year 1 - accounting and finance

This class was created by Brainscape user Nana Koranteng. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (49)

lecture 1
Define accounting,
How many types of accounting are ...,
What is financial accounting to d...
42  cards
lecture 1 - accruals concept
What is the accruals concept,
As long as you make sale during a...,
Revenue and expenses are recorded...
8  cards
lecture 1 - balance sheet
Define a baalnce sheet,
A balance sheet is compose of
41  cards
Lecture 1 - Accounting Entity Concept
What is the accounting enity concept,
In the accounting entity concept ...,
Explain the accrual concept using...
10  cards
Lecture 1 - Accounting Equation
Capital is,
Explain how capital assets liabil...,
Capital is also
8  cards
lecture 2
0  cards
Lecture 2
0  cards
Lecture 2
0  cards
Lecture 3
0  cards
Lecture 3
0  cards
Lecture 3
0  cards
Lecture 4
0  cards
Lecture 4
0  cards
Lecture 4
0  cards
Lecture 5 - preparing income statement for gross profit
What is a baalnce sheet statement...,
Whats a useful way to remeber the...,
What do you ahve to remeber when ...
37  cards
Lecture 5 - depreciation and non current assets
Why is it important that companie...,
Nca means and this also means but...,
What are the two ways to value nca
3  cards
lec 1 sum
Financial accounting,
Managment accounting,
Income statement aka
40  cards
lec 2 sum
What is doule entry bookeepoing,
Ledger is divided into sections c...,
Transactions are recorded in
33  cards
lec2 pt trade and cash discount sum
Trade sicount,
When is trade discount deducted,
What does trade discount reduce
13  cards
lec 3 prt 3 cap rev expenditure sum
What company spends money on dete...,
What is revenue,
What is capital expenditure
11  cards
lec4 trial balance
When translating a t account,
Why start w name of t account,
Steps to baalnce an account
8  cards
lec 5 - preparing financial statement
Total asset,
Total liablities,
Net asset
14  cards
Lec 5 - depreciation non current asset
What are the two ways to value nca,
In historical accounting how are ...,
What is accumulated depreciation
31  cards
Lec 6 - accruals and prepayment
Difference between payable and an...,
Why are accruals recorded,
What are the two notes we make wh...
14  cards
lec 7 - Bad det and bad debt provision
What is bad irrecoverable debt,
Treating a debt bad is a matter of,
Why may a debt be ierecviverable
33  cards
lec 7 - ratios
What do financial ratios provide,
What are the 3 things ratios can ...,
61  cards
lec 8 - cost volume profit analysis
Cost object,
Predictability of costs and reven...,
4 types of costs
36  cards
lec 9 - full costing
Direct fost,
Direct cost aka,
Direct cost example
34  cards
Lec 10 - limiting factor analysis
Managment accountatns decide and ...,
What are the two assumptions in l...,
What is alimiting factor
14  cards
finance lec 1
Any descison company makes is,
What are the 2 main tyopes of dde...
32  cards
finance lec 1 - annuity
What is annuity,
In an annuity when must hte 1st p...,
What do you need to remeber when ...
22  cards
finance lec 2 - perpetuity
What is a perpetuity,
Perpetuituy aka known as,
In terms of perpetuity the gov ma...
9  cards
finance lec 3 - capital investment appraisal
What do organisations generate re...,
Assets can be,
But assets depreciate so this mea...
23  cards
finance lec 3 - payback
What is payback,
How do we do ti,
Why is payabck weak
8  cards
finance lec 3 - net present value
What is netpresent value,
Net presnt value equation
15  cards
finance lec 3 - irr
What is irr,
What is irr equivalent to,
Npv of 0 means
13  cards
Financial lec 4 - capital investment appraisal continued
Payback is the intial,
Which invetmnt pparasial cannoy e...,
When do npv and irr give the same...
13  cards
finance lec 4 - CAPITAL RATIONING
Capital rationing all abour,
Hard capital rationig,
What are the reasons for a compan...
45  cards
finance lec 5 - Incremental Working Capital
What is working capital,
If we want to run operations we h...,
To run operation we need a little...
16  cards
finance lec 5 - Taxation
We cant give proper investment ap...,
What is tax charged on,
In terms of income and expenses w...
28  cards
finance lec 5 - inflation
Nominal aka,
If using a nominal cf,
If use real cf what do you discou...
14  cards
finance lec 6 - valuing bonds and shares
What is a issuer borrowe,
What is the purpose of a bond,
Who is responsibble for future pa...
74  cards
finance lec 6-7 - VALUING BONDS AND SHARES
What is relationshiup 1,
Why si the ytm most important,
What do investors have to pay any...
54  cards
finance lec 7 - cost of capital
What is cost of capital,
Cost of equty ke,
Cost of debt kd
85  cards
finance lec 7 - weighted cost of capital
Wacc is also sed as,
Wacc is based on,
Wacc is wieghted to reflect
17  cards
finance - lec 8 - dividend policy
What is totla return of a dividen...,
How do sh gain and add value
78  cards
finance lec 8 - clientele effect and div policies
Diff investors,
What can sh use div for,
Give an exmaple of diff in the ty...
31  cards
fiance lecture 9 - capital structure
Two types of risk,
What is financial risk
135  cards
finance lec 10 - sources of finance
Financing decision relate to how to,
Whar ar,
E int
116  cards

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year 1 - accounting and finance

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