Learn Breast Disease
Study Breast Disease using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun!
Brainscape Certified flashcards
User Generated flashcards
By: Hannah Gibson
Abdo pain **, ACLS, Allergy ...67Decks2,368Flashcards54Learners -
Year 3 - MedEd Lectures
Year 3 - MedEd Lectures
By: Elliot Colman
Resp 1, Cardio 1, Neuro 1 ...29Decks967Flashcards4Learners -
Core Conditions third year
Core Conditions third year
By: Mo Daff
Acute coronary syndrome, Stroke, Meningitis ...78Decks1,088Flashcards9Learners -
Hospital Based Medicine And Surgery
Hospital Based Medicine And Surgery
By: selcan icli
L07: Breast Disease Signs And Symptoms, L09: Asthma, L11: COPD And Its Management ...30Decks1,026Flashcards3Learners -
ENR Biweekly 2
ENR Biweekly 2
By: Madeline Wing
ILA (Fields)- development/anatomy of breast, Sos- normal breast physiology and malignant disorders, Audia- infections of reproductive tract ...11Decks787Flashcards1Learner -
YEAR 5: Histopathology
YEAR 5: Histopathology
By: Sanjana Murali
Histo: Fundamentals of Histology, Histo: Liver, Histo: Skin Pathology ...20Decks849Flashcards2Learners -
whatever things
whatever things
By: Cornelius Paglomutan
ANATOMY, Pharma Antibiotics, Cell as a Unit of Health and Disease ...26Decks3,143Flashcards44Learners -
Integration for Clinical Application
Integration for Clinical Application
By: Nat Perris
1.1 Child Safeguarding and Child Death Reviews, 2.1 Ageing and the Body, 2.2 Managing Falls ...16Decks387Flashcards6Learners -
Robbin's Pathology
Robbin's Pathology
By: marian concepcion
I - Cell Injury, Cell Death and Adaptations, II - Acute and Chronic Inflammation, III - Tissue Repair, Healing and Fibrosis ...23Decks2,079Flashcards228Learners -
By: Marjorie nano
I - Topnotch Pharma Flash Cards - Autonomics, II - Topnotch Pharma Flash Cards - Cardiac-Renal Drugs, III - Topnotch Pharma Flash Cards - Drugs for Smooth Muscles ...32Decks3,809Flashcards266Learners -
By: Juria Tanchuling
Cell as a Unit of Health and Disease, Cell as a Unit of Health and Disease, I - Cell Injury, Cell Death and Adaptations ...25Decks3,119Flashcards29Learners -
By: Eikeen Darauay
I - Cell Injury, Cell Death and Adaptations, II - Acute and Chronic Inflammation, III - Tissue Repair, Healing and Fibrosis ...34Decks2,875Flashcards7Learners -
Molecular basis of disease
Molecular basis of disease
Causes of disease, Cell growth and differentiation, Cell Damage and cell death ...31Decks1,116Flashcards43Learners -
Medicine Finals
Medicine Finals
By: Scott Somerville
Cardiology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology ...36Decks3,049Flashcards4Learners -
Pathology Topnotch 2015
Pathology Topnotch 2015
By: Paolo Nikolai So
Cell as a Unit of Health and Disease, I - Cell Injury, Cell Death and Adaptations, II - Acute and Chronic Inflammation ...24Decks3,078Flashcards50Learners -
By: Marlowe Dumangas
I - Cell Injury, Cell Death and Adaptations, Rosettes in pathology, II - Acute and Chronic Inflammation ...26Decks2,154Flashcards13Learners -
By: Erika Jean
XIII - The Lung, Cell as a Unit of Health and Disease, I - Cell Injury, Cell Death and Adaptations ...24Decks3,078Flashcards49Learners -
Endocrine and Reproductive Systems
Endocrine and Reproductive Systems
By: heather Fahey
P- Pituitary and Sellar Region, Ph- Endocrine Drugs, Ph- Ant. Pituitary Agents ...27Decks1,384Flashcards11Learners -
By: Alana Meikle
Cardiovascular Surgery Lecture, Benign Colorectal Disease 1, Benign anorectal disease ...20Decks1,226Flashcards12Learners -
By: Rocky T. Lim, PTRP, MD
I - Cell Injury, Cell Death and Adaptations, II - Acute and Chronic Inflammation, III - Tissue Repair, Healing and Fibrosis ...23Decks2,079Flashcards221Learners -
TN Pathology PLE 2016
TN Pathology PLE 2016
By: Chris Caangay
Cell as a Unit of Health and Disease, I - Cell Injury, Cell Death and Adaptations, II - Acute and Chronic Inflammation ...24Decks3,144Flashcards47Learners -
By: Elle Surgent
CONTRACEPTION, Depression, Epistaxis ...100Decks1,612Flashcards7Learners -
Molecular Basis of Disease
Molecular Basis of Disease
By: Nora Elena Sondresen Kvam
Lysosomal storage disorders, Polycystic kidney disease, Muscular dystrophy ...28Decks1,519Flashcards7Learners -
Clinical Years / Progress Test
Clinical Years / Progress Test
By: Hannah Parry-Jones
Resp, HPB, Gastro ...24Decks2,072Flashcards7Learners -
Endo by Minnie (she/her)
Endo by Minnie (she/her)
By: Madeleine (she/her) Horvath
SAS/Review, Clinical Medicine, Other Non-Science ...19Decks569Flashcards232Learners -
By: Alex Jacobson
Anatomy - Jon, Examinations - Jon, Urology/Gynae ...36Decks1,876Flashcards8Learners -
Patho flash cards
Patho flash cards
By: Niña Bumanglag
II - Acute and Chronic Inflammation, III - Tissue Repair, Healing and Fibrosis, IV - Hemodynamic Disorders, Thrombosis and Shock ...33Decks3,931Flashcards17Learners -
Pathology 2 Block 2
Pathology 2 Block 2
By: Randy Castillo Magraner
Female genitourinary tract, Disorders of the Uterus, Disorders of the Cervix ...32Decks493Flashcards8Learners -
By: Jennifer Watson
STD's Overview, Male Genital Pathology, UTI ...27Decks1,337Flashcards5Learners -
Year 2 OBGYN
Year 2 OBGYN
By: Michael Gedestad
Introduction to women's health, Endocrinology of OBGYN, Puberty ...33Decks1,016Flashcards10Learners