment Spring 25'
Health Assessment Spring 25'
By: Blake Vanier
16 Jan Preoperative Evaluation and Anesthesia Considerations (Exam 1), 21 Jan Anesthesia and Patient Assessment (Exam 1), 23 Jan Eye, Ear, and Neurological Conditions (Exam 1) ...17Decks2,209Flashcards3Learners -
Kol- 410 Med Surg II
Kol- 410 Med Surg II
By: Kol Giessel
Trach, Pulmonary Embolism / Pulmonary Edema, Chest Trauma ...27Decks1,034Flashcards26Learners -
Advanced MedSurg
Advanced MedSurg
By: Sarah Aganon
Med Surg Exam 1 (Respiratory System), Med Surg Exam 1 (#2), Ch 35 Dysrhythmias (Exam 2) ...11Decks577Flashcards13Learners -
NRSG 110: Med Surg 2
NRSG 110: Med Surg 2
By: Kevin Avelino
[Exam 1] Chapter 25: Assessment of Cardiovascular Function (Page 671-705), [Exam 1] Chapter 26: Management of Patients with Dysrhythmias and Conduction Problems (Page 713-720, 734-736), [Exam 1] Chapter 27: Management of Patients with Coronary Vascular Disorders (Page 750-773) ...29Decks3,429Flashcards54Learners -
By: Colleen Godfrey
Exam 1: Intro to Pharm, Exam 2: Neuro Agents: Autonomic, Exam 3: Respiratory Agents ...12Decks521Flashcards18Learners -
By: Keri Courtnage
Diuretics, RAAS agents, Beta blockers and Alpha blockers ...26Decks1,126Flashcards1Learner -
Anatomy and Phyisology
Anatomy and Phyisology
By: Saje Allen
Urinary system, Nervous system pt 1 (brain, spinal cord, and ANS), nervous system pt 2 (sensation, perception, nerves, etc.) ...94Decks9,265Flashcards3Learners -
NURP 423
NURP 423
By: Mercedes Schoonover
Exam 1 - Week 1 - URIs, Exam 1 - Week 1 - Decongestants, Exam 1 - Week 1 - Expectorants ...16Decks215Flashcards23Learners -
By: Inès O'Connor
Obtaining a Healthy Foal, Foals and Weanlings, Orthopaedic Problems in Developing Yearling ...22Decks1,144Flashcards1Learner -
N320 -Med/Surg Drexel
N320 -Med/Surg Drexel
By: Heidi Demuynck
Fluid/Electrolytes, Chapter 8 &9.Fluid and Electrolytes and Acid-Base Balance , Chapter 17. Priorities for the Postoperative Patient ...35Decks1,157Flashcards740Learners -
Adult Health II
Adult Health II
By: Riley Glass
Exam 1: Chapter 28 - Electrocardiography and Dysrhythmia Monitoring, Exam 1: Chapter 29 - Pacemakers and Implantable Cardioverter/Defibrillators, Exam 1: Chapter 30 - Invasive Cardiovascular Procedures ...9Decks210Flashcards2Learners -
nur 2048
nur 2048
By: Carlee Brown
Exam 1: dysrhythmias, SC injuries, pacemakers, chest tubes, Exam 2, exam 3: burns, sepsis, shock, delegation, ethics3Decks133Flashcards2Learners -
Health and Illness 3
Health and Illness 3
By: Madeline Mars
Exam 1: Oxygenation, Exam 2: Perfusion, Exam 2: Dysrhythmias ...5Decks60Flashcards1Learner -
By: Jessica Maskell
Exam 1 - Schizophrenia, Exam 1 - Dysrhythmias, Exam 2 - Personality Disorders ...8Decks165Flashcards1Learner -
Med surge 2024
Med surge 2024
By: MarKayla Clements
Exam 1, EKG Normals, Dysrhythmia Interpretation & EKG Interpretation ...6Decks323Flashcards1Learner -
NUR 425
NUR 425
By: Elizabeth Cruz
Exam 1 Pediatrics, Dysrhythmias2Decks17Flashcards1Learner -
N213 Medsurg
N213 Medsurg
By: Elizabeth Rodriguez
Medications For exam 1, Cardiac cycles & structures/ Dysrhythmias & arhythmias, Heart failure & MI3Decks19Flashcards1Learner