This class was created by Brainscape user Hailey Nelson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (113)

1. saliva, swallowing and esophagus
List the major pairs of salivary ...,
Label the salivary glands in diff...,
Media 3
33  cards
head and neck anatomy prac
Label 1,
List the main muscles of masticat...,
Media 3
22  cards
CAR revision prac
Which structures separate the ora...,
What is the position of the soft ...,
What is the position of the soft ...
4  cards
teeth and embryology SDL
Fill out the table for number of ...,
Fill in the table of ages that th...,
What is the function of ameloblas...
3  cards
oral cavity and mastication SDL
How do mammals chew and breathe a...,
What is the embryological origin ...,
Where is the transition between t...
17  cards
teeth and mastication 1 + 2
What are the roles of teeth separ...,
Attached to which bones of the sk...,
What word describes the cheek sid...
56  cards
What is the importance of km 1,
What are isozymes 2,
What is enzyme inhibition 3
18  cards
histology of the head and neck SDL
Discuss the oral mucosa epithelium 1,
Media 2,
Discuss the oral and lingual papi...
13  cards
comparative GIT in domestic animals SDL
What are the main functions of th...,
What is the headgut 2,
What is the foregut 3
14  cards
oral microbrio
What are the 4 main features of t...,
Discuss the tooth as a habitat 2,
What is plaque 3
35  cards
small mammal dental disease
Grasses contain large amounts of ...,
Rabbit rodent incisors are 2,
Rabbit and rodent molars have 3
34  cards
periodontal disease SDL
What features and signs may be as...,
What is plaque and how does it fo...,
What is the difference between pl...
13  cards
oral viruses
What is a vesicle 1,
What is a bulla 2,
What is a erosion 3
33  cards
2. Stomach imaging SDL
What is a sphincter 1,
What is peristalsis 2,
What is the difference between vo...
17  cards
stomach anatomy
What do the layers of the mucosa ...,
What does the submucosa contain 2,
What does the muscularis contain 3
33  cards
upper GI imaging
In a dv and vd rad how should you...,
Indications for radiographing the...,
What contrast media can be used t...
12  cards
gastric juices
What is chyme 1,
Define motility 2,
What is transit time 3
37  cards
stomach and rad prac
What region of the stomach is thi...,
What region of the stomach is thi...,
What is the margo plicatus 3
20  cards
gastrointestinal motility intro
Describe the factors which regula...,
Describe the major effects of the...,
Describe the layout of the divisi...
8  cards
rumen anatomy
What are the compartments of the ...,
What allows ruminants to digest d...,
Explain the process of foregut fe...
19  cards
rumen microbiology
Explain why herbivores requires m...,
What are the benefits of microbia...,
Outline the fate of ingested comp...
20  cards
ruminal and fecal material assessment SDL
Which side of the cow is the rume...,
The absorptive surface of the rum...,
Rumen papilla are used predominan...
47  cards
rumen fermentation
List food derived monosaccharides 1,
List food derived disaccharides 2,
What features permit continuous f...
18  cards
2. rumen function and volatile fatty acid metabolism SDL
Describe the primary secondary an...,
Explain how the motility of the r...,
Discuss the mechanisms that regul...
18  cards
3. rumen prac
Media 1,
Media 2,
Media 3
18  cards
histology of the non-glandular stomach SDL
Compare the muscularis mucosa of ...,
How is the keratin of the foresto...,
Why is a keratinized epithelium n...
14  cards
liver anatomy and histology
Describe gross anatomy of the liv...,
Discuss blood supply to the liver 2,
Describe blood drainage from the ...
37  cards
liver function
What are the functions of the liv...,
What is the role of the liver in ...,
What are the liver enzymes involv...
33  cards
principles of toxicology SDL
Define toxicology 1,
Define toxin 2,
Define toxicant 3
28  cards
urea cycle and nitrogen metabolism
State the functions of the urea c...,
State the mechanisms which operat...,
Give the reactions which lead to ...
32  cards
drug metabolism
The first organ that oral drugs w...,
What is the key role of the liver 2,
List the course of a drug as it i...
14  cards
liver clin path SDL
Into which vessel is blood from t...,
Which image shows a normal hepati...,
In patients with congenital hepat...
30  cards
avian digestion and nutrition
What is important to consider whe...,
Outline the pathway of the digest...,
Discuss the beak 3
15  cards
liver, pancreas and abdominal wall prac
What structures lie within the li...,
What goes through the inguinal ca...,
Where will you find the inguinal ...
37  cards
approach to the yellow patient
List the three main underlying pa...,
Explain why a severe reduction in...,
What would be the initial diagnos...
14  cards
anatomy of the small intestine
Discuss general features of small...,
What adaptations to the small int...,
What are crypts of lieberkuhn 3
27  cards
3. crypt villus dynamics and small intestinal cell response SDL
What are the arrows pointing to 1,
Where is the muscularis mucosae a...,
In which parts of the git are vil...
12  cards
self assessment quiz
Along with parotid zygomatic and ...,
Over which premolar does the paro...,
Which striated muscle within the ...
