This class was created by Brainscape user Leah Ashton. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

1 - Induction Week
What risks do you need to conside...,
What can be some of the issues wi...,
What are some contraindications f...
57  cards
2 - GP
Who else apart from a doctor gp c...,
If a patient has a condition or i...
54  cards
3 - Chronic Pain and Multimorbidity
What is multimorbidty and some ri...,
What are some complications of mu...,
When may someone need a multimorb...
15  cards
4 - Critical Care within Surgery
What are the indications and cont...,
How do you do ventilation with a bvm,
What are the risks with bvm venti...
30  cards
5 - Pre and Post Op Assessment
Pre operative assesments for elec...,
What are important parts of the p...,
What is looked at in a full exami...
38  cards
6 - Basics of Emergency Medicine
When writing up acute prescriptio...,
What does the primary survery con...,
Whay questions should you ask aft...
16  cards
7 - A-E Assessment and Acute Presentations
What tool is used to determine wh...,
How should you approach someone w...,
What questions should you ask whe...
48  cards
8 - Poisoning, Metabolic and Temperature Changes
At what point should hyperkalaemi...,
What are some symptoms of poisoni...,
What are the signs of an aspirin ...
28  cards
9 - ALS
You should do a head tilt chin li...,
How do you use suction for a pati...,
How do you do an sbar
49  cards
10 - Notifiable Diseases
When can you prescribe a medicati...,
Before disclosing information to ...,
If you have made every effort to ...
46  cards
11 - Trauma
When a trauma comes in what are s...,
What are some questions to ask pa...,
What are some worrying signs with...
37  cards
12 - Burns
What are the different types of b...,
What is the steps of management i...,
What is the management of minor b...
30  cards
13 - Acute Psychiatry and Alcohol Misuse
What are two screening tools for ...,
How do you screen for alcohol mis...,
How do yu screen for alcohol misu...
51  cards
14 - Acute Paediatrics
What are the signs suggestive of nai,
What are some risk factors for nai,
What investigations do you need t...
6  cards

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y5 emergency medicine

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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