Learn Critical Incident
Study Critical Incident using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun!
Brainscape Certified flashcards
User Generated flashcards
By: Justyna Medrala
Use of Force, Human Rights, Critical Incidents ...13Decks29Flashcards2Learners -
Lieutenant Promotion Exam
Lieutenant Promotion Exam
By: Dan DuLac
103.00 Use Of Deadly Force, 104.00 Use Of Less Lethal Force, 108.00 Supervisor Responsibility ...46Decks168Flashcards1Learner -
Final Review
Final Review
By: Kenny Simac
Civil Liability & Civil Rights Violations, Definitions & Introduction to Crimes Against Persons, Offenses Against Property ...36Decks97Flashcards3Learners -
I0092 *Availability
I0092 *Availability
By: Hallie Hollenback
92 *SURGENT MCQ, 92 vocabulary, 92 flashcards 1 ...27Decks173Flashcards1Learner -
Staff exam
Staff exam
By: Natasha Zver
Persons In Custody, Risk assesment - Type Of Search, SEARCH OF PERSONS ...48Decks145Flashcards1Learner -
General Orders 800's
General Orders 800's
By: Cameron King
800-02 Media Relations, 800-03 Critical Incident Video Public Release2Decks21Flashcards1Learner -
class 7853
class 7853
By: Phil Handsor
Phil Handsor, Critical Incident, EFAP ...9Decks50Flashcards1Learner -
Sergeant's Exam-2017
Sergeant's Exam-2017
By: Michael Burton
HPM 1.1-Publications Management, HPM 70.17-Bicycle Patrol, HPM 120.1-Peace Officer Personnel Records ...66Decks71Flashcards2Learners -
By: Michele Connolly
212-01 roll call, 212-02 meal period, 212-03 exp of tour ...14Decks65Flashcards1Learner -
Osce (viva)
Osce (viva)
By: Joo Keng Chuah
Giving A Presentation, Indigenous Mental Health, CPD ...9Decks22Flashcards1Learner -
Marine BIO Exam
Marine BIO Exam
By: William Allen
Identify THREE major strategies used by sponges to reduce the impact or incidence of predation upon them. Briefly explain the basis of each of these strategies., What is Latimeria? What is the known geographic distribution and habitat of Latimeria? Latimeria is often referred to as a ‘living fossil’ – explain why using specific details., . Name FIVE fundamental body shapes found in bony fishes. Provide a specific example of a bony fish with each of these body shapes. Indicate the type(s) of lifestyle that is generally said to be associated with each of these body shapes. ...22Decks65Flashcards3Learners -
By: Sam TheHen
Give one reason why an electromagnet would be used rather than a permanent magnet., Describe how the students could build an electromagnet. Include in your answer how the students should vary and test the strength of their electromagnet., 2 (a) There is an alternating current in the primary coil of the transformer. State what is produced in the iron core. ...20Decks88Flashcards1Learner -
Sgt. Exam - Notifications
Sgt. Exam - Notifications
By: Jason Reynolds
01 – 03 Persons in Custody, 04 – 02 Death Investigations, 04 – 18 Crime and Disorder Management ...22Decks28Flashcards1Learner -
Sgt Study Package
Sgt Study Package
By: Paolo Saccoccia
01-01 Arrest, 01-02 Searchs, Trans Persons, Religious, 01-03 Person In Custody ...56Decks44Flashcards1Learner