This class was created by Brainscape user Neha Patel. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (95)

BLP - Week 1 Partnerships and LLPs
What are the key business models 1,
Do sole traders and partnerships ...,
Do llps and companies have incorp...
37  cards
BLP - Week 2 Company formation, procedure, decision making
What is the main law governing co...,
What were the two constitutional ...,
What happened to the memorandum u...
28  cards
BLP - Week 3 Rights, Duties and Powers of Directors
What is the role of directors in ...,
How do shareholders differ from d...,
What decisions are reserved for s...
38  cards
BLP - Week 4 Shareholder rights and remedies, procedure for removing directors
What are the key protections and ...,
Examples of article rights 2,
What is the difference between sh...
35  cards
BLP - Week 5 Equity Finance
What is share capital 1,
What do shares represent 2,
What is the most common type of s...
63  cards
BLP - Week 6 Individual Taxation
What are direct taxes 1,
What is an indirect tax 2,
Define income receipts 3
48  cards
BLP - Week 7 Corporation Tax and VAT
What is vat charged on 1,
When is vat registration required 2,
When can vat deregistration occur 3
23  cards
BLP - Week 8 Debt finance and business accounting
What are financial statements 1,
Why are financial statements impo...,
What is the difference between a ...
42  cards
BLP - Week 9 Corporate Insolvency
What is the definition of insolve...,
What should directors do when the...,
List the options available to dir...
60  cards
BLP - Week 9 Voidable transactions and Directors
What are directors personally lia...,
What is fraudulent trading under ...,
Who can be liable for fraudulent ...
30  cards
BLP - Week 10 Personal Insolvency
Blank 1,
What is an iva 2,
How is an iva set up 3
19  cards
DR 1 - Introduction to DR
What are the main civil courts in...,
How many county court hearing cen...,
What type of claims does the coun...
23  cards
DR 2 - Costs
What must a party to litigation c...,
What is the court s jurisdiction ...,
What are solicitor client costs 3
21  cards
DR 3 - Pre-action considerations and ADR
What are the aims of the pre acti...,
What should a defendant do if the...,
What may happen if a party ignore...
28  cards
DR 4 - Commencing and Serving Proceedings
What is required for claims again...,
How are claims brought against a ...,
What is the purpose of listing bo...
41  cards
DR 5 - Responding to Proceedings
What are the defendant s response...,
What is the purpose of acknowledg...,
When must acknowledgment of servi...
38  cards
DR 6 - Statement of Case
Why are statements of case import...,
What are the formatting rules for...,
What is a statement of truth 3
31  cards
DR 7 - Statement of Case II
Blank 1,
Can a counterclaim be brought aga...,
When is a counterclaim not a true...
36  cards
DR 8 - Interim Applications
What is an interim application 1,
When can interim applications be ...,
What are common reasons for inter...
37  cards
DR 9 - Case and Cost Management
What are the court s general case...,
Can the court act on its own init...,
What happens if the court issues ...
32  cards
DR 10 - Disclosure and Inspection
Where does the obligation to give...,
Is there an automatic obligation ...,
When does the court usually order...
35  cards
DR 11 - Witness and expert evidence
What is a witness in legal procee...,
What is an expert witness 2,
What are the three types of admis...
35  cards
DR 12 - Settlement
What is the purpose of part 36 1,
When can a part 36 offer be made 2,
Who can make a part 36 offer 3
25  cards
DR 13 - Trial, enforcement and appeals
What is the purpose of the pre tr...,
When is the pre trial checklist e...,
What happens after filing the pre...
36  cards
DR 14 - Jurisdiction and Conflict of Laws
When does the hague convention ap...,
What are the key criteria for the...,
What happens if the hague convent...
24  cards
WAE 1 - Succession Estate and Intestacy
What is the succession distributi...,
What assets are not included in t...,
What happens to benefits under an...
14  cards
WAE 2 - Will Validity
What are the three main requireme...,
Who can make a will 2,
What is the banks v goodfellow te...
15  cards
WAE 3 - Will drafting
What are the key principles for d...,
What should a commencement clause...,
Why include a revocation clause i...
24  cards
WAE 4 - Wills amendments and revocation
What are the three main ways to a...,
Are alterations to a will valid 2,
What happens if handwritten chang...
