Year 3 - Core conditions

This class was created by Brainscape user Bhavina Patel. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (98)

Gastro-oesophageal reflux
Explain the epidemiology of gord 1,
Explain the pathology of gord 2,
What are the risk factors aetiolo...
8  cards
Peptic ulcer
What is the definition of a pepti...,
Explain the epidemiology of pepti...,
Explain the pathology of peptic u...
9  cards
Acute gastro-intestinal bleed
What is the definition of a gi bl...,
What is the pathology of a gi ble...,
What are the causes and risk fact...
8  cards
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBS) – Crohns disease
What is the definition of crohn s...,
What is the prevalence of crohn s...,
Explain the pathology of crohn s ...
10  cards
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBS) – ulcerative colitis
What is the definition of ulcerat...,
What is the prevalence of ulcerat...,
Explain the pathology of ulcerati...
10  cards
Irritable bowel syndrome
What is the definition of irritab...,
What is the pathology of irritabl...,
What are the risk factors aetiolo...
9  cards
Infective gastroenteritis
What is the definition of infecti...,
What is the epidemiology of infec...,
What is the pathology of infectiv...
11  cards
Acute pancreatitis
What is the definition of acute p...,
What is the incidence of acute pa...,
What is the pathology of acute pa...
10  cards
Chronic pancreatitis
What is the definition of chronic...,
What is the prevalence of chronic...,
What is the pathology of chronic ...
10  cards
Gallstones (inc. bile duct stones)
What is the definition of gallsto...,
How common are gallstones 2,
What is the pathology of gallston...
10  cards
Acute hepatitis
What is the definition of acute h...,
What is the epidemiology of hep a...,
What is the pathology of acute he...
10  cards
What is the definition of appendi...,
What is the lifetime incidence of...,
What is the pathology of appendic...
10  cards
Small and large bowel obstruction
What is the definition of a bowel...,
Bowel obstructions make up what o...,
What is the pathology of bowel ob...
10  cards
Femoral hernia
What is the definition of a femor...,
How common are femoral hernias 2,
What is the pathology of femoral ...
10  cards
Inguinal hernia
What is the definition of an ingu...,
How common are inguinal hernias 2,
What is the pathology of inguinal...
10  cards
Oesophageal carcinoma
What is the incidence of oesophag...,
What is the pathology of oesophag...,
What are the risk factors aetiolo...
9  cards
Gastric carcinoma
How common is gastric cancer 1,
What is the pathology of gastric ...,
What are the risk factors aetiolo...
9  cards
Pancreatic carcinoma
How common is pancreatic cancer 1,
What is the pathology of pancreat...,
What are the risk factors aetiolo...
8  cards
Colorectal cancer
How common is colorectal cancer 1,
What is the pathology of colorect...,
What are the risk factors aetiolo...
8  cards
Chronic liver disease
What is the definition of chronic...,
How common is chronic liver disea...,
What is the pathology of chronic ...
10  cards
What is ascites 1,
What is the pathology of ascites 2,
What are the risk factors aetiolo...
9  cards
What is the definition of malnutr...,
What is the epidemiology of malnu...,
What are the risk factors aetiolo...
8  cards
Perforated viscus
What is the definition of perfora...,
What is the mortality rate of per...,
What is the pathology of perforat...
10  cards
Coeliac disease
What is the definition of coeliac...,
What is the epidemiology of coeli...,
What is the pathology of coeliac ...
9  cards
Breast abscess
What is the definition of a breas...,
What is the epidemiology of breas...,
What is the pathology of breast a...
10  cards
Breast: Fibrocystic disease
What is the definition of fibrocy...,
What is the epidemiology of fibro...,
What is the pathology of fibrocyt...
9  cards
Ductal breast papilloma
What is the definition of ductal ...,
What is the pathology of ductal b...,
What are the risk factors aetiolo...
8  cards
Breast carcinoma
What is the epidemiology of breas...,
What is the pathology of breast c...,
What are the aetiology risk facto...
9  cards
Myocardial infarction/acute coronary syndrome
What is the definition of an mi a...,
What is the epidemiology of mi ac...,
What is the pathology of mi acute...
11  cards
What is the definition of angina 1,
What is the epidemiology of angina 2,
What is the pathology of angina 3
10  cards
Atrial fibrillation
What is the definition of af 1,
What is the epidemiology of af 2,
What is the pathology of af 3
10  cards
Essential (primary) hypertension
What is the definition of essenti...,
What is the epidemiology of essen...,
What is the pathology of essentia...