30  cards
4. digestion - Lipids
Outline the process of lipid dige...,
Name the major constituents of bi...,
Why is tag broken into 2 monoacyl...
4  cards
digestion - carbohydrates
List monosaccarides 1,
What is a starch 2,
What is glycogen 3
10  cards
digestion - proteins
What are the cells of the pancrea...,
What pancreatic enzymes digest pr...,
What causes zymogens from the pan...
20  cards
digestion and absorption SDL
Describe the active biological me...,
Describe how smooth muscle cells ...,
Explain how a population of smoot...
23  cards
small intestine practical
What is palpable in an abdominal ...
1  cards
large intestine anatomy and histology
What are the 3 general divisions ...,
What are the functions of the lar...,
Describe the species differences ...
27  cards
equine gastrointestinal anatomy and physiology
Discuss the approach to the horse...,
What are the problems of a grazin...,
How much tooth erupts per year in...
25  cards
large intestinal function
For carnivores ruminants horses a...,
Which large intestine belongs to ...,
Discuss where water is stored in ...
37  cards
comparative anatomy of the large intestine in exotics
What is the function of the proxi...,
What are the 2 types of fecal pel...,
Discuss the track that ingesta mo...
27  cards
anatomy of the rectum, anus and associated glands
What is the rectum 1,
What is the anus 2,
Is there any anatomical differenc...
36  cards
large intestine prac
What structures are palpable in t...,
List risks associated with rectal...
2  cards
anal atresia and hernias
Define artesia 1,
What is a hernia 2,
What is atresia ani 3
40  cards
4. intestinal hormones and motility
What is the main regulatory organ...,
What are the different theories o...,
Describe the lipostat hypothesis ...
18  cards
4. the problem bottom
Discuss dog fecal scoring describ...,
What is diarrhea 2,
What are the mechanisms involved ...
11  cards
5. pharmacology
The enteric nervous system is inn...,
What neurotransmitters are involv...,
Parasympathetic supply to the git...
26  cards
basics of biochem
What is metabolism 1,
What are the 2 categories of meta...,
What are metabolic pathways 3
23  cards
fate of glucose
Give an overview of steps related...,
How is blood glucose maintained 2,
What are the major sources of car...
36  cards
fate of lipids
What is the difference in the com...,
What are the major lipids in the ...,
Describe how lipids are metabolis...
26  cards
approach to the pt with abdo pain
List common presenting history an...,
Explain aetiology and pthogenesis...,
List common differentials for col...
13  cards
fate of proteins
What are functions of protiens 1,
Discuss protein metabolism after ...,
How are proteins digested 3
10  cards
basics of metabolism
Which is not a potential fate of ...,
When are fatty acids synthesized 2,
What is the major source of carbo...
8  cards
metabolism: a balancing act: ketosis 1+2
What is metabolic homeostasis 1,
What are the 3 principal ways tha...,
Which hormones are involved in me...
18  cards
intro clinical biochem
List the 3 categories of things w...,
What 2 substrate outputs could be...,
Why are different substrates outp...
21  cards
small animal abdo imaging
What does the spleen look like on...,
What does the stomach look like o...,
What does the liver look like on ...
6  cards
5. biochem summary
Why must catabolism and anabolism...,
Where does energy come from 2,
The utilization of acetyl co a in...
14  cards
exam practice questions
Describe the utilisation of energ...,
Explain how a diagnosis of an lda...,
Describe the normal position of a...
4  cards
6. immunology refresher
Explain the process of immunologi...,
What do neutrophils do 2,
What do macrophages do 3
20  cards
What are peyers patches 1,
Where will you find peyers patches 2,
Are peyers patches visible grossly 3
26  cards
hypersensitivites SDL
Discuss phase pne of type one hyp...,
Discuss phase 2 of a type 1 hyper...,
Give 2 examples of type 1 hyperse...
11  cards
chronic inflammation and granulomas
List 5 signs of inflammation 1,
What factors influence the develo...,
What is chronic inflammation 3
11  cards
immune tolerance
What is immune tolerance 1,
What are the 3 types of immune to...,
What are the mechanisms of centra...
12  cards
bacterial genetics
List qualities of the bacterial g...,
Are dna cpg dinucleotides methyla...,
What is a plasmid 3
19  cards
intro to GI microbio
What is the importance of gut flo...,
What are the methods of investiga...,
What factors affecct floral compo...
7  cards
general gut microbiology and mycobacteria SDL
What is the main species affected...,
What is the main type of infectio...,
What body systems do mavium affect 3
14  cards
intestinal microbiology, pathogens and host virulence
Describe the the types of microbe...,
Describe the types of bacteria in...,
Describe the types of bacteria in...
20  cards
intestinal bacteria
Of the thousands of bacteria in t...,
The majority of the phyla firmicu...,
Give examples of firmicutes 3
17  cards
host and microbiome
What is genome 1,
What is meant by microbiome 2,
What is the role of the microbiom...
