year 4 older people integrated care

This class was created by Brainscape user Amba Bhargav. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Definition of dementia,
List the types of dementia,
What do we mean by cognitive impa...
71  cards
What is delirium,
What are the types of delirium,
Features of hyperactive delirium
19  cards
Stroke presentations, assessment, management
What is a stroke,
Ischaemic vs haemorrhagic stroke,
Stroke epidemiology
58  cards
Stroke anatomy
Name different lobes of brain,
Functions of frontal lobe,
Functions of temporal lobe
58  cards
Stroke classifications and rehabilitation
What classification is used for s...,
Symptoms for total anterior circu...,
Symptoms of partial anterior circ...
17  cards
Stroke Brain imaging + ischaemic and haemorrhagic
74  cards
Stroke syndromes/mimics
What is a stroke mimic,
What are some common stroke mimics,
Compare the symptoms you would ge...
24  cards
Falls - Frailty, osteoporosis, fragility fractures
What is frailty,
In terms of frailty what is a min...,
Think about physiological factors...
89  cards
Incontinence, constipation, urinary retention
Rf for urinary incontinence,
List classifications of urinary i...,
What should you ask in hx of pt p...
49  cards
Define malnutrition,
Causes of malnutrition,
Nice definition of malnutrition
32  cards
Pressure Sores
In which pts do pressure ulcers s...,
Where do pressure ulcers sores ty...,
What factors predispose to the de...
11  cards
What is polypharmacy,
What is a medication review,
What patients should be prioritis...
20  cards
Learning disabilities
What are the 3 diagnostic criteri...,
How do we measure intelligence,
What can affect iq
86  cards
Community medicine
When patients are not unwell enou...,
What is intermediate care,
What are the goals of intermediat...
19  cards
Care home medicine, carers
What is the difference between re...,
What is a nursing home,
Main difference between residenta...
41  cards
Advanced care planning - Palliative care, EofLC
What is advanced care planning,
What do you need to ask pts when ...,
What are the steps in advanced ca...
13  cards
Consent and Capacity
What are the 3 types of consent,
What consent forms are used in th...,
Can young children and older chil...
38  cards
Health Inequalities
What is inverse care law with reg...,
What are social determinants of h...,
What are examples of social deter...
41  cards
OPIC drugs
Indications for alendronate,
What is the dose for alendronate,
Contraindications of alendronate
169  cards
Opic using quesbook parkinson s d...,
Opic using quesbook how does park...,
Opic using quesbook describe epid...
13  cards
OPIC additionals - Passmed, quesmed
0  cards

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year 4 older people integrated care

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