9  cards
Deep vein thrombosis
What is the definition of a dvt 1,
What is the epidemiology of a dvt 2,
What is the pathology of dvt s 3
10  cards
Left ventricular failure
What is the definition of left ve...,
What is the epidemiology of left ...,
What is the pathology of left ven...
8  cards
Congestive heart failure
What is the definition of congest...,
What is the epidemiology of conge...,
What is the pathology of congesti...
9  cards
Valvular heart disease
What is the definition of valvula...,
How common is valvular heart dise...,
What is the pathophysiology of va...
9  cards
Right ventricular heart failure
What is the definition of right v...,
How common is right ventricular h...,
What is the pathophysiology of ri...
9  cards
Infective endocarditis
What is the definition of infecti...,
How common is infective endocardi...,
What is the pathophysiology of in...
9  cards
Postural hypotension
What is the definition of postura...,
What is the pathology of postural...,
What are the risk factors aetiolo...
7  cards
Type 1 diabetes
What is the definition of type 1 ...,
How common is type 1 diabetes 2,
What are the risk factors aetiolo...
9  cards
Type 2 diabetes
What is the definition of type 2 ...,
How common is type 2 diabetes 2,
What is the pathophysiology of ty...
10  cards
What is the definition of hypothy...,
How common is hypothyroidism 2,
What is the pathophysiology of hy...
10  cards
What is the definition of hyperth...,
What is the pathophysiology of hy...,
What are the risk factors aetiolo...
8  cards
What is the definition of a goitre 1,
How common is a goitre 2,
What is the pathophysiology of a ...
9  cards
Thyroid nodule
What is the definition of a thyro...,
How common are thyroid nodules 2,
What is the pathophysiology of th...
9  cards
Cushing's syndrome
What is the definition of cushing...,
How common is cushing s syndrome 2,
What is the pathology of cushing ...
9  cards
Parathyroid adenoma/hyperparathyroidism
What is the definition of a parat...,
What is the pathology of parathyr...,
What are the risk factors aetiolo...
9  cards
Addison's disease
What is the definition of addison...,
How common is addisons disease 2,
What is the pathophysiology of ad...
7  cards
Iron deficiency anaemia
What is the definition of iron de...,
How common is iron deficiency ana...,
What is the pathophysiology of ir...
8  cards
Macrocyctic anaemia
What is the definition of macrocy...,
What is the pathophysiology of ma...,
What are the risk factors aetiolo...
8  cards
What is the definition of lymphoma 1,
How common is lymphoma 2,
What is the pathophysiology of ly...
8  cards
What is the definition of osteoar...,
How common is osteoarthritis 2,
What is the pathophysiology of os...
9  cards
What is the definition of gout 1,
How common is gout 2,
What is the pathophysiology of go...
9  cards
Septic arthritis
What is the definition of septic ...,
How common is septic arthritis 2,
What is the pathophysiology of se...
10  cards
Prolapsed/herniated disc
What is the defintion of a prolap...,
How common is a prolapsed herniat...,
What is the pathophysiology of a ...
9  cards
Rheumatoid arthritis
What is the definition of rheumat...,
How common is rheumatoid arthritis 2,
What is the pathophysiology of rh...
8  cards
What is the definition of osteopo...,
How common is osteoporosis 2,
What is the pathophysiology of os...
8  cards
What is the definition of depress...,
How common is depression 2,
What is the pathophysiology of de...
10  cards
What is the definition of anxiety 1,
How common is anxiety 2,
What is the pathology of anxiety 3
8  cards
Alcohol dependence
What is the definition of alcohol...,
How common is alcohol dependence 2,
What is the pathophysiology of al...
8  cards
Self harm
What is the definition of self ha...,
How common is self harm 2,
What are the pathology of self ha...
8  cards
What is the definition of somatis...,
How common is somatisation 2,
What is the pathology of somatisa...
7  cards
What is the definition of delirium 1,
How common is delirium 2,
What is the pathology of delirium 3
10  cards
What is the definition of dementia 1,
How common is dementia 2,
What is the pathophysiology of de...
10  cards
Cervical lymphadenopathy
What is the definition of cervica...,
How common is cervical lymphadeno...,
What is the pathology of cervical...