4  cards
intestinal viruses
Why is viral diarrhea more common...,
What is the most common route of ...,
Outline the fecal oral route cycl...
60  cards
microbiology diagnostics SDL
What is pcr and how does it work 1,
List the order of steps for pcr 2,
Outline the differences between m...
16  cards
microbiology workshop
What are the most common clinical...,
How is foot and mouth disease spr...,
What type of virus is foot and mo...
18  cards
pathogenic mechanisms of diarrhea
What is diarrhea 1,
What causes diarrhea 2,
List pathogenic mechanisms of dia...
7  cards
6. inflammation and microbio summary session
What cells are involved in granul...,
What cytokines are involved in gr...,
Outline the steps of granuloma fo...
10  cards
7. intro to parasites
Round worms are part of the phylum 1,
Flat worms and flukes are part of...,
What is a prepatent period 3
10  cards
What is hypobiosis 1,
How does hypobiosis occur 2,
What are the benefits of hypobios...
5  cards
ruminant GI parasites
List abomasl worms 1,
Outline the lifecycle nof osterta...,
What is type 1 ostertagiasis 3
21  cards
trichostrongyloidae family SDL
Describe the morphology of tricho...,
Discuss trichostrongylus lifecycle 2,
List common species of trichostro...
12  cards
liver parasites
Outline the general lifecycle of ...,
List the polymorphic forms of flu...,
Discuss how fasciola gigantica af...
15  cards
small animal parasites
What is a cestode 1,
List common tapeworm species 2,
Highlight some features of taenia...
27  cards
avian GI parasites SDL
List avian intestinal parasites 1,
Outline the lifecycle of ascaridi...,
List clinical signs of ascaridia ...
11  cards
parasitology diagnostics SDL
Whats this 1,
Whats this 2,
Whats this 3
12  cards
equine GI parasites
Which equine parasites affect the...,
Outline the lifecycle of gasterop...,
Describe how l3 larvae of gastero...
43  cards
What are protozoa 1,
How do protists feed 2,
List important veterinary protist...
33  cards
parasite diagnostics: baermann and Mcmaster and eimera
The baermann technique is used to...
1  cards
importance of zoonotic parasites SDL
What is toxocariasis 1,
Explain the lifecycle of toxocara...,
Is toxocariasis common in pets hu...
16  cards
7. parasite identification/review
Media 1,
Media 2,
Media 3
51  cards
8. feed intake
What factors affect digestibility 1,
What is lignin 2,
How is food intake controlled 3
7  cards
energy and protein
Food is composed of what 2 things 1,
Outline the metabolisable energy ...,
What is metabolic rate 3
9  cards
pasture management SDL
What is rough grazing 1,
What is permanent pasture 2,
What are short term leys temporar...
33  cards
What is colostrum 1,
How is maternal igg transferred i...,
How is maternal igg transferred i...
27  cards
feeding young ruminants
The rumen structure and ph of a y...,
What is needed to hep the rumen d...,
Low rumen ph results from 3
27  cards
principles of feeding the dairy cow
How much will a lactating cow nee...,
How much will a dry cow eat in a ...,
List common feeding systems for d...
5  cards
farm animal nutrition prac
Name 3 varieties of pasture forag...,
Name conserved forages 2,
Name the conserved forage how its...
34  cards
minerals and vitamins workshop
What is the role of calcium 1,
What is the role of phosphorus 2,
What is the role of magnesium 3
25  cards
approach to the patient with diarrhea
What are some common presenting h...,
What is the aetiology and pathoge...,
List common differentials for hor...
10  cards
approach to abdo sx prac
Label abdominal organs 1,
Media 2,
Media 3
9  cards
8. pig nutrition
What nutrients do pigs require 1,
What do pet pigs eat 2,
What will you find in a commercia...
20  cards
9. intro to dog and cat nutrition
Of the 21 amino acids in animal p...,
Which amino acid is essential for...,
What is the fat used for in the d...
19  cards
rabbit and guinea pig nutrition
What is the ideal diet proportion...,
Why are grass and hay good for ra...,
What might you find on a clinical...
6  cards
calculating dog and cat feeding
How do you calculate rer in an an...,
How do you calculate rer in an an...,
How do you calculate der 3
3  cards
equine nutrition
What health issues can a poor die...,
How have modern diets and managem...,
What are some suspect nutritional...
24  cards
reptile, amphibian and fish GI anatomy
Whats the difference between acro...,
Do chelonians have teeth 2,
What adaptations do snake s jaws ...
7  cards
BCS and GIT clinical exam prac
How do you body condition score a...,
How do you body condition score a...,
How do you body condition score a...
11  cards
assisted feeding
When do we need to consider assis...,
What is a nasoesophageal nasogast...,
What is an esophagostomy 3
7  cards
9. backyard poultry SDL
What are the key features of an a...,
How would you assess the bcs of a...,
What should be included in chicke...
3  cards
Regurgitation is typically a sign...,
Enables more efficient absorption...,
Primary contractions of the rumen...
61  cards

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