Tags: Chiropractic, Medical & Nursing, Other Healthcare Fields

Chiropractic Flashcards

Do you have a chiropractic exam around the corner? Study and ace the exam using these flashcards.
Brainscape Certified flashcards
User Generated flashcards
  • Foundations

About Chiropractic on Brainscape

What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic. This term is derived from the Greek words “chir-“ and “prassein” that means “to be done by the hand”. It is a division of the healing arts that studies the condition, diagnosis, and management of the spinal column and other parts of the musculoskeletal system.

The primary therapeutic technique in chiropractic involves spinal manipulation of the joints and soft tissues. Patients benefit from this form of therapy through the restoration of joint function and support to the nervous system.

A primary care provider who specializes in this field is called a chiropractor. They help individuals maintain optimal health without the use of chemical substances such as medications and surgical interventions.

Alternative careers related to Chiropractic include Exercise Physiologists, Massage Therapists, Athletic Trainers, Occupational Therapists, Podiatrists, and Physical Therapists.

Learning Chiropractic

Chiropractors should possess the ability to distinguish conditions that are amenable to their care from those that entail referral or co-management. A study of Chiropractic necessitates a deep understanding of the sciences including anatomy, physiology, and basics of neurology, as well as conservative forms of neuro-musculoskeletal management.

To prepare for a career as a Chiropractor, one must attend a chiropractor college, pass the National Board Exam and obtain a license. To make it through these steps, you’ll need both foundational overview, and real-life learning experiences as well as other additional tools to help you learn and retain the intricate details of chiropractic.

Brainscape is a near-perfect additional tool for your study of chiropractic. In Brainscape, you'll find thousands of classes, decks, and study cards for chiropractic. These classes are created by students, professors, experts, and users all over the world. They are ranked by quality and number of users who view the study cards.

In addition to that, the Brainscape Portal app allows users to create personal set of flashcards so you can study them anywhere with the use of a mobile phone.

Learn Faster in Brainscape

Brainscape can help you learn Chiropractic (and other subjects) effectively and efficiently, with the use of cognitive science. The platform applies the ideologies of the existing cognitive learning theories to help strengthen our memory – giving rise to a pedagogy called “Cognitive Based Repetition” (CBR).

The CBR system makes use of the learning processes known as Active Recall, Metacognition, and Spaced Repetition.

Research has proven the effectiveness of these learning principles before, but nobody has applied these more effectively than Brainscape does.  So, why not give it a try?

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