Learn Capillary Exchange
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Sport-Unit 3-Anatomy and physiology
Sport-Unit 3-Anatomy and physiology
By: Florrie Butterworth
functions of each structure in the heart, arteries, veins ...26Decks178Flashcards1Learner -
L5 - 4 - Soil Science and Growing Media
L5 - 4 - Soil Science and Growing Media
By: David O'Shea
LO 1.0 - Explain the Origin of Soils, LO 1.1 - Parent rock types, LO 1.2 - Physical factors in soil formation ...35Decks350Flashcards11Learners -
By: Ashley Wong
Cardiovascular Physiology Part A, Immune System & Resistance to Disease, Cardiovascular Physiology Part B: Cardiac Cycle ...16Decks230Flashcards1Learner -
Biology Unit 1
Biology Unit 1
By: Tom Quirk
1.1.1 Purpose of the heart, 1.1.2 Types of circulatory system, 1.1.3 Water ...26Decks238Flashcards2Learners -
PBCP-Cardiovascular Physiology
PBCP-Cardiovascular Physiology
By: fintan mccollum
1. Properties of heart muscle, 2. Cardiovascular Physiology, 3. Control of Cardiac Output ...8Decks141Flashcards1Learner -
By: Kirsten Acheamboya
the heart, arteries, veins and capillaries, mitosis ...35Decks257Flashcards1Learner -
Cardiovascular Physiology
Cardiovascular Physiology
By: Faysal Soufi
Short-term BP Regulation, Long Term Blood Pressure Regulation, Intrinsic Conducting System ...6Decks58Flashcards1Learner -
By: e e
Control of cardiac output, Cardiac contraction, Principles of haemodynamics ...11Decks61Flashcards1Learner -
Physiology final exam
Physiology final exam
By: Jorunn Nordrum
Topic 1 - Milleau Interieur, compartments, changes of water compartments, Topic 2 - Volume quantification of fluid compartments, Topic 3 - Factors influencing the EC and IC compartments; anelectrolite and electrolite components of the blood plasma ...111Decks1,394Flashcards7Learners -
Biology 12 Unit 3
Biology 12 Unit 3
By: Julia Kresse
Lesson 1- Introduction to digestive system, Lesson 2- From the mouth to the stomach, Lesson 3- The pancreas ...19Decks186Flashcards1Learner -
3.2 Transport in animals
3.2 Transport in animals
By: Immi Beech
Transport in animals 3.2.1, Blood vessels 3.2.2, The structure of the heart 3.2.4 ...6Decks91Flashcards1Learner -
BPK 305
BPK 305
By: A C
Lecture 1: Constituents of blood, Lecture 2 - Cardiac Contracile elements, Lecture 3: Regulation of Cardiac contraction ...27Decks188Flashcards11Learners -
Venous System
Venous System
By: Hatoon Isam Abd Al-Natour
What is the venous system?, capillary exchange, Vasculature of the Head ...4Decks34Flashcards1Learner -
Bio Paper 1 Organisation Of Digestive System🎀
Bio Paper 1 Organisation Of Digestive System🎀
By: Alia Unknown
Digestive System, Digestive Enzymes, Effect Of Temp And PH On Enzymes ...16Decks39Flashcards1Learner -
STEP1: cardio
STEP1: cardio
By: Emma <3 Meagher
Embryology, Truncus arteriosus, Interventricular septum development ...66Decks410Flashcards2Learners -
OCR A-Level Biology Module 3
OCR A-Level Biology Module 3
By: Mia Thompson
3.1.1a) The need for specialised exchange surfaces, 3.1.1b) The features of an efficient exchange surface, 3.1.1c) The structures and functions of the components of the mammalian gaseous exchange system ...15Decks76Flashcards1Learner -
By: Khris Manalo
Cardio - Intro, Cardio - Anatomy of the Heart, Cardio - Coverings of the Heart ...24Decks71Flashcards1Learner -
BI 232 Wk 8 Ch 20 & Ex 15 Blood Vessels
BI 232 Wk 8 Ch 20 & Ex 15 Blood Vessels
By: Taylor Loberg
Intro and Types of Vessels, Arterial Sense Organs and Portal Sytems, Blood Flow and Pressure ...6Decks30Flashcards1Learner -
Biology Transport in animals
Biology Transport in animals
By: h h
The Need for a Transport system, The structure of arteries, arterioles and veins in relation to their functions, the structure of capillaries and importance of capillary beds as exchange surfaces ...4Decks29Flashcards1Learner -
A&P: Cardiovascular System
A&P: Cardiovascular System
By: Eri Kajita
Heart Chambers and Valves, CV System, Walls Of The Heart ...11Decks68Flashcards1Learner