Top Score for the Neurosurgery Board Examination (2025)

This class was created by Brainscape user Neurosurgery Udayana. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (116)

Gross Anatomy, Cranial and Spine
According to brodmann s map of th...,
According to brodmann s map of th...,
Which of the following brodmann s...
32  cards
Vascular Anatomy
Regarding anatomical segments of ...,
Regarding anatomical segments of ...,
The segment of posterior cerebral...
31  cards
Neurophysiology and Regional Brain Syndromes
The blood brain barrier is presen...,
According to classical model of l...,
In head injury the blood brain ba...
31  cards
According to the american society...,
Regarding the importance of tempe...,
Co2 is the most potent cerebral v...
20  cards
Sodium Homeostasis and Osmolality
According to the classification o...,
Which of the following is an etio...,
Hyponatremia is acute if duration...
25  cards
General Neurocritical Care
Labetalol is 1 selective and nons...,
Dopamine has and dopaminergic e e...,
Which of the following is a pure ...
15  cards
Sedatives, Paralytics, and Analgesics
Regarding richmond agitation seda...,
Propofol is a sedative hypnotic a...,
Succinylcholine is an ultra short...
15  cards
Regarding routine thyroid hormone...,
What is the mineralocorticoid pot...,
Posterior pituitary hormones adh ...
15  cards
What is the circulating blood vol...,
Platelets may be store for up to ...,
Recommended transfusion criteria ...
20  cards
Neurology for Neurosurgeons
Regarding types of migraine which...,
For idiopathic paralysis agitans ...,
Which of the following is classic...
20  cards
Neurovascular Disorders and Neurotoxicology
Other than addressing the underly...,
In crossed cerebellar diaschisis ...,
Which of the following has the le...
20  cards
Plain Radiology and Contrast Agents
Which of the following marks the ...,
What is the average normal anteri...,
On cervical spine anteroposterior...
19  cards
Imaging and Angiography
Originally axial ct scan slices w...,
A noncontrast ct scan is usually ...,
For ct perfusion to assess cerebr...
23  cards
Bilateral periodic lateralizing e...,
Regarding common eeg rhythms a fr...,
Regarding brainstem auditory evok...
15  cards
Primary Intracranial Anomalies
What is the galassi type of a sma...,
Bobble head doll syndrome is repe...,
Excluding suprasellar cysts what ...
25  cards
Primary Spinal Developmental Anomalies
Surgical closure of myelomeningoc...,
What is the most common complicat...,
Myelomeningocele most commonly in...
20  cards
Primary Craniospinal Anomalies
A 40 year old female patient pres...,
Chiari pseudotumor cerebri syndro...,
A female with obesity presents wi...
11  cards
Coma and Coma Scales
A 30 year old male with traumatic...,
A patient admitted in icu for mon...,
Which of the following is usually...
25  cards
Brain Death and Organ Donation
Absence of brain stem reflexes is...,
Apnea test is used as a confirmat...,
A patient cannot be declared as b...
10  cards
Bacterial Infections of the Parenchyma and Meninges and Complex Infections
A comatose middle aged male was b...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What is the most common etiology ...
24  cards
Skull, Spine, and Postsurgical Infections
The most common organism involved...,
An 8 month old child presented in...,
In most instances of shunt infect...
10  cards
Other Nonbacterial Infections
What is the treatment of choice f...,
Herpes simplex encephalitis has a...,
What is the drug of choice for tr...
17  cards
Cerebrospinal Fluid
Cerebrospinal fluid csf surrounds...,
What is the most accurate confirm...,
A patient presents with signs of ...
10  cards
Hydrocephalus: General Aspects
Hydrocephalus hcp is abnormal acc...,
A 2 month old child presents with...,
Occipital frontal circumference i...
12  cards
Treatment of Hydrocephalus
Diuretic therapy may be tried in ...,
A 4 year old child was admitted w...,
What is the most common cause of ...
18  cards
Seizures: Classification and Syndromes
A patient was brought to the opd ...,
A patient presented to you with h...,
What is the most common cause of ...
15  cards
Antiseizure Medication (ASM)
A patient is on antiepileptic dru...,
What is the dose adjustment of ph...,
What is the parenteral loading do...
27  cards
Special Seizure Consideration
What is the most common cause of ...,
Prophylactic antiepileptic drugs ...,
What is the most common cause of ...
18  cards
A 35 year old young woman present...,
A 25 year old young male presente...,
A 60 year old female with history...
16  cards
Peripheral Nerves
A 16 year old boy presented to th...,
A 35 year old female is su ering ...,
There are three innervations of t...
17  cards
Entrapment Neuropathy
Pick the false statement about en...,
A young female presented with pai...,
A coal mine worker presented with...