10  cards
Parotid tumour
What is the definition of a parot...,
How common is a parotid tumour 2,
What is the pathology of a paroti...
7  cards
Salivary gland swelling
What are the risk factors aetiolo...,
What are the signs symptoms of sa...,
What investigation are conducted ...
6  cards
Stroke and TIA
What is the definition of a strok...,
How common are stokes 2,
Explain the pathophysiology of a ...
10  cards
Sub-arachnoid haemorrhage
What is the definition of a sub a...,
How common are sub arachnoid haem...,
What is the pathophysiology of a ...
10  cards
Peripheral neuropathy
What is the definition of periphe...,
How common is peripheral neuropat...,
What is the pathology of peripher...
9  cards
What is the definition of a seizu...,
How common are seizures 2,
What is the pathophysiology of ep...
11  cards
What is the definition of meningi...,
How common is meningitis 2,
What are the risk factors aetiolo...
8  cards
What is the definition of a migra...,
How common are migraines 2,
What is the pathophysiology of a ...
9  cards
Tension headaches
What is the defintion of a tensio...,
How common is a tension headache 2,
What is the pathophysiology of a ...
9  cards
Parkinson's disease
What is the definition of parkins...,
How common is parkinson s disease 2,
What is the pathophysiology of pa...
9  cards
Proximal myopathy
What is the definition of proxima...,
What are the risk factors aetiolo...,
What are the signs symptoms of pr...
6  cards
Multiple sclerosis
What is the definition of multipl...,
How common is multiple sclerosis 2,
What is the pathophysiology of mu...
8  cards
Urinary tract infection/pyelonephritis
What is the defintion of a uti 1,
How common is a uti 2,
What is the pathology of a uti 3
9  cards
What is the definition of hydrone...,
How common is hydronephrosis 2,
What is the pathology of hydronep...
8  cards
What is the definition of aki 1,
How common is aki 2,
What is the pathophysioloyg of ak...
9  cards
What is the definition of ckd 1,
What is the pathology of ckd 2,
What are the risk factors aetiolo...
8  cards
What is the definition of bph 1,
How common is bph 2,
What is the pathology of bph 3
10  cards
Prostatic carcinoma
How common is prostate cancer 1,
What is the pathology of prostate...,
What are the signs symptoms of pr...
8  cards
Bladder cancer
How common is bladder cancer 1,
What is the pathology of bladder ...,
What are the risk factors aetiolo...
8  cards
Renal carcinoma
Explain the pathology of renal ca...,
What are the risk factors aetiolo...,
What are the signs symptoms of re...
6  cards
Urinary tract stones/renal calculi/nephrocalcinosis
How common are uti stones 1,
What is the pathology of uti ston...,
What are the risk factors aetiolo...
8  cards
Acute Asthma
What is the definition of acute a...,
How common is acute asthma 2,
What is the pathology of acute as...
8  cards
What is the definition of copd 1,
What is the pathology of copd 2,
What are the risk factors aetiolo...
8  cards
Bronchial carcinoma
How common is a bronchial carcino...,
What is the pathology of bronchia...,
What are the risk factors aetiolo...
8  cards
What is the definition of a pneum...,
How common is a pneumothorax 2,
What is the pathology of a pneumo...
11  cards
Pleural effusion
What is the definition of a pleur...,
How common is a pleural effusion 2,
What is the pathology of a pleura...
8  cards
Lobar pneumonia
What is the definition of lobar p...,
How common is lobar pneumonia 2,
What is the pathology of lobar pn...
9  cards
Pulmonary embolism
What is the definition of a pe 1,
How common is a pe 2,
What is the pathology of a pe 3
8  cards
Pulmonary fibrosis
What is the definition of pulmona...,
How common is pulmonary fibrosis 2,
What is the pathology of pulmonar...
9  cards
Peripheral vascular disease
What is the definition of periphe...,
How common is peripheral vascular...,
What is the pathology of peripher...
10  cards
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)
What is the definition of a aaa 1,
How common is a aaa 2,
What is the pathology of an aaa 3
10  cards
Varicose veins
What is the definition of varicos...,
How common are varicose veins 2,
What is the pathology of varicose...
9  cards
Femoral embolism
What is the definition of femoral...,
What are the risk factors aetiolo...,
What are the signs symptoms of fe...
7  cards

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Year 3 - Core conditions

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