This class was created by Brainscape user Danika Boltz. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Lecture 1.1 1/23/24
What determines the size and shap...,
What does virus structure have an...,
What is a virus
27  cards
Lecture 1.2 1/23/24
What is the order for viruses,
What is the family for viruses,
What is the genus for viruses
11  cards
Lecture 2 1/25/24
What are the steps of the viral r...,
What are the two strands of dna,
Which dna strand is used to make ...
18  cards
Lecture 3 1/31/24
What is adsorption,
What are the characteristics of a...,
How does viral concentration rela...
37  cards
Lecture 4 2/5/24
What is a type 1 infection,
What are the characteristics of a...,
What are the characteristics of p...
33  cards
Lecture 5 2/6/24
What factors impact whether or no...,
How does genetics play a role in ...,
How do corticosteroids impact vir...
37  cards
Lecture 6 2/6/24
What is virus evolution,
Why is it important for mutation ...,
Why do rna viruses tend to have m...
40  cards
Lecture 7 2/7/24
What are the two main ways of dia...,
What is sensitivity,
What is specificity
31  cards
Lecture 8 2/12/24
What are the general characterist...,
What are the general characterist...,
What are the general characterist...
24  cards
Lecture 9 2/12/24
What are the general characterist...,
What are the characteristics of v...,
What happens to when the vsv geno...
19  cards
Lecture 10 2/13/24
Why do very few antiviral drugs e...,
Why is drug resistance common in ...,
What are the dangers of drug resi...
22  cards
Lecture 11 2/14/24
What are the pros of viral vector...,
What is the con to using viral ve...,
What is an example of a viral vec...
27  cards
Lecture 12/13 3/21/24
How long is pig gestation,
When are gilts considered mature ...,
What is farrowing
53  cards
Lecture 13/14 3/21/24
What are the characteristics of a...,
What are the general characterist...,
What are the characteristics of l...
58  cards
Lecture 15 3/26/24
What are the characteristics of f...,
What are the clinical signs of fe...,
How is frdc diagnosed
46  cards
Lecture 16/17 4/2/24
What are the characteristics of c...,
What is the epidemiology of orf,
What are the clinical manifestati...
38  cards
Lecture 18/21 4/9/24
What are the characteristics of b...,
What is the clinical manifestatio...,
What are the characteristics of b...
51  cards
Lecture 19 4/8/24
What are the four components of a...,
What are the big three transbound...,
What are the characteristics of fmd
21  cards
Lecture 20 4/8/24
What are the characteristics of p...,
What do prions cause,
What are the characteristics of s...
16  cards
Lecture 22-23 4/23/24
What are the characteristics of e...,
What are the characteristics of e...,
What are the clinical signs of eq...
45  cards
Lecture 24 4/24/24
What are the general characterist...,
What are the risk factors for can...,
What is the pathophysiology of ca...
21  cards
Lecture 25 4/30/24
What are the characteristics of c...,
Why is canine distemper considere...,
Which species other than domestic...
26  cards

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Danika Boltz's Virology flashcards for their University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine class now!

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