24  cards
Nonentrapment Peripheral Neuropathies
What is the most common cause for...,
In critical illness polyneuropath...,
Idiopathic brachial plexitis usua...
20  cards
A lesion in diencephalon will pre...,
Brun s nystagmus is associated wi...,
Low degree of papilledema with el...
20  cards
For treatment of meniere s diseas...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
Which of the following diagnostic...
19  cards
Tumor Classification and General Information
In who classification of cns tumo...,
Which of the following is no more...,
According to who 2021 classificat...
24  cards
Genetic Tumor Syndromes Involving CNS
The gene locus for von recklinhau...,
A patient presented with six cafe...,
A patient presented with bilatera...
25  cards
Adult Diffuse Glioma
Di use gliomas are most common pr...,
Gliomas can spread through csf pa...,
A patient presents in neurosurgic...
12  cards
Pediatric Type Diffuse Tumors
A young child presents with seizu...,
A young patient presents with int...,
A young patient presents with sei...
10  cards
Circumscribed Astrocytic Gliomas
Pilocytic astrocytomas are the mo...,
All of the following are di erent...,
Which of the following statements...
12  cards
Glioneuronal and Neuronal Tumors
An 11 year old boy presents with ...,
Desmoplastic infantile astrocytom...,
What is the most common location ...
16  cards
Ependymal Tumors
Supratentorial ependymomas who gr...,
Supratentorial tumors with morpho...,
Supratentorial tumor with morphol...
17  cards
Choroid Plexus Tumors
A 2 year old patient presents wit...,
Atypical choroid plexus papilloma...,
Choroid plexus carcinoma is a who...
15  cards
Embryonal Tumors
A 4 year old patient presents wit...,
Medulloblastomas which were forme...,
Which statement is incorrect rega...
18  cards
Pineal Tumors and Pineal Region Lesions
Pineal region tumors are relative...,
Pineal region tumor in an adult o...,
In order to proceed for the manag...
20  cards
Cranial and Paraspinal Nerve Tumors
Schwannoma who grade 1 is a benig...,
A 10 year old patient presents wi...,
A perineuroma is a benign who gra...
25  cards
Meningiomas (Intracranial)
A patient presents with a long hi...,
On histopathology a meningioma is...,
The most common locations of meni...
21  cards
Mesenchymal, Nonmeningothelial Tumors
A patient presented in neurosurge...,
A patient is found to have tumor ...,
A patient presents with nausea vo...
19  cards
Melanocytic Tumors and CNS Germ Cell Tumors
A patient presents to neurosurgic...,
A well developed solid noninfiltr...,
All of the following are included...
15  cards
Hematolymphoid Tumors Involving the CNS
A 50 year old patient presents in...,
The essential diagnostic criteria...,
Following are the conditions with...
19  cards
Tumors of the Sellar Region
Craniopharyngiomas are thought to...,
Craniopharyngiomas with bimodal a...,
Papillary craniopharyngioma cp co...
16  cards
PitNET/Adenomas-Clinical Consideration
Most primary pituitary tumors are...,
Pitnets arise from the six adenoh...,
A pitnet without cell type specif...
20  cards
Pituitary Tumors Evaluation
Pituitary tumors can present with...,
Practice guidelines for visual ev...,
Chiasma is located above the sell...
22  cards
PitNET/Adenomas—General Management
Prolactinoma is the only pituitar...,
What is the recommended treatment...,
What is the primary treatment mod...
18  cards
PitNET/Adenomas—Surgical Management, Outcome, and Recurrence Management
Surgery for pituitary adenomas re...,
What are the indications of trans...,
Which of the following statements...
20  cards
Metastasis to the CNS
Cerebral metastases are the most ...,
All of the following tumors sprea...,
A solitary lesion in the posterio...
22  cards
Other Tumors, Cysts, and Tumor-Like Lesions
What is the modified kadish grade...,
What is the system used to define...,
Regarding di erences between cran...
13  cards
Pseudotumor Cerebri Syndrome (PTCS)
Pseudotumor cerebri syndrome is a...,
Secondary pseudotumor cerebri is ...,
Which of the following is not inc...
10  cards
Tumor and Tumor-Like Lesions of the Skull
Osteoma hemangioma dermoid epider...,
A 55 year old female patient pres...,
Hemangiomas are benign tumors whi...
18  cards
Tumors of the Spine and Spinal Cord
About 15 of primary cns tumors ar...,
Most of the extradural tumors are...,
Intradural extramedullary tumors ...
20  cards
Head Trauma: General Information, Grading, and Initial Management
Brain injury from trauma results ...,
A patient is being transferred to...,
A patient with gcs 14 or gcs 15 p...
