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NRSG 200: Med Surg 3
NRSG 200: Med Surg 3
By: Kevin Avelino
[Exam 1] Chapter 15: Management of Patients With Oncologic Disorders, [Exam 1] Chapter 32 - Assessment of HEmatologic Function and Treatment Modalities, [Exam 1] Chapter 34 - Management of Patients with Hematologic Neoplasms ...46Decks5,429Flashcards76Learners -
*MS_Practice Q's for Exam 3
*MS_Practice Q's for Exam 3
By: Frater Asclepius
ALL UNITS XFERRED, BURNS Lewis Ch 24: Burns, BURNS: Ignatavicius Ch 26: Care of Patients with Burns ...24Decks708Flashcards14Learners -
Role and scope
Role and scope
By: Ndolo Linda
ARDS, Spinal cord injury, Burns ...58Decks2,746Flashcards68Learners -
Med Surg 4th Semester
Med Surg 4th Semester
By: Jasmin Lacy
Ch 35: Assessment of Cardiovascular, Ch 36: Care of Pts with Dysrhthmias, Ch 37: Care of Pts with Cardiac Problems ...17Decks624Flashcards34Learners -
Module 7
Module 7
By: Elizabeth Gausin
Dosage Calculation, ECG, Exam One Medications ...24Decks1,198Flashcards2Learners -
NSG 478
NSG 478
By: Griffin Sullivan
Concepts of acute care, Arterial Blood Gases, Hemodynamic Monitoring ...23Decks1,759Flashcards37Learners -
H & Illness 4: A & C illness
H & Illness 4: A & C illness
By: mary doe
Week 1: endocrine ( altered hormone regulation ), week 1 :endrocrine review, WEEK 1 : endocrine ( nursing care plan for DM ) ...21Decks2,347Flashcards3Learners -
z_NCLEX RQ: *Burns and Shock
z_NCLEX RQ: *Burns and Shock
By: Frater Asclepius
Lewis Ch 24: Burns, Lewis Ch 66: Shock Sepsis and Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome, Ignatavicius Ch 26: Care of Patients with Burns ...8Decks208Flashcards4Learners -
► Med - EMT
► Med - EMT
By: B -
Chapter 1: EMS Systems, Chapter 2: Workforce Safety, Chapter 3: Medical, Legal, and Ethical issues ...38Decks1,394Flashcards272Learners -
Older Adults Part 3
Older Adults Part 3
By: David Li
1.1 Review of Synergy Model, 1.2 Review of Pharmacology Terminology, 1.3 Synergistic Care of Patient's with Multi-System Complex Problems of Immunology ...54Decks871Flashcards2Learners -
EMS-"Vital Vocabulary"
EMS-"Vital Vocabulary"
By: CA Byess
Chapter 1: EMS Systems, Chapter 2: Workforce Safety and Wellness, Chapter 3: Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues ...39Decks1,093Flashcards120Learners -
Med Surg Test 1: Perioperative
Med Surg Test 1: Perioperative
By: katie hill
Med Surg Perioperative Management, Med Surg :Intraoperative, Med Surg: Postoperative ...5Decks86Flashcards7Learners -
EMT Additional review
EMT Additional review
By: Max Quinn
Chapter 14 - BLS Resuscitation, Chapter 6 - The Human Body, Chapter 7 - Life Span Development ...38Decks1,051Flashcards29Learners -
FCP week 5
FCP week 5
By: Helen West
5- The importance of triage and prioritisation, 5- Shock, 5- Introduction to fluid therapy ...16Decks158Flashcards3Learners -
Adult Health II - (Josh)
Adult Health II - (Josh)
By: Josh Miller
T1 - Skin Assessment (Josh), T1 - Care of Patient with Skin Probs (Josh), T1 - Integument and Burns (Josh) ...13Decks717Flashcards18Learners -
EMT Final
EMT Final
By: Jason Savage
Terrorism, Scene Size-Up, HazMat, ICS, Mass Casualty, ...20Decks381Flashcards80Learners -
By: Ben Vernelson III
Chapter 14 - Pharmacology and Medication Administration, Chapter 24 - Environmental Emergencies, Pharmacology ...35Decks946Flashcards58Learners -
Emergency Care 13th Edition
Emergency Care 13th Edition
By: Bailey Harris
Chapter 1: Introduction to Emergency Medical Care, Chapter 19: Diabetic Emergencies and Altered Mental Status, Chapter 20: Allergic Reaction ...27Decks831Flashcards42Learners -
EMT Class
EMT Class
By: Kerstin Hyer
Chapter 11: Vital Signs, Monitoring Devices, and History Taking, Chapter 12: Scene Size Up, Chapter 13: Patient Assessment ...37Decks1,045Flashcards3Learners -
Antibiotic treatment
Antibiotic treatment
By: Ben Giladi
bacteria name, Antibiotics – mechanisms of action, Gram positive - Treatment ...10Decks74Flashcards30Learners -
Part 11 & Part 12 of Harrison's: Disorders of the Respiratory System, and Critical Care Medicine
Part 11 & Part 12 of Harrison's: Disorders of the Respiratory System, and Critical Care Medicine
By: Dana Ellis
Ch 305: Approach to the Patient with Disease of the Respiratory System, Ch 306e: Disturbances of Respiratory Function, Ch 307: Diagnostic Procedures in Respiratory Disease ...27Decks33Flashcards24Learners -
By: Mark Horrall
1030 - Consent and Competancy, 1040 - Controlled Substance, 1060 - Cooperation with Law Enforcement ...36Decks332Flashcards5Learners -
Adult Health II
Adult Health II
By: Brandi Waters
Cancer Development (exam 1), Care of Patient With Shock (exam 1), Assessment of Skin, Hair and Nails (exam 1) ...4Decks223Flashcards1Learner -
ICU Trials
ICU Trials
By: Dylan Bergstedt
Clinical Q, Primary Outcome, Bottom Lines: 1)ACS, 2)AKI, Clinical Q, Bottom Line,Primary Outcome 1)Critical Illness, Acute Coronary Syndrome: SHOCK (SHould we emergently revascularize Occluded Coronaries for Cardiogenic shocK) ...35Decks270Flashcards6Learners