20  cards
WAE 5 - Inheritance Tax
What governs inheritance tax iht 1,
What is the nil rate band nrb 2,
Can unused nrb be transferred 3
25  cards
WAE 6 - Tax planning
What is the ramsay principle in t...,
When are loans not deductible for...,
When does grob apply to a gift 3
27  cards
What are the three key conditions...,
What is domicile and how does it ...,
Who are the eligible applicants u...
19  cards
WAE 8 - PR role, powers, duties, liability and protections
What is the difference between an...,
What does the grant of representa...,
When do prs become trustees 3
25  cards
WAE 9 - Grants
Blank 1,
What does a grant of representati...,
When is a grant of probate issued 3
40  cards
WAE 10 - PR unwilling/unable to act
What is the effect of an executor...,
Can a person who has intermeddled...,
What are examples of intermeddling 3
16  cards
WAE 11 - Post-grant practice
What is the prs duty to deliver a...,
What form must be used unless the...,
What are the types of excepted es...
21  cards
WAE 12 - Income Tax, CGT, distribution and estate accounts
What are prs responsible for rega...,
Who pays the deceased s outstandi...,
Is death treated as a disposal fo...
18  cards
CLP 1 - Core principles of Criminal Liability
0  cards
CLP 2 - Summary only, either way and indictable only offences
0  cards
CLP 3 and 4 - Criminal Justice Process Overview and CPR
When can a person be arrested 1,
What governs police conduct durin...,
What happens after a police inves...
46  cards
CLP 6 - Summary Trial overview
Who can sit as the bench in a sum...,
What is the role of the authorise...,
What is the first step in a summa...
13  cards
CLP 7 - Trial in CC
Blank 1,
What does the crown court clerk do 2,
What types of judges sit in crown...
23  cards
CLP 8 - Funding overview
Blank 1,
What is a litigant in person 2,
What must be submitted for a fund...
27  cards
CLP 9 - Police Powers
Under which law is detention with...,
What must police show to lawfully...,
What does the pace check stand for 3
28  cards
CLP 10 - A Suspect's Rights
Who must communicate a suspect s ...,
Are suspect rights continuous 2,
Where are rights and responses re...
25  cards
CLP 11 - Interviews
Blank 1,
What governs police interviews 2,
What must be given before questio...
37  cards
CLP 12 - Commencing Proceedings
Who usually makes charging decisi...,
Who decides charges for indictabl...,
What summary offences can police ...
21  cards
CLP 13 - Bail
What is the difference between ad...,
Who must apply to remand a defend...,
What is the general position rega...
34  cards
CLP 14 - Pre-trial hearings
When are pre trial matters usuall...,
Where are pre trial matters handl...,
Is a pre trial hearing required i...
26  cards
CLP 15 - First hearings
Where do all adult defendants hav...,
What determines the case s next s...,
Is the defendant required to atte...
31  cards
CLP 16 - Disclosure
Blank 1,
What is used material 2,
What is unused material 3
34  cards
CLP 17 - Evidence
What are the main ways to prove a...,
What is judicial notice 2,
What are the types of evidence 3
24  cards
CLP 18 - Hearsay
What is the definition of hearsay...,
How do you determine if a stateme...,
What types of statements are not ...
25  cards
CLP 19 - Witness
What does competence mean in rela...,
Can a defendant be a witness for ...,
When are spouses civil partners c...
22  cards
CLP 20 - Identification Evidence
What case established the main gu...,
What are the two main safeguards ...,
When is a turnbull warning requir...
10  cards
CLP 21 - Character Evidence
How is bad character evidence def...,
What qualifies as misconduct unde...,
What does not count as bad charac...
22  cards
CLP 22 - Pre-trial matters at or post-PTPH
When can evidence applications to...,
What is the purpose of special me...,
What are some common special meas...
14  cards
CLP 23 - Sentencing
What is the sentencing code sente...,
What are the five statutory purpo...,
Once a case is sent to the crown ...
25  cards
CLP 24 - Appeals
What is the slip rule under s142 ...,
Can a conviction be set aside und...,
What are the three ways to challe...
31  cards
CLP 25 - Youths
When must a child or young person...,
What happens if no plea is taken ...,
What is a grave crime for youth c...
11  cards
PP 1 - Introduction to Freehold Transactions
What are a solicitor s aims when ...,
What are a solicitor s aims when ...,
What are a solicitor s aims when ...