25  cards
Concussion, High Altitude Cerebral Edema, Cerebrovascular Injuries
All of the following are correct ...,
How a patient with concussion inj...,
Di usion tensor imaging functiona...
18  cards
Neuromonitoring in Head Trauma
Monro kellie doctrine states that...,
A patient after head trauma prese...,
Following are the indications for...
21  cards
Skull Fractures
About 90 of pediatric skull fract...,
Surgery is considered for depress...,
Following are the technical consi...
18  cards
Traumatic Hemorrhagic Conditions
A patient presenting with refract...,
Nonoperative management of trauma...,
Incidence of delayed traumatic in...
22  cards
Gunshot Wounds and Nonmissile Penetrating Brain Injuries
Primary injury from gunshot wound...,
Secondary injury from gunshot wou...,
Entry gunshot wound is typically ...
16  cards
Pediatric Head Injury
The overall mortality for all ped...,
Ct is recommended in a patient be...,
A child with gcs 14 or 15 and nor...
17  cards
Head Injury: Long-Term Management, Complications, and Outcome
The risk of developing dvt is 20 ...,
Nutritional replacement should be...,
Isotonic solutions should be used...
21  cards
Spine Injuries—General Information, Neurologic Assessment, Whiplash and Sports-Related Injuries, Pediatric Spine Injuries
The ability of the spine under ph...,
Complete spinal cord injury is la...,
Whiplash associated disorder wad ...
21  cards
Management of Spinal Cord Injury
The major causes of death in a sp...,
Which of the following are the ma...,
Methylprednisolone for the treatm...
18  cards
Occipitoatlantoaxial Injuries
Occipitoatlantal injuries are twi...,
Power s ratio of more than one en...,
A patient presents after blunt tr...
23  cards
Subaxial (C3 through C7) Injuries/Fractures
Subaxial cervical spine injury cl...,
Flexion injury acting alone will ...,
In general compromise of anterior...
20  cards
Thoracic, Lumbar, and Sacral Spine Fracture
Denis three column model of spine...,
Minor spinal injuries involve onl...,
Mcafee classification describes s...
20  cards
Penetrating Spine Injuries and Long-Term Complications of Spine Injuries
What are the indications for surg...,
Penetrating injuries to neck are ...,
Penetrating injury of neck may ca...
15  cards
Low-Back Pain
Conservative treatment for low ba...,
Generalized displacement of disk ...,
Dysfunction of nerve root which m...
23  cards
Lumbar Disk Herniation and Radiculopathy
The nerve root en passant is the ...,
Which of the following statements...,
Which of the following signs are ...
22  cards
Thoracic Disk Herniation
Thoracic disk herniation constitu...,
Ct should be obtained in cases of...,
Which of the following is a corre...
16  cards
Cervical Disk Herniation
Which of the following statements...,
Evaluation for radiculopathy incl...,
Over 90 of patients with acute ce...
19  cards
Cervical Degenerative Disk Disease and Cervical Myelopathy
Cervical spinal spondylosis usual...,
In case of myelopathy the histolo...,
Cervical spondylosis is the most ...
22  cards
Spine Measurements
Scoliosis is defined as lateral c...,
Cobb angle can be measured betwee...,
The absolute value of lumbar spin...
17  cards
Idiopathic Scoliosis
Scoliosis is defined as lateral c...,
Patients with idiopathic scoliosi...,
Reduced growth in areas of compre...
15  cards
Lumbar and Thoracic Degenerative Disk Disease
Degenerative disk disease in lumb...,
Lumbar spinal stenosis is most co...,
Lateral recess is the gutter alon...
21  cards
Adult Spinal Deformity and Degenerative Scoliosis
A patient presents with backache ...,
Srs schwab classification of adul...,
Treatment options for adult degen...
17  cards
Special Conditions Affecting Spine
A patient presents with pain in t...,
A patient presents to neurosurgic...,
The most common surgical interven...
30  cards
Special Conditions Affecting the Spinal Cord
Which of the following is include...,
Which of the following is incorre...,
Which of the following statements...
20  cards
Aneurysm—Introduction, Grading, and Special Conditions
Trauma is the most common cause o...,
Etiologies of subarachnoid hemorr...,
A patient presents with sudden on...
18  cards
Critical Care of Aneurysm Patients
Initial management concerns after...,
Methods that may be used to augme...,
Arrythmias may occur after aneury...
22  cards
SAH from Cerebral Aneurysm Rupture
Aneurysms tend to arise in areas ...,
Saccular aneurysms most commonly ...,
Intraventricular hemorrhage occur...
