year 11 human bio

This class was created by Brainscape user Mikayla Meechan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

Scientific Method
Radom sampling,
Stratified sampling
19  cards
Cells and Tissues
Basic cell theory,
Organisms can be,
Cells contain
33  cards
Cell Transport
Ways substances can be transporte...,
Diffusion can occur
21  cards
Cellular respiration
Metabolism converts,
What is the most important catabo...
17  cards
Metabolism and Enzymes
Anabolic reaction,
22  cards
What are carbohydrates made up of,
Digestion catabolism of carbohydr...,
Enzyme that digests carbohydrates
18  cards
Digestion in the mouth and stomach
What is digestion,
Types of digestion,
Roles of the digestive system
18  cards
Digestion and absorption
Pancreatic juice,
12  cards
Large intestine
Purpose of the digestive system,
Roles of the digestive system,
Parts of the colon
23  cards
Respiratory system
Function of the nasal cavity,
Trachea has,
Pleural membrane
22  cards
Circulatory system
What takes blood to the heart,
What brings blood to the heart,
What supply the heart muscles
15  cards
Blood and coagulation
3 types of blood vessels,
3 layers in veins and arteries
20  cards
Excretory system
Examples of cell waste,
Excretory system consists of
28  cards
Kidney diseases, liver and skin
Kidney diease,
Risk factors of kidney disease 5,
What happens when there is kidney...
19  cards
Musculoskeletal system
Muscle fibres,
What do myofibrils contain
12  cards
What is dna,
What is the structure of dna,
What are histones
10  cards
Protein sythesis
What is a gene,
What is a triplet
19  cards
Mitosis and Meiosis
What is mitosis,
Important processes involved in t...,
What is cell division
25  cards
When are various cells replaced,
What is cancer,
What is the wart virus
8  cards
What is epigenetics,
Epigenetic tags,
What else can effect genes
9  cards
Stem cells
Stem cells,
15  cards
Gamete reproduction
What are seminiferous tubules lin...,
What happens during puberty in sp...
20  cards
Ovarian and menstrual cycle
What is the ovarian cycle and wha...,
What does fsh stand for and what ...,
What does the secondary follicle ...
18  cards
What surrounds the egg,
How can sperms penetrate the egg
15  cards
Embryonic development and pregnancy
Inner cell mass,
Yolk sac,
18  cards
Changes in the mother and baby
What happens before birth
19  cards
Periodic abstinence,
How can women detect ovulation,
Rhythm method
22  cards
Main causes of female infertility,
How does age cause female inferti...
12  cards

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year 11 human bio

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