22  cards
PP 2 - Title Investigation (Registered Land)
What s the difference between ded...,
What documents are sent by the se...,
What are the three parts of the l...
28  cards
PP 3 - Pre-contract searches and enquiries
What is a report on title 1,
What are the purposes of a report...,
What are typical contents of a re...
29  cards
PP 4 - Exchange of contracts
Why can a buyer s solicitor usual...,
Why do commercial lenders typical...,
What is the purpose of a certific...
29  cards
PP 5 - Completion
What is the purpose of a tr1 form...,
What are key sections of the tr1 ...,
When must the transferee sign the...
26  cards
PP 6 - Post-completion steps
What is sdlt and when must it be ...,
What is ltt and when must it be p...,
When must a charge be registered ...
9  cards
PP 7 - CGT
Blank 1,
When does capital gains tax cgt a...,
What are examples of chargeable d...
11  cards
PP 8 - Grant of lease
What is an assured shorthold tena...,
What is a residential long lease 2,
What is a commercial lease 3
26  cards
PP 9 - Lease structure and content
What does demise refer to in a le...,
Who is responsible for repair in ...,
Who is responsible for repair in ...
22  cards
PP 10 - Alienation
What is alienation in leasehold l...,
What is an assignment 2,
What happens after an assignment 3
30  cards
PP 11 - Business Tenancies
What is security of tenure in bus...,
Which act introduced security of ...,
Why was security of tenure introd...
30  cards
PP 12 - Lease termination and landlord remedies
What is effluxion of time 1,
How does a break clause work 2,
What is a notice to quit 3
35  cards
Contract 1 - Existence/Formation of contract
What are the components that cons...,
What is required for a valid offer 2,
Define a unilateral contract 3
63  cards
Contract 2 - Contract Terms
Blank 1,
What are the contents of a contra...,
What are the three groups into wh...
60  cards
Contract 3 - Causation, Remoteness, Mitigation
Blank 1,
What must the injured party estab...,
What is factual causation 3
19  cards
Contract 4 - Vitiating Elements
What is misrepresentation 1,
What are the elements of an actio...,
What is the test for actionabilit...
77  cards
Contract 5 - Performance is illegal
Blank 1,
What was the traditional approach...,
What were the facts in patel v mi...
7  cards
Contract 6 - Remedies
What is the purpose of damages in...,
What is the expectation interest ...,
What are the three mechanisms for...
45  cards
Tort 1 - Negligence
Blank 1,
Blank 2,
What is the sequence to prove for...
65  cards
Tort 2 - Pure Economic Loss
What are the challenges courts fa...,
What are the types of loss in neg...,
Define pure economic loss 3
31  cards
Tort 3 - Psychiatric Harm
What is psychiatric harm classifi...,
What are the three classification...,
Define an actual victim 3
25  cards
Tort 4 - Defences
Blank 1,
What does volenti non fit injura ...,
What must a defendant show to suc...
22  cards
Tort 5 - Employers' Liability
Blank 1,
What is the primary liability of ...,
How is an employer employee relat...
26  cards
Tort 6 - Vicarious Liability
What is vicarious liability 1,
Is vicarious liability a tort 2,
What type of liability is vicario...
13  cards
Tort 7 - Occupiers' Liability
What are the key legal elements t...,
What duty does an occupier owe un...,
What does ola 1957 apply to 3
21  cards
Tort 8 - Product Liability
Who owes a duty of care in produc...,
How is breach of duty established...,
When is breach harder to prove in...
20  cards
Tort 9 - Nuisance
What is private nuisance 1,
Who can sue for private nuisance 2,
Blank 3
25  cards
Tort 10 - Trespass to land
0  cards
Trusts 1 - Express and Implied Trusts
Blank 1
1  cards
Trusts 2 - Fixed and discretionary trusts, and vested and contingent interests
0  cards
Trusts 3 - Charitable and non-charitable purpose trusts
0  cards
Trusts 4 -Resulting trusts, trusts of family home, proprietary estoppel, recipient and accessory liability
0  cards
Trusts 5 - Fiduciary Duties
0  cards
Trusts 6 - Trustees' duties, powers and liability
0  cards
Trusts 7 - Equitable Remedies
0  cards

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