26  cards
Aneurysm Type by Location
Following statements are correct ...,
Surgical approaches for acoma inc...,
Gyrus rectus resection can be don...
21  cards
Special Aneurysms and Nonaneurysmal SAH
Which of the following are the fa...,
Following are the components of p...,
Following are recommended managem...
10  cards
Vascular Malformations
Arteriovenous malformations avms ...,
What is the most common presentat...,
About 7 of patients with avm have...
10  cards
Angiographically Occult Vascular Malformations
Angiographically occult cryptic v...,
Angiographically occult vascular ...,
Osler weber rendu syndrome also k...
18  cards
Stroke—General Information and Physiology
Following statements are correct ...,
The e ects of ica stenosis occlus...,
A patient presents with expressiv...
20  cards
Evaluation and Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke
In case of acute stroke treatment...,
Following are included in the nih...,
Which of the following statements...
10  cards
Cerebral Arterial Dissections and Moyamoya Disease
Following statements are correct ...,
The lesion common to all dissecti...,
Cerebral arterial dissection may ...
22  cards
Other Vascular Occlusive Conditions
What are the patterns of stroke w...,
Intra arterial thrombolysis withi...,
A patient presents with symptoms ...
21  cards
Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Older Adults
Which of the following are the ri...,
Common arterial feeders of ich in...,
Lobar hemorrhages are more common...
22  cards
ICH in Young Adults and Pediatrics
What is the most common cause of ...,
Intracerebral hemorrhage of the n...,
The metabolically active germinal...
16  cards
Outcome Assessment
A 60 year old patient is known ca...,
A 40 year old patient had road tr...,
If a patient is having severe dis...
15  cards
Differential Diagnosis by Location or Radiographic Finding—Intracranial
The di erential diagnosis of a so...,
Phaces syndrome acronym for a gro...,
Di erentiating feature of medullo...
25  cards
Differential Diagnosis by Location or Radiographic Finding—Spine
Atlantoaxial subluxation in rheum...,
Fractures due to metastatic invol...,
Criteria for vertebra plana inclu...
17  cards
Differential Diagnosis (DDx) by Signs and Symptoms—Primarily Intracranial
What is the most common cause of ...,
Most of transient ischemic attack...,
Wide base gait is defined as gait...
20  cards
Differential Diagnosis (DDx) by Signs and Symptoms—Primarily Spine and Other
Which one of the following does n...,
A 17 year old male patient presen...,
All are signs of als except 3
21  cards
Intraoperative Dyes, OR Equipment, Surgical Hemostasis, and Bone Extenders
Owing to risk of developing parap...,
For children below 3 years of age...,
Microfibrillar collagen promotes ...
18  cards
Craniotomies—General Information and Cortical Mapping
Intraoperative brain swelling eti...,
What is the last life saving meas...,
Cranioplasty following posterior ...
20  cards
Posterior Fossa Craniotomies
Advantages of sitting position fo...,
Air embolism is suspected in any ...,
Lateral oblique position is also ...
10  cards
Supratentorial Craniotomies
Which of the following is not an ...,
What is the head rotation require...,
What must be linear incision for ...
16  cards
Approaches to the Lateral and Third Ventricles, Decompressive Craniectomies, and Cranioplasty
Which of following approaches to ...,
Which approach is preferred for t...,
What are the parameters for crani...
18  cards
What is the percentage of patient...,
Transoral approach for odontoidec...,
What is the range of motion reduc...
17  cards
Spine—Thoracic and Lumbar
For anterior access to midthoraci...,
Screws for smaller pedicles usual...,
Which of the following is not an ...
18  cards
Miscellaneous Surgical Procedures
What should be the size of spinal...,
To drain subdural collections and...,
Which of following is not conside...
22  cards
Functional Neurosurgery and Stereotactic Neurosurgery
What is the desirable level of pl...,
Which of following is not include...,
If tremor is predominant symptom ...
23  cards
Neurovascular Compression Syndromes
Which of the following vessels is...,
What is the treatment of status t...,
In which of the following trigemi...
20  cards
Pain Procedures
For unilateral pain in head face ...,
The success of cordotomy is known...,
Which of following is considered ...
16  cards
Seizure Surgery
Region of cortex produces interic...,
What surgical procedure is recomm...,
Resection of 6 to 7 cm of tempora...
16  cards
Radiation Therapy (XRT)
Cns tumors that are very radiosen...,
For most metastatic spine tumors ...,
For acute spinal cord paralysis f...
20  cards
Endovascular Neurosurgery
What is evaluation of flow throug...,
Reversal of aspirin can be achiev...,
According to weight based protoco...
19  cards

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Top Score for the Neurosurgery Board Examination (2025)

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